Friday, May 22, 2020
Energy Drinks The Energy Drink - 1548 Words
Monster Energy Drink Over the years, energy drinks have been a phenomenon. Since 1997, when Red Bull became a sensation, the consumption of energy drinks has been at an all-time high. Currently, the energy drinks is a billion dollar market, with the U.S sales of Red Bull and Monster beverages totaling 4.5 billion dollars in 2016 (Statista, 2017). Other energy drinks in the market include Rock Star, Cocaine, Amp, Full Throttle, and Rip It. Generally, Malinauskas, Aeby, Overton, Carpenter-Aeby, and Barber-Heidal (2007) note, â€Å"A number of energy drinks are designed to give the consumer a â€Å"jolt†of energy provided by the combination of stimulants and â€Å"energy boosters†, including caffeine, herbal extracts such as guarana, ginseng, and ginkgo†¦show more content†¦The sugar content in the energy drink is estimated to range between 21g to 34g per 8 oz. Thirdly, there is taurine. Taurine is one of the most common types of amino acids that are found in the body. It is critica l in the process of regulating the level of water and body minerals. Further, it is essential in supporting the proper development of the brains and the enhancement of athletic performance (Meeusen, 2014). The amount of taurine that is often consumed in the energy drinks is higher than those obtained naturally from the normal diet such as seafood, meat, and milk. Other ingredients that are frequently applied in the production of the Monster energy drink include ginseng and vitamins, especially B, and other additives. Target Audience of the Monster Beverage The main target audience of the energy drink is athletes, male teenagers, and younger adults’ belief of enhanced energy levels, and as a result, more companies develop and market the energy drink to this segment. Too, this is noted by Harris and Munsell (2015) who state that energy drinks are targeted to youth between 18 and 34 years. Also, it is noteworthy to state that athletes form a substantial percentage of the consumers of the drink (Vartanian, Schwartz, Brownell, 2007). In marketing to this segment, there is a belief that the contents of the drinks suit the needs and interest of the athletes due to their capacity to boost performance. Even though the marketing is skewedShow MoreRelatedEnergy Drinks1798 Words  | 8 Pagesquickly it could all slip away. His display of more than 200 energy drinks represents the success he s earned in an industry that s more likely to send intrepid entrepreneurs into bankruptcy than into Donald Trump s tax bracket. About 80 percent of these are gone, he says proudly. Most energy drinks fail in six months. Benedict is the founder, owner and CEO of Greensboro-based Source Beverages, a thriving energy drink company with expected revenues of $2 million this year and distributionRead MoreEnergy Drinks2397 Words  | 10 PagesISLS 4301 - Section 5 Energy Drinks Research By: Maram Balubaid, Rahmah Bukhary, Sara Al Akel, Haifa Al Akel and Basma Salah Energy drinks Energy drinks are drinks that don’t contain alcohol, and often lightly carbonated. They are designed to give the drinker a burst of energy by adding of a number of ingredients, most notably caffeine. They are mostly found in grocery stores, corner stores and gas stations, usually displayed beside the soft drinks, juices and sports drinks. The study, publishedRead MoreSports Drinks And Energy Drinks711 Words  | 3 Pagesadvertisement sports drinks and energy drinks claim they can do it all like weight loss, improve endurance, and develop better concentration. The question posed is do either sports drinks or energy drinks really do what they claim to do, and if so which one works best? First off, sports drinks and energy drinks may overlap however, they are not the same thing. Sports drinks such as Gatorade and PowerAde have been popular with athletes for decades. Historically sports drinks were specifically createdRead MoreEnergy Drinks Essay1231 Words  | 5 Pageshave a substantial lack of energy. Usually people who do not take care of themselves tend to eventually get more tired by mid-day and as their day goes on. A simple solution would be to go to bed earlier and eat better foods. However, our society has become very lazy, obese, and have started to take the easy way out over the years. Instead of eating better and trying to get more sleep, people drink energy drinks as an easy and fast way to get a boost of energy. Energy drinks have been around since theRead MoreThe Problem Of Energy Drinks Essay1300 Words  | 6 Pagesawake. Energy drinks have many untested contents within the drink that aren’t tested or regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, deeming it unsafe for consumption. The FDA needs to test the effects of the combined contents of an energy drink and draft regulations so that the public can make more informed decisions about its consumption. Energy drinks have undeniably meshed into the subculture of any US college campus. College students who consume copious amounts of energy drinks claimRead MoreEffects of Energy Drinks1114 Words  | 5 PagesAre Energy Drinks Safe? Whether it is a long night studying or just not ready for the day, college students choose to drink energy drinks to get full energy. These highly caffeinated drinks come with stimulating names such as Red Bull, Monster, Full Throttle, or Rockstar. Although these drinks are marketed as a healthful stimulant, consumers should be aware of the potential side effects, as they can be very harmful to one’s health. Energy drinks are beverages whose producers advertise thatRead MoreThe Consumption Of Energy Drinks1538 Words  | 7 PagesReality is most Americans have consumed an energy drink or at least know what energy drinks are. Their popularity on the rise energy drinks such as Red Bull and Monster are the hottest-selling component of the beverage industry, but experts in the medical field are warning the population about the possible health hazards they pose and demanding for better regulation. The highest consumers of energy drinks are adolescents and they are mostly likely to abuse the consumption of the beverage. With theRead MoreEnergy Drinks Market1705 Words  | 7 Pageshow the Energy Drink market is segmented according to demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioral variables. The Energy Drink industry which is dominated by Red Bull and V energy drinks is worth 151 million dollars and is growing by 47% per year. Energy drinks is the fastest growing category in the sof t drink market. I have chosen three different companies in this report to analysis which segments they target, Powerade, Red Bull and Coca Cola. Red Bull is the market leader in energy drinksRead MoreThe Market For Energy Drink950 Words  | 4 Pagesfor energy drink has continually been questioned about it health concern. A company can benefit by introducing a healthier option to get energy and have a more active day. When energy drinks first came on the scene they exploded like a new phenomenon, which made consumer feel like new-elevated being. Companies like red bull and rock star brought slogan that increased the energy drinks popularity and made it into a billion dollar industry. With all the scrutiny that has been attacking energy drinksRead MoreEnergy Drinks Market1259 Words  | 6 PagesEnergy Drinks - Red Bull What are energy drinks? Cola and coffee drinks have long been promoted and known as energy drinks - meant to give you a little pick me up, mostly in the form of caffeine and sugar. Jolt Cola in the 80s was one of the early entries in the energy drink market, with double the caffeine of normal colas, it was marketed towards teens and college students as a way to get an energy edge and keep you awake and energized. Their slogan, in fact, was twice the caffeine. Jolt
