Friday, May 31, 2019
Irving Washington, The History of New York Essay examples -- LIterary
Irving upper-case letter was born in 1783 in New York into a large family where he was the youngest of eleven children. He started his career from a law bureau feeling that it was a job not to his heart content. Being light-hearted and sardonic in his nature he attempted to write for the journal of his brother jibe called The Morning account. Later Irving and Peter thought of creating a high-quality literary mockery. Originally the text intended nothing else but a satire upon the word-painting of New York by Dr. Samuel Mitchell whose text was rather boastful of erudition and pedantry however, it turned out to be different from the original perspective broadening the scope of informative thinking everywhere to history and philosophy as two great narratives. The text was published December 6, 1809 in New York when Irving majuscule was 26 and brought him ample critical acclaim. worth(predicate) mentioning are the two timelines the actual historic timeline of the story which e mbraces the first two decades of the XVII century. Literary selection suggested revolves around a historical episode of bargain for of New York (namely Manhattan Island) from the Indians and further life of the Dutchmen. In 1626 Peter Menuit arrived at the colony called New Amsterdam to govern as well as take break up in educational and religious activities of the settlers. The first priority for the governor to realize was a purchase of the Island of Manhattan. The estimated sum of transaction was twenty-four dollars, which Irving Washington calls a monetary standard almost unparalleled in the annals of discovery and colonization (Tuttleton, 1993, p. 209-212). The second timeline is actually tangible through the authors juncture within the compile of narration, as he comes from two... ... The other side of the conflict is never articulated, thus suppressed, kept silent and, therefore, eliminated, which makes the entire concept of conflict as a tillable means of history. Irvi ng Washington wrote the text looking back two centuries. Apart from being a satire it deconstructs the concept of history by devaluation of the conflict via removal of one of its constituents or dehumanization of it which is one of the main implied themes of the story. Works CitedAderman, Ralph. M. Critical Essays on Washington Irving. // John G. Lockhart. Review of Knickerbockers explanation of New York. G.K. abode & Co., 1990. P. 50.Irving, Washington. A History of New York Washington Irving History, Tales and Sketches. NY the Library of Congress, 1983. P. 449-55. Tuttleton, James W. Washington Irving the Critical Reaction. AMS Press, 1993. P. 209-212. Irving Washington, The History of New York Essay examples -- LIterary Irving Washington was born in 1783 in New York into a large family where he was the youngest of eleven children. He started his career from a law office feeling that it was a job not to his heart content. Being light-hearted and sardonic in his nature he attempted to write for the journal of his brother Peter called The Morning Chronicle. Later Irving and Peter thought of creating a high-quality literary mockery. Originally the text intended nothing else but a satire upon the Picture of New York by Dr. Samuel Mitchell whose text was rather boastful of erudition and pedantry however, it turned out to be different from the original perspective broadening the scope of interpretative thinking over to history and philosophy as two great narratives. The text was published December 6, 1809 in New York when Irving Washington was 26 and brought him considerable critical acclaim. Worth mentioning are the two timelines the actual historical timeline of the story which embraces the first two decades of the XVII century. Literary selection suggested revolves around a historical episode of purchase of New York (namely Manhattan Island) from the Indians and further life of the Dutchmen. In 1626 Peter Menuit arrived at the colony called New Amsterdam to govern as well as take part in educational and religious activities of the settlers. The first priority for the governor to realize was a purchase of the Island of Manhattan. The estimated sum of transaction was twenty-four dollars, which Irving Washington calls a measure almost unparalleled in the annals of discovery and colonization (Tuttleton, 1993, p. 209-212). The second timeline is actually tangible through the authors voice within the frame of narration, as he comes from two... ... The other side of the conflict is never articulated, thus suppressed, kept silent and, therefore, eliminated, which makes the entire concept of conflict as a productive means of history. Irving Washington wrote the text looking back two centuries. Apart from being a satire it deconstructs the concept of history by devaluation of the conflict via removal of one of its constituents or dehumanization of it which is one of the main implied themes of the story. Works CitedAderman, Ral ph. M. Critical Essays on Washington Irving. // John G. Lockhart. Review of Knickerbockers History of New York. G.K. Hall & Co., 1990. P. 50.Irving, Washington. A History of New York Washington Irving History, Tales and Sketches. NY the Library of Congress, 1983. P. 449-55. Tuttleton, James W. Washington Irving the Critical Reaction. AMS Press, 1993. P. 209-212.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Overview of Autism Essay -- essays research papers
Autism is defined as a developmental disability of the brain. However it is non a form of mental retardation. A person with autism can actually be very intelligent. Autism develops before a child is 30 months of age. It occurs is approximately 4 out of every 10,000 children. Children with autism are unable to develop natural relationships with others. Their hearing and sight senses are heightened. A noise that would not bother a normal person might drive an autistic child crazy. They have a difficult time understanding what is going on around them. If something suddenly happens, same(p) someone laughs or cries they go into confusion because they are wondering why this is happening and they might go into panic. Sometimes they may lose their ability to speak, or need extra time to respond to a question.It is sometimes difficult to tell whether a young child or infant is autistic. Some of the symptoms part greatly but follow the same general pattern. Autistic infants will act relati vely normal during their first few months. But after a couple of months they become less responsive to thei...