Sunday, May 17, 2020
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Essay - 2877 Words
John Fitzgerald Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy 35th president of the United States, the youngest person ever to be elected president. He was also the first Roman Catholic president and the first president to be born in the 20th century. Kennedy was assassinated before he completed his third year as president. Therefore his achievements were limited. Nevertheless, his influence was worldwide, and his handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis may have prevented war. Young people especially liked him. No other president was so popular. He brought to the presidency an awareness of the cultural and historical traditions of the United States. Because Kennedy expressed the values of 20th-century America, his presidency was important†¦show more content†¦Another important element of the campaign was the support Kennedy received from blacks in important Northern states, especially Illinois and Pennsylvania. They supported him in part because he and Robert Kennedy had tried to get the release of the civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. King, who had been jailed for taking part in a civil rights demonstration in Georgia, was released soon afterward. The election drew a record 69 million voters to the polls, but Kennedy won by only 113,000 votes. Kennedy was inaugurated on January 20, 1961. In his inaugural address he emphasized America’s revolutionary heritage. 2The same †¦ beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe, Kennedy said. 3Let the word go forth from this time and place to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americansâ€â€born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritageâ€â€and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. Kennedy challenged Americans to assume the burden of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. The words of his address were, 4Ask not what your country can do for youâ€â€ask what you can do for your country. Kennedy sought with considerable success to attract brilliantShow MoreRelatedJOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY Essay2632 Words  | 11 Pagespresident, John F. Kennedy, astonished the nation with his boldness to pledge a better future for not just his country but as well to the world. On this day he took an oath, declared his leadership and ushered the country to do the same. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born into a politically influential Boston family of Irish-Catholics, in Brookline, Massachusetts on May 29, 1917. He was named after his maternal grandfather, John Francis Fitzgerald who was the Boston mayor known as Honey Fitz. John wasRead MoreJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy Essay1555 Words  | 7 PagesJFK John Fitzgerald Kennedy (Jack) was born in Brooklyn Massachusetts on May 29, 1917, to Joseph Kennedy and Rose Fitzgerald, who were the children of Patrick Kennedy and John Fitzgerald (Honey Fitz), whose parents both emigrated from Ireland in 1858. Honey Fitz was governor of Boston and served on the House of Representatives. Both men were influential in politics. Joseph and Rose Kennedy had nine children: Joseph Jr., John, Rosemary, Kathleen, Eunice, Patricia, RobertRead MoreEssay on John Fitzgerald Kennedy1719 Words  | 7 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;On the sunny morning of November 22, 1963 the United States lost a great leader, man, and the 35th president, John F. Kennedy. No one really knows the reasons behind the assassination or who actually killed JFK. JFK was one of the most liked presidents by the people because of his age and his looks. If, on that friday morning, no one had pulled a trigger we may have had a change in our current history. The United States may have never become as involved in the VietnamRead MoreThe Assassination Of John Fitzgerald Kennedy1632 Words  | 7 PagesMorgan Oates Professor Holland United States History II 3 March 2015 The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy, formally known as JFK, was born on May 29th, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. He successfully attended Choate Boarding School and his Alma Mater was Harvard University, After completing his education he decided he wanted to help society somehow. As a result of that, he enlisted in the United States Army the night before World War two began. After his Navy daysRead MoreJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy And Joseph Kennedy1796 Words  | 8 PagesJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy was born to Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy and Joseph Kennedy on May 29th 1917. Jack was born into an Irish Catholic family who resided in Brookline, Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston. His great grandparents had emigrated from Ireland and worked hard to become successful against the prejudice for the Irish. His namesake, his maternal grandfather became the mayor of Boston. Jake was the second oldest in a family of nine children. He grew up in a family that was very wealthy andRead MoreThe Legacy Of John F itzgerald Kennedy1748 Words  | 7 PagesInaugurated in January of 1961, John Fitzgerald Kennedy (or â€Å"JFK†) was the youngest president to ever hold office, as well as the first catholic. Following a heroic tour in the Navy during World War II, with the backing of his father’s immense wealth JFK abandoned a career in journalism to fulfill his deceased brother’s dream of becoming the first catholic president (Freidal and Sidey). After writing two best-selling books and rapidly advancing through political offices, Kennedy ran for president in theRead MoreThe Legacy Of John Fitzgerald Kennedy1839 Words  | 8 Pages â€Å"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future†(Matuz 574). John Fitzgerald Kennedy believed that change is inevitable. It was going to happen not matter what and will affect and alter life, but if one dwells on the past they will miss out on all of the good things chang e will bring you in the future. Which represents JFK’s presidency, he always focused on the conflict in front of him and did what he could to improve the nation. As oneRead MoreJfk, By John Fitzgerald Kennedy832 Words  | 4 Pages On the cold blustery snow covered day of January 20, 1961, John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) participated in the 44th presidential inauguration, when he was sworn in as the 35th President of The United States of America. The inauguration was almost canceled, as a result of the nor’easter, which pummeled the nation’s capital hours before. In order for the inauguration to proceed as planned, The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, thousands of D.C. employees and almost 1,700 boy scouts worked feverously to clearRead MoreJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy Essay2027 Words  | 9 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States. He was the youngest president ever to be elected, the first Roman Catholic president, and the first president to be born in the 20th century. Although, he didnt get the chance to live out his term and possible another one, he changed the entire world. No other president was so popular, especially with the young people. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;John F. Kennedy was born May 29th, 1917, child ofRead MoreThe Assassination Of John Fitzgerald Kennedy873 Words  | 4 PagesThe assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, also known as JFK, is one of the most infamous and tragic events in American history. JFK was one of the United States’ most influential politicians, and in the year 1961 he was appointed to be president. Less than a thousand days later, JFK was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, by gunman Lee Harvey Oswald. JFK was beloved both by many Americans and those abroad, and thus his death came as a terrible shock to many across the globe. JFK was a great and stalwart
Thursday, May 7, 2020
The Influence of Media on Perception of Beauty - 2091 Words
The influence of the media on our perception of female beauty Defining beauty is not without its challenges: look up the definition of beauty in any english dictionary and one will be met with an ambiguous description similar to this: A combination of qualities that pleases the intellect or moral sense (Newman 2010) acknowledges the dilemma in asking what beauty is. She maintains we grope around the edges of the question as if trying to get a toe-hold on a cloud. We know it when we see it, or so we think. Philosophers construct beauty as a moral equation (Newman 2010). Plato once said that what is beautiful is good. Poets reach for the lofty, according to (Newman 2010). Jean Pullman wrote true beauty is how she acts,†¦show more content†¦According to (Kite 2011) images of white women dominate the media, which creates a negative impact on women who are not of a white ethnicity. Celebrities such as Beyonce Knowles and Aiswarya Rai who are successful actresses in their own right, have experienced what is known as the whitewashing of the media (Beauty Redefined 2011). In advertisements and magazine features these women have been subjected to this harmful media representation where their dark skin has been noticeably whitened before publication. See Figure 1 and 2 where you wil l see two photographs of both women, one of before each were whitewashed and one afterwards.The media digitally lighten both the skin and hair colour. The transformation of both women is very disturbing. The actresses are considered beautiful women but when they are respresented as beauty icons in the media, they fit the white ideal – light skin, light-colored hair and lightened eyes (Beauty Redefined 2011). In Killing Us Softly, a documentary made by Jean Killbourne in 2010, Jean confirms this. In it she says that women of colour are considered beautiful only if they fullfill the white ideal that is light skin, hair, eyes and caucasian features (Kilbourne 2010). In Asia beauty is often equated with white skin. In fact it has spawned a lucrative and dangerous industry of skin-bleaching products (Hwang Lynch 2011). According to (Hwang Lynch 2011) theShow MoreRelatedMedia s Influence On The Perception Of Beauty1389 Words  | 6 Pagesdefine beauty? The answer is seemingly yes, though agreement on said definition(s) is an entirely different matter. Some concepts have the luxury of general consensus. Of course, where there is consensus on definition, there will be debate on operationalization. Nothing remains unchallenged. Beauty, however, is in a class of the transient, the ineffable, and the ephemeral. The word is just a word, but the identity ascribed to it is of the mysterious. So how does one begin to define beauty if suchRead MoreThe Influence Of Media Reporting On Society s Perception Of Beauty1730 Words  | 7 PagesIt is evident that over the last decade the media has created an image that is unrealistic and unattainable for teenage girls. As such, based upon a macro perspective, the societal roles, status and expectations of young women have been impacted negatively. This paper will analyze how the combination of media reporting, socioeconomics and sociocultural factors contribute to the development of eating disorders as well as how society s perception of beauty has been distorted. This paper will furtherRead More‚Äà ºMass Media (Television, the Internet, Advertising) Influence Youth Too Much Nowadays.‚Äà ¹ to What Extent Is This True?794 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Mass media (television, the internet, advertising) influence youth too much nowadays.†To what extent is this true? In the recent years, the prevalence of mass media has been undeniable. All over the world, youths have access to mass media through their smartphones, television sets and computers. In such a media-driven world, it is no surprise that mass media has come to play a substantial role in the attitudes and mindsets of youth. To a large extent, mass media does have the power to influenceRead MoreSocietal Standards Of Female Beauty1282 Words  | 6 PagesMedia is something every female and male look to for guidance when it comes to fashion, beauty, and information. â€Å"Magazines and advertisements are used to help women better themselves by giving information and products to make them look and feel better†(Serdar 1). Without magazines and advertisements there wouldn t be an exact focus on beauty standards.. People would have the freedom to choose what they like and what they consider beautiful instead of following the crowd. â€Å"Sociocultural standardsRead MoreThe Culture o f Beauty Essay873 Words  | 4 Pagesmain reason for this is because everyone is an individual with their own perceptions. In addition, another reason is because of the culture they have grown up in and learned to accept. One’s cultural perception has a huge impact on their idea of beauty. Each cultural group has invented their own ideas to reflect their natural idea of beauty. A broad example would be the Eastern and Western ideals of beauty. The Western beauty is described as white, usually tan, thin, large breasts, small waists, andRead MoreImpact Of Advertising On Female Identity Formation1592 Words  | 7 Pagesculture is highly concerned with beauty. From magazine to television advertisements, women are bombarded with images of perfectionâ€â€perfect figure, perfect hair, and perfect skin. Moreover, advertisements sell products that would help improve women’s appearance. The problem with these advertisements is the subjectivity of beauty as a whole. Eve ry individual has his or her own preference and perspective on what it means to be beautiful, but for advertisements beauty is obtaining