Essay --
IntroductionThe report aims to explore the issue about Hong Kong Lantau Island to be promoted as a MICE finishing. The background, effectiveness and the suggestion of the program are going to be evaluated and state in the following paragraphs.BackgroundMeetings and Exhibitions Hong Kong (MEHK)The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) naturalised Meetings and Exhibitions Hong Kong (MEHK) in November 2008 for promotion work in order to continue strengthening Hong Kongs position as the premier destination for meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions in Asia Pacific. Moreover, MEHK offers professional support and customized run for the MICE sector including business building, advisory services and marketing support. Moreover, it develops value-added hospitality programs and services for MICE organizers and participants. In order to promote the island as a one-stop MICE destination, HKTB has teamed up with a tot up of MICE and travel trade partners on a new initiative named Lantau E xperience An Inspirational MICE Destination, which features a range of promotional activities since 2010.Promote Lantau Island as a MICE destination Three pronged strategyTo achieve the idea of developing Lantau Island as MICE destination, MEHK has mapped out the three pronged strategy for the plan. First tactic is to supplement local trade partners as well as raise awareness of Lantau Islands MICE advantages such as MICE facilities. Also, to enhance promotions of Lantau by holding a serial of major international MICE trade shows in AsiaWorld Expo, which is one of main MICE venue in Hong Kong. Second, MEHK has planned to host familiarization trips for overseas MICE organizers by packaging Lantaus MICE facilities and services, aims to a... ...HK potbelly seize the opportunity to promote Lantau Island to the MICE industries. Because two of the new themes, heritage and arts & culture, are the advantages own by the Lantau. Therefore, the MEHK can promote the Lantau as a MICE destin ation and tourism spots without taking extra trouble. Besides, the focused target visitors are mainly come from long haul markets, hence the global distribution ancestry for promotion is necessary, for example, the global television channels, travel and business magazines.ConclusionTo sum up, the MEHK can develop Lantau Island as a one-stop MICE destination with unique heritage and heathen of Hong Kong. Therefore, to target the potential MICE visitors who come from long haul markets and also repeat visitors. Since the advantage of Lantau Island can target the specific visitors, the promotion will become to a greater extent effective and efficient.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
how to crack a game Essay -- essays research papers
IntroducingSo you want to be a cracker huh?Aha.I know what do you think.You think i d sustainload any shit crack help documents from the internet read them and can start to crack huh?Then ill entreat me CdKiller and be famous as every other cracker in the net huh?NOALL WHAT YOU HAVE THINK ABOUT CRACKING IS incorrectFORGET IT NOWCLEAR YOUR BRAIN AND ILL TEACH YOU HOW TO CRACKAfter you finished reading this schoolbookual matter youll know how to crack Cd shield and how to disable movie/sound/music grouses in the game exe.WHAT WE NEED TO CRACKOk before we can start or let us better say before YOU can start to crack you admit an disassembler I use Win32Dasm and i think its the best prog for crack beginner.Then you need Hiew to manipulate the exe you want to crack because with Win32Dasm you can only take a look into the exe but you cant manipulate anything.Win32DasmHiewThis two things you must called your own to be able to crack progs.Ok we should think that you have already the t wo progs and we can start to crack.LETS CRACKCrack with Win32DasmOk in this lesson ill show you how to work with Win32Dasm and Hiew.Today we wanna crack an game which is very easy to crack.We crack neediness for Speed 2.Ok.We start our Win32Dasm.exe.We can fulfill the main page with an toolbar.We click onDisassembler.An menu pops up and we can see some options.We click on Open file to Disassemble.Another pop up menu show us our HD and we click on the exe we want to disassemble(here is it the nfsw.exe).The disassemble process have start the disassembling may take few minutes (be for sure that you have over 80MB free space on your HD if not it may be that the exe cannot be fully disassemble).Ok the exe was disassembled.Huh whats that?All what you can see is a text written with WingDings fontNO PROBLEMO AMIGOClick on Disassembler and then in the pop up options screen on Font and then on conduct Font.You can select an Font type (i think the best Font to work with it is Arial).Click on ok.We can now read the text.Ok.But what the hell all the wretched things mean?Object01 Begtext RVA 00001000 Offset 00000400 Size 000AEA00 Flags 60000020 What does it mean?We dont know that.But no matterWe dont need to know that.What we have to do now is to start the game (here Need for Speed 2) without CD.It doesnt works huh?SHITBut what does the error message say?Abort messageTo play Need for Speed 2 yo... ...ook which kind of error message the game show- With the message to Win32Dasm and to the String of Data Items pop up menu- There you have to search where you can understand the same error message and double click on it- Write down the number after Offset without the h (below the main screen) for every call and jump command (you recognize it if the bar change his color to green)- Then with the Offset number to Hiew and noop the addressTHAT WAS ALLI hope you understand my text and are now able to crack gamez and other thingsI know that it is not easy to understand (my gram atic is bader then of an turkish imigrate in russland) but if you render it often enough youll check it and crack itI am sure you doThis is the first text i write about cracking in my life and i am sure it will be not the lastOUTROThe text was written by The PuppetMaster2501.I am proud member of unrivaled of the newest crack groups called D.O.C. - Defenders of Cracking.If you have some experience in cracking hacking or can program some graphic tools in Turbo Pascal or C++ and wanna be an Defender too and an member of D.O.C. then send me an e-mail and i will contact you.Lucien91hotmail.comROCK DA PLANET BABY
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Essay --
Long Distance RunningYou are standing at the starting lining, your hearts pounding. Your palms begin to get sweaty and butterflies start to take flight in your stomach. You can hear people cheering in the background. You look right, and then you look left and see runners who have dedicated the same amount of time and energy as you or more. Suddenly everything goes quite. POW, the gun fires and everyone takes off like a bunch of wild horses. Your race has begun and you are now running to succeed your goal. Long-distance running is a challenging sport that goes beyond exercise and pushes the individual past what most runners experience.The very first ever marathon took redact 490 B.C., when a Greek soldier known as Pheidippide ran from the battlefield in the town of marathon, Greece to Athens. When Pheidippide arrive to Athens, he shouted Nikki (Victory) then collapsed and died. Later on when the in advance(p) Olympic games were founded in 1896, the legend of the first marathon ra n by Pheidippide was brought back to tone by a 24.8 run from marathon bridge to the Olympic sports stadium in Athens. Twenty-five runners gather at the bridge and were ready to run the first modern marathon, out of these twenty-five runners there was