perfection. One ofRead MoreMedia and Its Effects on Society1437 Words  | 6 PagesMedia and its Effects on Society Media plays a crucial role in our life nowadays. It serves as a bridge that connects people to the world, leading to a global exchange of information and knowledge. Media also offers platform for people to voice their thoughts on political and social issues, providing room for different perspectives. Unquestionably, media affects our life in nearly every ways. With a turn of a magazine page, a tune on a radio, or a flip of a TV channel, media somewhat plays a partRead MoreThe Little Mermaid : A Sociological Idea Essay947 Words  | 4 Pagesgender norms over time. Women, for centuries, are few as the homemakers and often viewed as intelligent. Despite living in the twentieth century with greater equality, one does not need to go far to see how society and media influence our perception of gender. Advertisements in various media persuade its audience to buying their products. However, the means of attracting and persuading the audience can have underlying messages. Even in entertain ment for young girls these underlying messages are prevalentRead MoreMedia Consumption Of Non Western Countries1414 Words  | 6 PagesMedia Consumption in Non-Western Countries The usage of media in Non-Western countries has been spreading as technology and social media have become the focus for most teenagers and young adults. Contrary to the assumption that Western countries are the only nations that have a population obsessed with media, statistics have shown that other developing countries are experiencing a significant increase in advanced technology usage such as using smartphones more frequently along with internet usageRead MoreBeauty Between Beauty And Beauty1140 Words  | 5 PagesBeauty has become a major topic in our society for quite some time. This has led it to become regarded as important and an ongoing issue. Beauty is depicted based on how it is perceived by a certain class, race, and gender. Eventually changing the definition of how beauty is viewed. Beauty however, has become more important to women as majority research focuses on gender difference and the experience of physical attractiveness (Poran 2002). Since the early centuries , there have been numerous attempts
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Society Is Made To Believe That There Are Natural...
Society is made to believe that there are natural distinctions between men and women in other words men and women should act in a certain way according to the material presented in popular magazines. Men are described as being strong and dominant and women are described as being weak and emotional, (Hargreaves, J., 2012). Additionally magazines tell the public that men and women must have different interests, men should be interested in getting drunk and driving cars whereas women should be interested in shopping and wearing makeup, (Jacobson, N.S. and Gottman, J.M., 1998). Despite that it is also clear that these fixed views are not an accurate representation of what males and females are actually like. There is a possibility that†¦show more content†¦Alternatively, individuals are confined to agreeing with the public’s standards and acceptable behaviours. Individuals are unable to speak openly about their sexuality because due to the media the public does not repres ent certain sexualities as the norm, (DeFrancisco, V.P. and Palczewski, C.H., 2007). Both men and women’s lifestyle magazines have shown the public what the perfect male and female is, with men’s magazines representing ‘laddish’ behaviour and women’s magazines promoting feminine behaviour only to be able to please men, therefore excluding other sexualities as they are not seen as the norm and are therefore not important, (BARTOÃ… KOVà , I., 2009). Foucault would argue that these representations of the truth are due to scientific discourse and organisations and are always being advertised in popular magazines and in the â€Å"education system and the flux of economic and political ideologies†, (Fowler, R., 2013). Therefore the debate about where popular magazines tell the truth about magazines involves the discussion of whether magazines present the truth or whether their representation of the truth is constructed, (Weaver, C.K., Motion, J. and Roper, J., 2006). However, feminists would argue that magazines which promote women’s sexuality and represent men as being the dominant sex would become problematic in the long run, (Else-Mitchell, R. andShow MoreRelatedThe Bourgeoisie Essay1503 Words  | 7 Pages             Karl Marx describes â€Å"Society as a whole [as being] more and more [split] up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other-bourgeoisie and proletariat†(Marx 124). As Marx made his distinction between upper class, bourgeoisie, and lower class, proletariats, it is important to keep in mind the societal structure at the time. To understand how classes were created and the disparity between the rich and poor, or, bourgeoisie and proletariat, it is necessaryRead MorePolitical and Economic Liberalism1666 Words  | 7 Pagesindividuals are the foundation of rules and civilization. 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John Austin explained law as ‘something which is man-made and separateRead MoreThe Definition Of Obscenity And Obscenity Laws Constructed From Community Standards1645 Words  | 7 Pagesspeech and press as stated in the Constitution. I want to look at the language and definitions of obscenity created by the Supreme Court and interrupt their effects on society. In this essay, I want to argue that the creation of the definition of obscenity and obscenity laws constructed from community standards can be harmful to society because they can be interrupted in many different ways. First, I would like to define terms of what obscenity means and the differences between obscenity, vulgarityRead MoreThe Correlation Between Two Rivals Traditions Of Economic Thought By Hunt Lautzenheister And The Great Divide1496 Words  | 6 Pagesconforms to the needs and desires of those who procure and use the output. 