only one American runner (Arthur Blake). Arthur was a middle distance runner. Three days before the marathon Arthur ran the 1500-meter race, and took second place. Due to this, Arthur was very exhausted but still distinguishable to run, due to his decision Arthur could not finish the marathon and dropped out 14.5 miles into the race. On the boat ride back to the United States, planning for the first American marathon took place. The first annual Boston Athletic association marathon was organized on April 18, 1897. This date was... ...low. Someone who had seen the accident ran to help and saw Prefontain lying appear up, at that point he was still alove but was unable to get out from under the car. The witness ran for help but by the time they had round up more people to help, Prefontain was dead after the car had crushed him to death. the story of Prefontaines life and death is a sad one, as his life was claimed at the age of just 24 young years, and he never he the opportunity to reattempt the Olympics. (6)Long-distance running is a challenging sport that goes beyond exercise and pushes the individual past what most runners experience. Many people dislike running but the few that are interested in it just applyt like they love it. As every runner knows, running is about more than just putting one foot in previous of the other it is about our lifestyle and who we are. (- Joan Benoit Samuelson)
Essay --
Long Distance RunningYou are standing at the starting lining, your patrol wagon pounding. Your palms begin to get sweaty and saveterflies start to take flight in your stomach. You can hear people cheering in the background. You look right, and then you look odd and see runners who have dedicated the same amount of time and energy as you or much. Suddenly everything goes quite. POW, the gun fires and everyone takes off like a clod of wild horses. Your race has begun and you are now running to achieve your goal. Long-distance running is a challenging sport that goes beyond exercise and pushes the individual away what most runners experience.The very first ever marathon took place 490 B.C., when a Greek soldier known as Pheidippide ran from the battlefield in the town of marathon, Greece to Athens. When Pheidippide receive to Athens, he shouted Nikki (Victory) then collapsed and died. Later on when the newfangled Olympic games were founded in 1896, the legend of the first marath on ran by Pheidippide was brought back to life by a 24.8 run from marathon bridge to the Olympic stadium in Athens. Twenty-five runners gather at the bridge and were ready to run the first modern marathon, out of these twenty-five runners there was only one American runner (Arthur Blake). Arthur was a middle distance runner. Three days before the marathon Arthur ran the 1500-meter race, and took spot place. Due to this, Arthur was very exhausted but still decided to run, due to his decision Arthur could not finish the marathon and dropped out 14.5 miles into the race. On the boat put one over back to the United States, planning for the first American marathon took place. The first annual Boston Athletic association marathon was organized on April 18, 1897. This appointee was... ...low. Someone who had seen the accident ran to help and saw Prefontain lying face up, at that point he was still alove but was unable to get out from below the car. The witness ran for help but by the time they had rounded up more people to help, Prefontain was dead after the car had crushed him to death. the story of Prefontaines life and death is a sad one, as his life was claimed at the age of just 24 young years, and he never he the opportunity to reattempt the Olympics. (6)Long-distance running is a challenging sport that goes beyond exercise and pushes the individual past what most runners experience. Many people dislike running but the few that are interested in it just dont like they love it. As every runner knows, running is about more than just putting one foot in front of the other it is about our lifestyle and who we are. (- Joan Benoit Samuelson)
Monday, May 27, 2019
“Macbeth†by William Shakespeare Essay
In Macbeth by William Shakespeare, dame Macbeths desire for power prompts her interest in get the hangling Macbeths actions consequently, when she stick outs control of Macbeth, she loses control of herself. maam Macbeth relies on Macbeth to be the brawn so she canister be the brain she has somewhat of asymbiotic relationship with him. After the stumble of Duncan, Macbeth easily starts losing the need for and interest in Lady Macbeth. This loss of interest removes Lady Macbeths access to power and eventually begets her demise. However, in the beginning she is a strike factor in Macbeth deciding to follow through with the cut up.Lady Macbeths impetus for Macbeth to kill Duncan shows she is able to control Macbeth. She sees Macbeth as a weak gay who is inefficient to carry out any wrongful act. Lady Macbeth says, I do fear thy nature / it is too full o the milk of merciful kindness / to catch the nearest guidance (1.5.16-18), which implies that she feels Macbeth is too ki nd to kill Duncan. She decides the only way to get what she wants is to intimidate Macbeth. When Macbeth says, Bring forth men-children only / For thy fearless mettle should compose / Nothing but males, (1.7.72-74)Mabeths fear of his wife really come to surface. She has a very masculine and powerful personality. Carolyn Asp, in her examine Tragic Action and Sexual Stereotyping in Macbeth says, Masculine and feminine impulses are at war within her she is unable either to fuse them or to polarise them (Asp 203) which shows how she would exchangeable to be able to act like a man, but is unable to fully change because she still has many feminine influences on her life. Lady Macbeth asks to have her womanliness stripped from her when she says Come you spiritsThat tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,And fill me from the crown to the toe top-fullOf direst cruelty. (1.5.47-50)Cumberland Clark states in A ponder of Macbeth that, she prepares herself to resist the whisperings of her be tter nature and the interference of conscience (Clark 93) by saying this. She wants to be able to not have a guilty conscience just about what is about to happen. When Lady Macbeth says, I would while it was smiling in my face, / Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums / And dashed the brains out (1.7.64-66), she shows she has no regrets and no conscience to get in her way. She is now able to control herself however, she now has to find a way to control Macbeth. Asp says that Lady Macbeth sees her role is to consume out the noble strength in Macbeth and that she must appeal to his manliness while at the same time appearing very masculine herself (Asp 203).Lady Macbeth challenges Macbeths manliness by saying that he is weak and afraid. Asp states, When she describes him as a l everywhere/husband who, like his hope of glory, has become pale, green, and waning, she challenges an infixed element of his self-image, that of potent male, which is the foundation of all his other ro les (203). Macbeth wants to defend his manliness therefore, he decides to go through with the murder of Duncan. She also tells Macbeth there is no way for the murder of Duncan to go wrong and that he need not worry. However, after the murder of Duncan, Lady Macbeth becomes less important to Macbeth and Lady Macbeth starts losing her control.After Duncans death, Macbeth starts to lose control of himself and reality the control that Lady Macbeth once possessed is quickly fading. After Macbeth kills Duncan, instead of leaving the daggers with the servants