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Social action has been shown to have an effect on the transformation of a biological individual, although bodies appear to be simply natural - eye colour, body shape, size of feet etc - a deeper context reveals that many social situations and factor s contributeRead MoreThe Case Of Brown V. Board Of Education Of Topeka1694 Words  | 7 Pages In 1954, The United States Supreme Court made a landmark decision with its ruling in the case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. The ruling was a monumental one for multiple reasons. Firstly, it was a major step in the Civil Rights Movement as it ended the legal use of â€Å"separate but equal†facilities, under the ruling that this violated the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. It gave African-Americans access to better schools, and also gave them a greater sense of dignity as theyRead MoreThomas Hobbes And John Locke911 Words  | 4 PagesTwo of the most prominent figures in social contract theory, Thomas Hobbes and John Locke established many of the founding ideals that contemporary Liberalism is based on. While the shared many similar positions, there are some key distinctions to be made between the arguments Hobbes and Locke make in Leviathan a nd Second Treatise of Civil Government, respectively. In this paper I will argue the differences between how each of them viewed the right of the subjects to revolt from the sovereign. ThomasRead MoreThe Distinction Between Natural Law And Legal Positivism Essay1747 Words  | 7 Pagesshall critically deliberate, scrutinize and define the distinction between natural law and legal positivism. I will make distinctions regarding advantages and disadvantages of the definitions of the theories of natural law and legal positivism. By focussing on slavery as an example I will be looking at various theorists and their theories thereby attempting to make sense and find clarity in this regard. Furthermore to understand the aspects of natural law and legal positivism, one has to understand theRead MoreReconciling The Divergence Of The Nature Of Man Between Classic And Modern Thinkers1425 Words  | 6 Pagesframe a major theme within The Republic, a question of the natural tendency of human nature. This question has not only driven the works of Plato, but also of later thinkers including Aristotle and Thomas Hobbes. Each of these authors provides distinct ideas regarding what the authors believe to be the natural state of the human condition. The authors’ beliefs about humanity can best be read in their assessment of what constitutes the natural state of human existence, such as Hobbes’ state of nature
History of 21st February Free Essays
string(31) " is not difficult to describe\." There arc 6,000 to 7,000 spoken languages in the world and half of them arc in danger of extinction. The Interna tional Mother Language Day that is celebrated annually on Feb. 21, after it was declared by UNESCO in November 1999, reminds us of the necessity, mier alia, of protecting these languages from extinction by promoting meir importance. We will write a custom essay sample on History of 21st February or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is important to keep these languages in practice; languages are simply not a random compilation of words but a means of communication, interaction and understanding among different peoples. The language, thus, is one of the mediums that form the socio-oil rural identity of a nation. A Language is more than just a way of sharing our views with the world; it has its own history as welt. The language of a nation can sometimes contribute to the contents of its history Great works of literature as well as the legacy of a nation might bc lost if the language is lost. A language helps create unity among a group  ° people; a persons mother tongue is an important aspect of her/his culture and the identity of who he/she is. Feb. 1,1952 marks an important event in the history leading toward the emergence of Bangladesh, which declared independence on March 26,1971. The Bangla Language Movement, reaching its pinnacle on this very day in 1952, was a political mass uprising in Bangladesh (erstwhile East Pakistan), which demanded mat Bangla – the mother tongue spoken by the majority of the population – should bc recognized as the second official language besides the the n existing state Language that was spoken by only a minority of the population. This would allow the Bangla language to bc taught in schools and used in government affairs. After the partition of India rn 1947 into Pakistan and India, Bangla-speaking people in Bangladesh (erstwhile East Pakistan) made up 44 million of the newly formed Pakistans 69 million people. However, in 1947 at a national education summit a minority language was declared by the then state machinery as the sole state language to bc used in all spheres of life, including media and schools. This Jed to a situation where almost 70 percent of the population that formed the majority and spoke Bangi* were practically required to discard their mother tongue Bangla, which they had used for thousands of wirs. nd learn afresh a completely alien minority language. Students of Dhaka University and other colleges of the city in Bangladesh (erstwhile East Pakistan) organized a general strike on March 11,1948 to protest the exclusion of the Bangla language from official use, including on coins, stamps and in official competitive tests / examinations. Later taking the shape of a popular movement, the protest restated the demand that Bangla be declared an official language of the state. On feb. 1,1952 students of the Dhaka University along with member-, ol the public defied the unconstitutional ban on peaceful protests and organized a protest that resulted in police opening fire and killing a number of students, including Abdus Salam, Rafiq Uddin Ahmed, Abul Barkat and Abdul Jabbar. Resultantly, a massive popular upheaval spread across Bangladesh (erstwhile East Pakistan) as large processions ignored the unconstitutional ban on peaceful protests and condemned the actions of the police. At one stage more than 30,000 people assembled at Curzon Hall of Dhaka University in Dhaka. During the continued protests, police actions led to the death of more people. This prompted Bangla speaking government officials and civil servants from different organizations to boycott government offices and join the procession. The â€Å"All-Party Central Language Action Committee†, supported by the majority of the population, decided to commemorate Feb. 21 as Shahid Dibosh (Martyrs Day). On the first anniversary of the protests, people across Bangladesh (erstwhile East Pakistan) wore black badges in solidarity with the dead and victims of violence Most offices, bank ond educational institutions in Bangladesh (erstwhile East Pakistan) were closed to observe the occasion. Student groups made agreements with educational institutions ond police officials to preserve law and order. However, the state machinery provoked tensions by declaring that those who wanted Bangla to become on official language would be considered an â€Å"enemy of the state. Despite the restrictions to mark the anniversary of the protests, the Bangali population took to the streets. Demonstrations broke out on the night of Feb 21,1954 with various halls of Dhaka University raising black flags in mourning. Several students and protesters were arrested indiscriminately to foil the commemoration. On May 7,1954. the constituent assembly was forced to resolve to grant official status to the Bangla language. Bangla was recognized j the second official language of the state on Feb. 29. 1956. Although the question of official languages was settled by 1956, the Bangai! eople were discriminated against in every sphere of Life. The Bangali community, despite being the overwhelming majority, continued to bc under-represented in the civil and military services, and received a minority of state funding and other government assistance. The demands of these people were overlooked. One demand was that the province of East Pakistan be called Bangladesh (Land of Bangalis), which later contributed into the declaration of Independence of Bangladesh on March 26, 1971 ond culminated in a prolonged bloody â€Å"Liberation War†that saw the emergence of an Independent Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. The struggle to freely use the mother tongue of a majority population of a coun tn once resulted in bloodshed for the people of Bangladesh and contributed significantly to the movement and war of her Independence. However, today it ts a different fight for many people; it is a fight to keep their mother tongue in use so that an important part of their cultures is not lost The writer is a Year 1 student at Taylor College. (The article was written in commemoration of the Language Movement of Bangladesh /International Mother Language Day. ) The Language Movement : Its Political and Cultural Significance Scrajul Islam Choudhury What had happened on the 21st of February in 1952 is not difficult to describe. You read "History of 21st February" in category "Papers" Some lives were lost when police opened fire on agitating students. What the students were agitating for is also well-known. They wanted Bengali to be recognized as one of the two state languages of what was then an undivided Pakistan. But a description like this would be patently superfluous, for it would not describe what had really happened, let alone reflect the feelings that the movement had embodied and roused. The movement of 21st February was not sentimental, but it represented very deep-rooted sentiments. To begin with, the movement did not lose its significance even after an official recognition of Bengali as one of the two state languages. It went ahead, gained in depth and momentum as it went, y and, ultimately, made the emergence of an independent Bangladesh inevitable. But even after we had achieved a state where Bengali is the only and not one of the two state languages the movement has not ceased to be vital. Why? The answer is easy. Bengali has not yet been accorded the place of honour and importance that it deserves. The rate of literacy has not risen above the poor 22 per cent. Of ~th~o e who know the alphabet many do not read books. Some ddb get books, others do not need them. The vast majority of the population has been denied for ages the right to use Bengali. The illiterate person, oftener a women than a man, does not know any other language, but he does not know Bengali either in the literate sense. Those who are well-to-do do not need Bengali. Social and commercial intercourse tends to be more effective when done in English in unspoken opposition to Bengali. The cultural milieu of the sophisticated tends very often to be shorn of the use of Bengali almost to the extent it is sophisticated. International communication is, of course, done in English. Bengali, thus, is not properly used either by the very rich or the very poor, the former shies away voluntarily, the latter has no choice. The middle class uses it, but not in as extensive a manner as could have been expected. We do not print books in large number. Nor are the titles wide ranging. for books are expensive to print and difficult to sell. The problem is rooted in the very socio-political and economic reality of Bangladesh. And it is this reality that invests the language movement of the 21st of February with an enormous significance and meaning. How does one account for the rise of this movement ? Was it due to the wrong decision of any particular person or group? Most obviously not. The movement was as spontaneous as it was inevitable. Despite its later ramifications and complexities the movement was a simple expression of the irreconcilable, indeed ever-increasing, contradiction between the rulers and the ruled. The ruling classes wanted to impose Urdu on the Bengale s with a view to keeping them subjugated for generations to come ~I’he issue was far from linguistic, it was grossly political and economic. The imposition of Urdu was a part, albeit not an easily recognisable part, of the ruthless exploitation of the Begalccs by West Pakistani monopoly capital and civil-military bureaucracy. The language movement brought to the fore what had hitherto, lain undetected inside the deliberately roused sentiments of Pakistani nationalism. The oppressed people of East Bengal had joined the Pakistan movement in the hope of achieving a better standard of living consequent upon the establishment of an independent state. That the hope was unreal was cruelly exposed by the fondly proclaimed arbitrary decision of the rulers to make Urdu the only state language of Pakistan. There was no escaping this fact. Language was, undoubtedly,. the declared issue. But the movement was not for reforming the language, not even for winning recognition for Bengali as one of the state languages, although that was the manifest objective. It was aimed, really, at the emancipation of an oppressed people. The rulers were obliged to recognise the destructive potentiality of the movement. For what was constructivee for the oppressed Bengalees was destructive for the oppressors- – such was the polarity of the situation. Facing the uncompromising reality, the Pakistani rulers had offered terms of a compromise. They did accommodate Bengali as a state language when the question of framing a constitution came to a head, 21st February was declared a public holiday- eventually. A board was set up for the development of Bengali language, But the movement was not to be hoodwinked by such tactics of accommodation. Compromise was impossible. The movement grew and grew, gained in depth and momentum, leading to the establishment of Bangladesh. M uch has been gained and yet much remains to be achieved. As indicated above, universal use of Bengali in Bangladesh remains a distant hope. It does not require much of an analysis to demonstrate that the objective of the language movement can be achieved only in a society which is free from exploition and is, therefore not poor. Poverty is the effect of exploitation, not its cause. Therefore, the movement of the 21st of February must be called a protest against the exploitation of man by man. It raised a determined voice against injustice. For what could be more unjust than the inflicting of a foreign tongue on a population of seventy million, constituting as it did the majority of the population of Pakistan as a whole. Our love for the Bengali language is traditional, it is based on very deep sentiments. But it is impossible to deny that it was not this love alone that had led us to join the language movement in swelling numbers. There was hatred as well. Hatred against injustice, against exploitation. The movement was essentially anti-colonial and anti feudal in character. It was aimed at overthrowing the none-too-hidden system of colonial exploitation sought to be perpetrated by the ruling classes. It was clearly anti-feudal in content inasmuch as it tried to win for the people their inalienable right to use their own language in state affairs. Love and hatred, they say, go together: and indeed they did in this very case, for the depth of hatred was only the obverse of the depth of love and vice versa. The language movement went like magnet over the iron of the suppressed feelings of the people. It provided the people with an outlet to