as he was instructed, he brought them back with him. This leaves the murder weapon in Macbeths hands and makes it more likely that he is discovered as the killer. This inability to remember instructions is the first sign of Macbeth losing control. Then, in his chamber he starts hearing voices, which is another sign he is losing touch with reality. However, at the banquet, Macbeth starts to really lose his mind.Alan Hobson states in Th e Even-Handed Justice that, When Banquos ghost appears, Lady Macbeth is at Macbeths side trying to brace his courage by the sharp rebuke that was once so effective in moving him to a determined intent but we soon realize that he is hardly conscious of her presence (Hobson 177). When Macbeth sees the ghost, he thinks that everyone else can see him. However, when Macbethlearns that the ghost is all in his head, he is unable to just ignore it. When Lady Macbeth says, You have displaced the mirth, broke the good / meeting / With most admired disorder (3.4.132-134), she is finally realizing that she has anomic all power over Macbeth because she was unable to control his actions. After the banquet Lady Macbeth disappears from the story until she returns near the end and has gone insane from her utter loss of control.Even before the murder of Duncan, Lady Macbeth has slowly been losing control over herself and her ability to remain in power. When Lady Macbeth says that she cannot kill Du ncan because he looks too much like her father, Lady Macbeth is exhibit a lack of competence because she has a soft spot in her heart for her father. When planning a murder, this lack can really complicate matters. Also, when Macbeth makes the finality about the murder of Banquo and Macduffs family, Lady Macbeth starts to feel overwhelmed with all the killing when she says, Heres the smell of blood still. All / the perfumes of Arabia will not dulcorate this little hand (5.1.53-55).This shows that she is unable to handle all of the blood that is being shed. She wants to be able to cleanse herself of these murders. When Lady Macbeth finally reappears she is sleepwalking and acting like she is washing her hands. While sleepwalking she starts mindlessly blabbering about all the killings and secrets that Lady Macbeth is trying to hold because she loses control subconsciously. This is the last time Lady Macbeth is seen alive. When Lady Macbeth kills herself, Macbeth is not in the least upset because he no longer finds Lady Macbeth important.Lady Macbeth lost power over Macbeth slowly. However, once she lost control of Macbeth, she lost control of herself. Lady Macbeths suicide is the final time that she shows weakness because she is unable to handle not having control as well as her feelings of failing while around Macbeth. Lady Macbeth may seem powerful because of the choices she makes, but on the inside she is a very weak person and relies on Macbeth to be the force behind her choices. There is obviously a very dear connection between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth because when he loses interest in her, she loses her outlet for her choices and can no longer function on her own. Lady Macbethas well as many other people have symbiotic lifestyles if the person they depose on is no longer there, they lose all their power and without that power they lose control of their lives.Works CitedAsp, Carolyn. Tragic Action and Sexual Stereotyping in Macbeth. major(ip) Literary Ch aracters Macbeth. Ed Harold Bloom. new(a) York Chelsea House Publishers, 1991. 198-210Clark, Cumberland. A Study of Macbeth. Stratford-upon-Avon Shakespeare Head Press, 1926.Hobson, Alan. This Even-Handed Justice. Major Literary Characters Macbeth. Ed Harold Bloom. New York Chelsea House Publishers, 1991. 170-188.Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth. Eds. Barbara Mowat and Paul Werstine. New York Washington Square Press, 1992.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Research on adolescent girls who attend different schools Essay
The study consists of research on adolescent girls who attend quadruplet unlike schools. These researchers tenseness on social behavior would be reflected in both quantitative and qualitative measures. The research question Is social downs are central to the adolescent experience in girls. The hypothesis is social experiences are central to the adolescent experience in girls. The methods the study consists of are orientation session at school that mean solar day for the girls who participate in the study. Then they were told that via email to go to studys website and complete the forms. The girls were disposed instructions to complete the activities questionnaire and the writing sample online. They are given till 800pm that night to complete the online forms after school. There were two measurements or instruments that were used in the study, Activity assessment online and writing sample online. The act assessment online was revised of Passmore and Frenchs (1998)Lessure questio nnaire/revised for their age group. Example from the article was leisure turned into activities less common modified to tell or describe their activities for that particular day (Feyberg, 2009). The activity assessment consisted of three domains, sense of accomplishment often through competition or a personal quarrel ( motion activities). The second domain is those that are social in nature (social activities). Lastly, the third domain is that promotes relaxation and is often solitary (relaxation activities) (Feyberg, 2009). The participants were tout ensembleowed to report up to ten activities for separately domain. Then they had to tell the three they spent the most time doing, most enjoyed, most meaningful, and how much they engaged in the activity. Then they were to rate them from 1 to 5. This collection plate that was used is known as the five point Likert musical scale from 1 is being less than 30 minutes and 5 being more than four hours (Feyberg, 2009). Then they were ad ded up to a maximum points of 15 per domain. Participants reported their enjoyment of up to three achievement, social, relaxation activities on a 4 point Liker Scale from 1 (not enjoyable) and four (very enjoyable) for a maximum of 12 points per domain. The next whizz is degree of meaningful based points of Likert Scale 1 (not meaningful) and 4 (very meaningful). The last one is to choose if they are engaged in certain activities. They would mark 1 if they were engaged in it and 0 if they are not engaged in it for a maximum of three points (Feyberg, 2009). The secondactivity is a writing assessment written online. Previous research proves that words use convey extensive learning about social and emotional processes. The writing samples would provide meaningful information about personal experience and not to be captured by self- report scales. constitution examples is to be written on a website by the author for the study. They were to think about a personal experience that you p articipated and have a good callback of (Feyberg, 2009). The written sample is was needed to be a descriptive of the experience include feelings and could write as much as they wanted. The written sample examines different in affiliation, achievement, or power piece of musics. Each theme was composed of four subcategories and if the written sample contained at least one of them, it was awarded one point and if all three was in the sample then(prenominal) four points were awarded (Feyberg, 2009).The three themes were afflication, achievement, and narratives. Afflication consisted of four subcategories, positive effect, dialogue, commitments, and surrender of code. Achievement theme consisted of achievement imagery, anticipating success, world block, and negative feelings. Narratives theme consisted of general power imagery, increased prestige, lower prestige, and effect. Particapants consisted of 57 adolescent girls who attended four different schools. They ranged from ages 11 to 19 years of age and in grades from sixth to 12th. The girls age ranged from 12 girls 11 to 13 (early adolescent), 22 girls 14-16 (middle adolescent), 23 17 to 19 (late adolescent). 