their pent-up emotions against political injustice and social exploitation. It forged a unity which was b_ oth creative and enduring. A section of the police in Dhaka had gone on strike even before 1952. They. had been fired upon. But that firing did not rouse the indignation that the firing of the. 21st of February did. The reason was that the latter firing was not aimed at any particular section of the peope, it was not designed to silence the professional demands of any specific group, its target was the entire Bengali-speaking people of Pakistan, irrespective of political belief or ideological commitment. For it hurt even those who had collaborated with the government. As long as exploitation of the many by the few remains, 21st February is unlikely to lose its significance. How did the movement begin? It began as a students’ movement. – Its centre was the university of Dhaka which was the only university in East Bengal at the time. The potentiality of the movement was unknown to the rulers, it was not known even to many of those who were at its forefront. Perhaps it-would die a natural death- the rulers, it is easy to imagine, had fondly hoped. But all estimates and expectations were belied. Once firing had started the movement spread-wider than a fire, faster than the bullets. It refused to be confined to the university campus; percolating through the railway, steamer and bus stations it reached almost every comer of the province. The public joined in it. The working class struck work, it became a movement against an insult hurled at the existence of a people. The Pakistani pretence became much too big for the mask. A new feeling of nationalism began to grow very rapidly indeed. And ultimately it was this new linguistic and, therefore, essentially secular, democratic and creative nationalism which prevailed over the makeshift nationalism of Pakistan. Pakistanism pretended to be spiritual which spiritualism was, so far as East Bengal was concerned, a cover for material exploitation of the classically crude type. The new awareness made people conscious about their material existence, tearing the veils of false hopes and comforts. Its creativeness was immeasurable. For it had touched and released the youth of the nation. The youth of the country had begun this movement. But it was not a youth movement. It was the youthfulness of a people that it had stirred. The movement’s creative power displayed itself in many, almost all aspects of life. New organisations – social. s- well as political – came into being. A new leadership–uncompromising and courageous-grew up to replace the established one. Politics topkk on a new character, it no longer remained a pastime of the privifegetl few.. In its changed character, politics became a threat to the existing s oc i a l system. Poets wrote busily; composers composed energetically. Flays, novels and short stories have been written on the theme. And it would be impossible to count the souvenirs_ that have been published to celebrate the spirit of the day. But the most precious creation Or the movement did not lie in any of these in isolation. It lay in something that united these diverse areas and manifestations and inspired them from behind. his was nothing more, or less, than a new consciousness. This consciousness is characterised, among other things, Ity an irreconcilable patriotism. True patroitism does not isolate; it unlles, it brings the individual to the community, and identifies collective; well being as the unfailing source of individual welfare. And it i. y this patriotism that the language movement carries with itself, and nourishes as it goes. N c language movement was essentially creative. It not only produced new works of literature, music, painting and drama but also, and more importantly, gave these creations a new content, which was unmistakably secular and democratic in character. The movement was anti-imperialist and anti-feudal; and it was therefore only natural that the cultural works it produced should have a militancy and a sew;e of direction they had not known before. Bengal, let us recall, was divided in 1947 on the basis of the so-called two-nation theory. Communalism was endemic in the very foundation of that partition. The democratic upsurge of February, 1962 stood firmly, atatiinst communalism. Communalism did not die, such monsters die hard, but it became weaker than it was in 1947. What was more significant was that a new path of development was laid open. People came tog`ther; forgetting their communal identity. They fought for a common cause. Then there was the important question of tradition. Pakistani nationalism had expected to survive and gain in strength by Whippin g up emotions around a false sense of tradition which sought to make the Bengalees of East Pakistan feel as if they belonged to the Middle East and not to the land where they, as well as their ancestors, were born and had their being. Ws, in fact, amounted to a ruthless attempt to disinherit them of their tradition. Not only in literature, but in all aspects of life and creativity what was natural and real was sought to be replaced by the unnatural and the unreal. The language movement came as an open challenge to this. Instead of encouraging deracination, it gave-the thinking section of the public a new sense of belonging. The homecoming had begun. It had no parallel in our past history. For the issue of tradition had never before been as clearly defined as it was during that fateful month of February, 1952. Bengalecs of East Pakistan began to take a new pride in their language which, they realized, constituted the very basis of their cultural identity. The creative artists working in all genres looked at life with a realism which gave their creations a nearness to life. They acquired a new awareness of the economic and political reality of the country. As a result, what they produced was significantly different – both in content and form-from what their predecessors had offered. The arts came closer to politics. The fact of economic exploitation of the poor by the rich also found its way into the creative imagination of the artists. For it had become clear that the Bengalecs were an exploited nation, and that their survival ultimately depended on their economic emancipation. A new taste was created, and a new standard of cultural judgement was set up. The movement had not only released the suppressed creative energies of a nation, it had also produced a hunger for more realistic works of art. The language movement represented for the Bengali speaking Pakistanis an entrance into a new area of creativity. The movement of 21st February has done for us another important work. It has drawn, clearly and unmistakably, a line of demarcation between the forces of light and darkness, of progress and reaction. To speak of light first. The light that matters most is the light of economic emancipation of the masses. Needless to say that the light of knowledge remains invaluable. Yet since hunger is the greatest extinguisher of ‘all other lights, no progress in the collective sense can be made without meeting the basic economic needs. And it is this light-the light of economic freedom-that