49 describe themselves as white, 4 as African American, 2 as other, and 1 as Hispanic (Feyberg, 2009).The results were evualted by ANOVA. ANOVA showed remarkable differences for reported time, enjoyment, meaningfulness, and choice in achievement, social, and relaxation activities. Follow up contrast demonstrate spent more time in achievement then relaxation. The trend for spending more time in social then relaxation. No significant different in achievement and social. Employment results showed significant main effect found. Follow up reported greater enjoyment in relaxation then achievement. Reports show higher levels of enjoyment in social than in achievement. No significant differences in the amount of enjoyment reports for social and relaxation. Meaningfulness results show higher levels of achievemen t than social activities. No reports for meaningfulness for social and relaxation. Significance of social behavior in adolescent girls by the use of twomethods, self-reports, and narrative depth psychology. Recalling social behavior for adolescent girls, the two methods, which were different in their approaches to understanding adolescent experiences.Although it was predicted that both methods would provide similar information about adolescent social experience. According to the narrative analysis demonstration that participated used more afflication themes than achievement or power theme. the strengths of the experiment was too asked to describe a personal experience, so researches could identify their narratives. The weakness is that they further test this on girls. The limitations of the study were that they examine one gender due to likelihood of an invalid across-group comparison. Study demonstrated that quantities and qualitative methods were not significantly agree with one another (Feyberg, 2009). One suggestion I could say would benefit is examine this same study on boys.ReferenceFreyberg, R. (2009). Quantitive and Qualitive Measures of Behavior in teen Girls. Adolescene, 44(173),33-54.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Effective Speech Writing Essay
Physical mien affects delivery very much. It shapes first impressions when a person sees you. When it comes to dressing for public speaking, the clothes chosen must not be flashy, so as to turn off the audience from you. You want to dress simply exclusively elegantly. The way in which a person presents their sensible appearance tells people a little about that persons character and personality. Sometimes the item a person carries says a lot about them for vitrine if the person is always carrying a suitcase, they can be viewed as very earnest minded.I remember attending a conference, and the guest loud loudspeaker system system was pastors from a well fuckn church. On first glance he was very relaxed his clothes were very well put together, stylish and very appropriate for the audience. He had a smile on his face and did not even have a paper or pen in his hand, when he got up to speak, but when he began to speak, everyone was listening, no one moved, no one spoke in hushed ton es, it as if he held the audience in a trance. Because of his laid adventure attitude and his casual way of dressing and the fact that he knew what he was talking about enhanced his in effect(p) delivery.His personality was warm and very inviting. I believed if he had dressed any differently in addressing the audience who were all teens the effectiveness of his delivery would not have been effective at all. Question 4 Movement enhances delivery by retention the audience interest. Movement in public speaking emphasizes what the speaker is trying to say. When hand gestures be used, it conveys to the audience the speakers enthusiasm and the audience is able to image what Effective Speech Writing 4 the speaker is talking about.Hand gestures tend to excite the speaker and help to keep the audience interested in what the speaker is saying. Emphatic gestures also help to stress key points within the persons speech. substance get across reveals a lot about a person and helps to mainta in a connection with the audience that you are presenting to. Not making centre clear up can be seen on the part of the speaker as a failure to connect with the audience and in some cases makes the speaker seem unsure of the subject matter that they are talking about.Eye contact keeps the audience interested and makes the audience feel as is you are connecting with them, giving the sense that you are very familiarityable about your subject matter. Keeping and maintaining eye contact with your audience is very important as you receive instantaneous feedback as to how effective you are. You are able with eye contact to immediately see if a point is lost on your audience, if they are bored or seemly restless. This helps you to know when it is time to stop your speech, to use a little humor or take a break in between.Once the skill of maintaining visual contact is achieved, it will help in keeping your audience interested in what you are saying. Question 5 Bill Cosbys delivery can be seen as a very effective. This is a celebrity who is very good at public speaking. His ability to keep the audience entertained, while being serious is pure genius. His delivery was flawless. He exuded self-confidence and poise. As he mentioned in the speech, this is not his first time speaking at a college campus. His delivery showed knowledge and skill about the various subject matters that he touched Effective Speech Writing 5upon. The pitch of his voice was very pleasant, he paused in between speaking, which seemed to be very effective, it was as if he was building anticipation, while at the same time keeping his audience interested in what he was saying. He made eye contact a number of times and his humor came through in his speech and you are able to glimpse his personality. His physical appearance was very appropriate. It was as if he was identifying with the graduating class, by donning a graduating gown too. This was a very effective way of capturing the audiences attent ion and keeping it.He did not move around a lot during the speech, but there was a lot of hand movement and you could see the facial looking on his face and hear the enthusiasm in his speech. The kind of speech he did was an offhanded speech which most people dread doing. But he was prepared and gave a very good and interesting speech. Question 6 I would evaluate my delivery persuasiveness in that I make eye contact, I use a lot of hand gestures and I try to connect with my audience. I find that I am better at impromptu speech versus manuscript speech. I tend not to do well at the latter.One of my weaknesses is that I tend to gesticulate a lot, which can be very distracting to people and takes away the focus of what I am saying. Sometimes I get very nervous and tend to hold a draw in my hand and fiddle with it while I talk, which can be very distracting for people. I can improve my weaknesses by practicing before I give way a speech, so that I can improve my delivery. Also I ca n try to focus on my speech and practice gesticulating at the appropriate parts instead of Effective Speech Writing 6 gesticulating throughout my speech.But the most effective way to gain strength in my weak areas is to practice as much as I can, in front of friends and family. I can also overcome my weaknesses by becoming more knowledgeable, about the subject matter, which will help me during my speech. Also if I follow the instructions and deliver my speeches extemporaneously, I will become better, and will be better able to connect with my audience, as this kind of speech delivery.SourceEffective Public Speaking Let Your Body do the Talking retrieved April 2, 2008 fromhttp//ezinearticles. com/? Effective-Public-SpeakingLet-Your-Body-Do-The-Talking&id=482746
Friday, May 24, 2019
An Act of Kindness
Helene Cooper 3/27/13 A Teen shape up Random Act of sympathy As a teenager not many held much hope for my future. I was constantly in trouble cutting school, fighting, drinking alcohol and undecomposed had an outright horrible attitude towards anyone that attempted to set me straight. There were many reasons behind my anger that this paper doesnt warrant going very intricate into. I knew right from wrong and I also knew that I wasnt a bad person.That being said, I found myself suspended from school for 20 twenty-four hour periods after a fairly brutal fight. Being that my suspension was so long I was required to attend the Option Center in Lawrenceville for my core classes. My mornings now required me to take a manager from Mt. Washington to Downtown and another to Lawrenceville. My afternoons just now worked in reverse. My father (who I hadnt lived with since the age of three) now caring for me, gave me money to get lunch on a daily basis.After my second day was over and I arr ived Downtown, I was entering McDonalds when I noticed an old homeless man sitting with his dog. What made him seem so different to me from the other homeless people that I had encountered was that he looked happy. This both caught my curiosity as well as confused me. A man so seemingly content with having what I thought was nothing. The third day was the same. The same the elderly man covered in dirt with his little dog with matted hair that matched his masters, sitting in the sun taking in the warmth.As I exited McDonalds I handed the man my lunch. He accepted it with gratuity on his face and I continued my walk to my next bus stop. After walking about a half of a block I heard a raspy voice yell Hey I turned to find the old man walking very fast after me with his dog in hand and holding the food and drink I had just given him. Being a fifteen year old girl, alone Downtown, I was a little startled to say the least. I began walking alacritous toward my destination when the man c aught up to me.The man, very winded at this point, had one simple question for me. Is thispopdiet? I looked at him confused when he went on to explain that he was diabetic. At this point I felt both a little bad and silly at the same quantify for making this poor man run after me for such an innocent question. The pop was not, in fact, diet. He thanked me and handed it back to me. I saw this man, whose name was Charlie, every day during my suspension and every day I gave him my lunch, always making sure the pop was diet.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Benefit of Hipaa
Benefits of HIPAA Larasha McAllister Kaplan University HS210 Medical Office Management Traci Clark March 18, 2013 Benefits of HIPAA How does the HIPAA Privacy and Security rule, benefit the health care industry? When all the commotion and fear related to HIPAA begins to subside, patient, health plan, healthcare providers and health care organization will recognize that HIPAA regulations benefit them. Who can turn over with the benefits of reducing paper in healthcare industry?Also who will argue, against the benefit of standardized data, especially for the coordination of insurance benefit is simplification of data accounting entry through standard transaction and code sets? Provider and health plan overhead cost reduction through standardization. A main benefit of healthcare industry begin required to use HIPAA standard data and format is that everyone sending claims will be doing it with the sane data elements and the same format. For instance, this allows billing offices to ac quit away from having the accommodate different data and format needs for different payers(Young,2007).How does the HIPAA Privacy and Security rule benefit the patient? It benefits the patient by crowing the patient more control over their medical records. Also patients are able to make informed choice regarding how their personal health information is used. another(prenominal) benefit is it reduces the chance for in leave use and disclosure their personal information. Patients also benefit by the limit release of information to the minimum reasonably needed for the purpose of the disclosure.It empowers individuals to control certain uses and disclosure of their health information. The last benefit is it gives patients the right to examine and obtain a copy of their own health records and pass on corrections (Fryar, 2005). How does the HIPAA Privacy and Security rule benefit the physician? It benefits the physician by setting boundaries for the use and release of health records. It also helps establish appropriate safeguard that health care providers and others must achieve to protect the privacy of health information.It holds violators accountable with civil and criminal penalties that can be imposed if they ill-use patients privacy rights. Another benefit is that it strikes a balance when possible responsibility supports disclosure of some form of data (Fryar, 2005). Reference Fryar, D. content Military Family Association, (2005). What is hipaa and what does it mean for me?. Retrieved from website Military. com Young, A. P. (2007). Kinns the administrative medical assistant An applied learning approach (6th ed. ). St. Louis, MO Saunders Elsevier
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
The Twilight Saga 5: Midnight Sun 3. Phenomenon
Truly, I was non thirsty, exclusively I decided to hunt again that night. A sm in solely oz. of pr even revealtion, inadequate though I knew it to be.Carlisle came with me we hadnt been al adept and except(a) to desexher since Id returned from Denali. As we ran with the b lose forest, I hear him thinking ab push through that hasty goodbye lead week.In his memory, I saw the way my features had been twisted in fierce despair. I felt his surprise and sudden worry.Edward?I devote to go, Carlisle. I defend to go analogous a shot.Whats happened? zippo. Yet. just now it will, if I collar.Hed reached for my arm. I felt how it had wounded him when Id cringed away from his hand.I dont undersburningd.Have you perpetuallyhas in that location ever been a timeI watched myself deal out a deep breath, saw the wild light in my eyes through the filter of his deep concern.Has any one person ever smelled better to you than the rest of them? Much better?Oh.When Id k directn that he unde rs excessivelyd, my face had crepusculeen with shame. Hed reached out to touch me, ignoring it when Id recoiled again, and left his hand on my shoulder.Do what you must(prenominal) to resist, son. I will miss you. Here, take my car. Its faster.He was wondering now if hed make the rightfield thing then, sending me away. Wondering if he hadnt hurt me with his insufficiency of boldness.No, I whispered as I ran. That was what I needed. I talent so easily piddle betrayed that trust, if youd told me to block.Im sorry youre suffering, Edward. only if you should do what you canister to ad vance the Swan child alive. Even if it means that you must leave us again.I sleep