the language movement had promised to the people of Bangladesh. The movement did something more. It distinguished the forces capable of giving life giving light from those which persist in keeping the people submerged in the darkness of poverty and deprivation. The movement was successful in marking out progress from reaction. Progress, it showed, did not mean more material growth; it also meant, and not less importantly, the proper distribution of wealth. Proper distribution is equitable distribution. It does not need much imagination to see that what ails our economic life is inequality. Inequality has maimed the productive power of labour which is our greatest national asset. It has not allowed national creative powers to grow properly. That we are poor is due primarily to this inequality. The language movement identified progress as removal of the factors responsible for the existence of the social gulf. It also showed that progress and reaction cannot achieve a relationship of peaceful co existence, that the antagonism between the two is irreconcilable and would not cease to be operative unless one of the two is completely liquidated. Perhaps it is unnecessary to say on which side the movement of 21st February stood, for its commitment to light against darkness and progress against reaction is total. All these make 21st February significant to us. The nation was not the same after that day, for it had gained a new sensibility, baptised in fire. True, the old order did not change immediately, it normally does not. But it was threatened to its very foundation. And the hope that a new world was not very far continued to grow. How to cite History of 21st February, Papers
radio news Essay Example For Students
radio news Essay Radio News SpeechGood morning, Sioux City. This is Adam Lewis and you are tuned to KLR on this delightful March 3rd for all your news so youll know whats going on. This story coming right out of good old Sioux City. Eleven businesses in a strip mall on Gordon Drive are all wet after a water main burst early Wednesday morning. Water and mud spewed from the break in the main and into businesses at Sioux Citys Gordon plaza. We walked in to open the store, said Beverly Gonzalez, Dollar etc. manager, and there was mud and water all over.Water began leaking overnight from a fire water main beneath this utility building. The first reaction was one of surprise, of course, said Roan Gruis, Little Chicago Deli Manager, The owner got here at four oclock and the water was running out the front and back doors.When the water drained, the stores were left with a quarter-inch of mud to cleanup. Half of the affected businesses reopened by mid-afternoon. Theres no word yet on what caused the water main to break. And now for your State news.. An Urbandale man whose girlfriend called police after she recognized his face in a surveillance photograph was sentenced Friday to 20 years in federal prison for seven bank robberies. Richard Matzke, 58, was arrested in March 2002 as a suspect in more than 24 bank robberies in several states. He was convicted of seven Nebraska heists and was sentenced Friday in Omaha. Several robbery witnesses described a man who roughly fit Matzkes physical description, but none provided authorities with the license number of a getaway car. Matzkes arrest last year came after his fiance tipped off police. Kim Ford called police to say she recognized him in a surveillance photo published in The Des Moines Register from an Illinois robbery in February. Matzkes criminal history includes 11 drunken-driving convictions, a 1993 bank robbery conviction and a decades-old escape charge. We are going to take a short commercial break now, but when we return we will take a look at national news, and then your Sports and weather. Stay tuned. Play CommercialAnd.were back to take a look at some more newsAnd now this disturbing story coming out of Columbus, Ohio. Thats right, and they arent just taking dogs off the streets or from the pounds, their henchmen are stilling pooches right from their own yards. Its an alarming practice, but it makes good business sense, says one expert. Mongrels from the streets are too lean. But Fido from a backyard is almost guaranteed to be fat and healthy. Rumors first began to surface more than two years ago when a rise of dog napping corresponded with a rise of business at a neighborhood Fast Burgers. Similar reports have been made nation wide. Its really out of hand. In some cases, heart broken owners are eating their own dogs, reports one Fast Burgers employee. Sue Longhorn claims that her yellow retriever purebred met with such a fate. One day when I came home from work, buttons wasnt there to greet me. I looked in all the pounds and called all the neighbors. Nobody saw anything. Then I heard reports of similar dog disappearances, and peoples suspicions. Thats when I knew what had happened. This is obviously a nation wide concern, and itll make a lot for this barbaric practice to be stopped. But I believe if we all work together, we can do it, Sue insists. Dogs may not be the only targeted animal. Any domesticated animal is fair game, because they are the healthy fat ones. Businesses will do what they have to do, especially with the price of beef steadily climbing, one expert points out. Does this mean our animals are doomed? Not if you take the proper precautions. Be careful who baby-sits and walks your dog, and be sure your dog is safe in your back yard, Sue instructs. And now lets take a look at your sports for today. .u15fca9bce19b4626c9d715d8fa15a7c7 , .u15fca9bce19b4626c9d715d8fa15a7c7 .postImageUrl , .u15fca9bce19b4626c9d715d8fa15a7c7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u15fca9bce19b4626c9d715d8fa15a7c7 , .u15fca9bce19b4626c9d715d8fa15a7c7:hover , .u15fca9bce19b4626c9d715d8fa15a7c7:visited , .u15fca9bce19b4626c9d715d8fa15a7c7:active { border:0!important; } .u15fca9bce19b4626c9d715d8fa15a7c7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u15fca9bce19b4626c9d715d8fa15a7c7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u15fca9bce19b4626c9d715d8fa15a7c7:active , .u15fca9bce19b4626c9d715d8fa15a7c7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u15fca9bce19b4626c9d715d8fa15a7c7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u15fca9bce19b4626c9d715d8fa15a7c7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u15fca9bce19b4626c9d715d8fa15a7c7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u15fca9bce19b4626c9d715d8fa15a7c7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u15fca9bce19b4626c9d715d8fa15a7c7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u15fca9bce19b4626c9d715d8fa15a7c7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u15fca9bce19b4626c9d715d8fa15a7c7 .u15fca9bce19b4626c9d715d8fa15a7c7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u15fca9bce19b4626c9d715d8fa15a7c7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Homeless Essay Salim Stoudamire scored 18 pts and No. 1 Arizona clinched the PAC. 10 title for the 10th time in coach Lute Olsens 20 year tenure, beating No. 19 Stanford 72-69 on Saturday. Josh Childress had 20 pts and 10 rebounds
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