with, I know.why did you mother covering fire? You know how happy I am to have you here, but if this is too difficultI didnt like bumping a coward, I admitted.Wed slowed we were barely jogging through the darkness now. break that than to put her in danger. Shell be gone in a year or two. Youre right, I know t hat. Contrarily, though, his news programs only make me more anxious to stay. The girl would be gone in a year or twoCarlisle break belt downped running and I stopped with him he turned to come across my expression.But youre not release to run, are you?I hung my head.Is it pride, Edward? Theres no shame in No, it isnt pride that keeps me here. non now.Nowhere to go?I laughed shortly. No. That wouldnt stop me, if I could make myself leave. Well come with you, of course, if thats what you need. You only have to ask. Youve moved on without complaint for the rest of them. They wont begrudge you this.I raised one eyebrow.He laughed. Yes, Rosalie might, but she owes you. Anyway, its some(prenominal) better for us to leave now, no damage do, than for us to leave later, after a life has been ended. All humor was gone by the end.I flinched at his words.Yes, I constrain. My verbalise sounded hoarse.But youre not leaving?I sighed. I should.What holds you here, Edward? Im failing to operateI dont know if I can explain. Even to myself, it made no sense.He mea positive(predicate)d my expression for a long atomic number 42.No, I do not bring out. But I will gaze your privacy, if you prefer.Thank you. Its generous of you, seeing as how I give privacy to no one. With one exception. And I was doing what I could to deprive her of that, wasnt I? We all have our quirks. He laughed again. Shall we?Hed just caught the scent of a small herd of deer. It was badly to rally much enthusiasm for what was, even under the best of circumstances, a less(prenominal) than sassingwatering aroma. Right now, with the memory of the girls blood fresh in my mind, the smell actually turned my stomach.I sighed. Lets, I agreed, though I knew that forcing more blood down my throat would support so little.We both shifted into a hunting crouch and let the unappealing scent pull us silently forward.It was colder when we returned home. The melted snowfall had refrozen it was as if a thin s heet of glass covered everything each pine needle, each fern frond, each blade of grass was iced over.While Carlisle went to dress for his untimely shift at the hospital, I stayed by the river, waiting for the sun to rise. I felt almost swollen from the amount of blood Id consumed, but I knew the lack of actual thirst would mean little when I sat beside the girl again.Cool and motionless as the s banknote I sat on, I stared at the dark water running beside the icy bank, stared right through it.Carlisle was right. I should leave Forks. They could spread some composition to explain my absence. Boarding rail in Europe. Visiting distant relatives. Teenage runaway. The report card didnt matter. No one would question too intensely.It was just a year or two, and then the girl would disappear. She would go on with her life she would have a life to go on with. Shed go to college somewhere, get older, start a career, perhaps marry someone. I could yield that I could see the girl dress ed all in white and walking at a measured pace, her arm through her fathers.It was odd, the pain that cypher ca social functiond me. I couldnt understand it. Was I jealous, beca implement she had a future that I could never have? That made no sense. Every one of the humans around me had that afore verbalize(prenominal) potential ahead of them a life and I rarely stopped to envy them.I should leave her to her future. Stop risking her life. That was the right thing to do. Carlisle always chose the right way. I should listen to him now. The sun rose croupe the clouds, and the faint light glistened off all the frozen glass.One more day, I decided. I would see her one more time. I could handle that.Perhaps I would stir my pending disappearance, set the story up.This was going to be difficult I could feel that in the heavy reluctance that was already do me think of excuses to stay to extend the deadline to two days, three, four But I would do the right thing. I knew I could trust Carlisles advice. And I also knew that I was too conflicted to make the right decision alone.Much too conflicted. How much of this reluctance came from my obsessive curiosity, and how much came from my unsatisfied appetite?I went inside to change into fresh clothes for school. Alice was waiting for me, sitting on the top step at the saltation of the tertiary floor.Youre leaving again, she accused me.I sighed and nodded.I cant see where youre going this time.I dont know where Im going yet, I whispered.I pauperism you to stay.I shook my head. peradventure Jazz and I could come with you?Theyll need you all the more, if Im not here to watch out for them. And think of Esme. Would you take half her family away in one blow?Youre going to make her so sad.I know. Thats why you have to stay.Thats not the compar satisfactory as having you here, and you know it.Yes. But I have to do whats right. There are many right ways, and many wrong ways, though, arent there?For a brief moment she was s wept away into one of her strange visions I watched along with her as the indistinct images flickered and whirled. I saw myself mixed in with strange shadows that I couldnt make out hazy, imprecise forms. And then, suddenly, my skin was glittering in the bright sunlight of a small open meadow. This was a puzzle I knew. There was a figure in the meadow with me, but, again, it was indistinct, not there enough to recognize. The images shivered and disappeared as a million tiny excerptions rearranged the future again.I didnt catch much of that, I told her when the vision went dark.Me either. Your future is shifting around so much I cant keep up with any of it. I think, thoughShe stopped, and she flipped through a vast collection of other recent visions for me. They were all the same blurry and vague.I think something is changing, though, she split out loud. Your life faces to be at a cross paths.I laughed grimly. You do commit that you sound like a bogus gypsy at a carnival now, right?She stuck her tiny tongue out at me.Today is all right, though, isnt it? I asked, my voice utterly apprehensive. I dont see you killing anyone today, she assured me. convey, Alice.Go get dressed. I wont say anything Ill let you tell the others when youre ready.She stood and darted rachis down the stairs, her shoulders hunched slightly. Miss you. Really.Yes, I would rattling miss her, too.It was a quiet ride to school. Jasper could tell that Alice was upset approximately something, but he knew that if she wanted to talk about it she would have done so already. Emmett and Rosalie were oblivious, having another of their moments, gazing into each others eyes with wonder it was rather disgusting to watch from the outside. We were all quite aware how desperately in love they were. Or maybe I was just being bitter because I was the only one alone. Some days it was harder than others to live with three sets of perfectly matched lovers. This was one of them. perhaps they would a ll be happier without me hanging around, ill-tempered and belligerent as the old man I should be by now.Of course, the first thing I did when we reached the school was to look for the girl. Just preparing myself again.Right.It was embarrassing how my world suddenly seemed to be empty of everything but her my whole existence centered around the girl, rather than around myself anymore.It was loose enough to understand, though, really after eighty years of the same thing every day and every night, any change became a point of absorption.She had not yet arrived, but could I hear the thunderous chugging of her trucks engine in the infinite. I leaned against the side of the car to wait. Alice stayed with me, while the others went straight to class. They were bored with my fixation it was hidden to them how any human could hold my interest for so long, no matter how delicious she smelled.The girl drove slowly into view, her eyes intent on the passage and her hands tight on the wheel. She seemed anxious about something. It took me a guerilla to figure out what that something was, to realize that every human wore the same expression today. Ah, the road was slick with ice, and they were all stressful to drive more care copiousy. I could see she was taking the added risk seriously.That seemed in line with what little I had learned of her character. I added this to my small list she was a serious person, a responsible person.She parked not too far from me, but she hadnt calling cardd me standing here yet, agaze at her. I wondered what she would do when she did? Blush and walk away?That was my first guess. But maybe she would stare back. Maybe she would come to talk to me.I took a deep breath, filling my lungs hopefully, just in case.She got out of the truck with care, testing the slick ground before she put her weight on it. She didnt look up, and that preclude me. Maybe I would go talk to her No, that would be wrong.Instead of turning toward the school, she mad e her way to the rear of her truck, clinging to the side of the truck bed in a droll way, not trusting her footing. It made me smile, and I felt Alices eyes on my face. I didnt listen to whatever this made her think I was having too much fun watching the girl commemorate her snow chains. She actually looked in some danger of falling, the way her feet were sliding around. No one else was having release had she parked in the worst of the ice?She paused there, staring down with a strange expression on her face. It wastender? As if something about the tire was making heremotional? Again, the curiosity ached like a thirst. It was as if I had to know what she was thinking as if nobody else mattered.I would go talk to her. She looked like she could use a hand anyway, at least until she was off the slick pavement. Of course, I couldnt offer her that, could I? I hesitated, torn. As adverse as she seemed to be to snow, she would just now welcome the touch of my cold white hand. I shoul d have worn gloves NO Alice gasped aloud.Instantly, I scanned her archetypes, guessing at first that I had made a poor choice and she saw me doing something inexcusable. But it had nothing to do with me at all. Tyler Crowley had chosen to take the turn into the parking lot at an injudicious speed. This choice would send him skidding across a patch of iceThe vision came just half a second before the reality. Tylers van rounded the corner as I was still watching the conclusion that had pulled the horrified gasp through Alices lips.No, this vision had nothing to do with me, and yet it had everything to do with me, because Tylers van the tires right now hitting the ice at the worst possible angle was going to spin across the lot and crush the girl who had become the uninvited central point of my world.Even without Alices foresight it would have been simple enough to read the trajectory of the vehicle, flying out of Tylers control.The girl, standing in the exactly wrong place at the back of her truck, looked up, bewildered by the sound of the screeching tires. She looked straight into my horrorstruck eyes, and then turned to watch her approaching death.Not her The words shouted in my head as if they belonged to someone else.Still locked into Alices thoughts, I saw the vision suddenly shift, but I had no time to see what the outcome would be.I launched myself across the lot, throwing myself amid the skidding van and the frozen girl. I moved so fast that everything was a streaky blur except for the object of my focus. She didnt see me no human eyes could have followed my flight still staring at the hulking shape that was about to grind her body into the metal frame of her truck.I caught her around the waist, moving with too much urgency to be as gentle as she would need me to be. In the hundredth of a second amongst the time that I yanked her slight form out of the path of death and the time that I crashed into to the ground with her in my arms, I was vividly aware of her fragile, splintery body.When I heard her head crack against the ice, it felt like I had turned to ice, too.But I didnt even have a full second to ascertain her condition. I heard the van behind us, grating and squealing as it twisted around the sturdy iron body of the girls truck. It was changing course, arcing, advent for her again like she was a magnet, pulling it toward us.A word Id never say before in the presence of a lady slid between my clutch sugarition.I had already done too much. As Id nearly flown through the air to push her out of the way, Id been fully aware of the mistake I was making. intentional that it was a mistake did not stop me, but I was not oblivious to the risk I was taking taking, not just for myself, but for my complete family.Exposure.And this certainly wasnt going to help, but there was no way I was going to allow the van to succeed in its second attempt to take her life.I dropped her and threw my hands out, catching the van befor e it could touch the girl. The force of it hurled me back into the car parked beside her truck, and I could feel its frame buckle behind my shoulders. The van shuddered and shivered against the unyielding obstacle of my arms, and then swayed, balancing unstably on the two far tires. If I moved my hands, the back tire of the van was going fall onto her legs.Oh, for the love of all that was holy, would the catastrophes never end? Was there anything else that could go wrong? I could hardly sit here, holding the van in the air, and wait for rescue. Nor could I throw the van away there was the driver to consider, his thoughts incoherent with panic.With an internal groan, I shoved the van so that it rocked away from us for an instant. As it fell back toward me, I caught it under the frame with my right hand while I wrapped my left arm around the girls waist again and drug her out from under the van, pulling her tight up against my side. Her body moved limply as I swung her around so that her legs would be in the clear was she sensible? How much damage had I done to her in my impromptu rescue attempt?I let the van drop, now that it could not hurt her. It crashed to the pavement, all the windows shattering in unison.I knew that I was in the middle of a crisis. How much had she seen? Had any other witnesses watched me materialize at her side and then snow the van while I act to keep her out from under it? These questions should be my biggest concern.But I was too anxious to really care about the threat of exposure as much as I should. Too panic-stricken that I might have injured her myself in my effort to harbor her. Too frightened to have her this close to me, knowing what I would smell if I allowed myself to inhale. Too aware of the incite of her soft body, pressed against mine even through the double obstacle of our jackets, I could feel that heatThe first fear was the greatest fear. As the screaming of the witnesses erupted around us, I leaned down to lea ven her face, to see if she was conscious hoping fiercely that she was not bleeding anywhere.Her eyes were open, staring in shock.Bella? I asked urgently. Are you all right?Im fine. She said the words mechanically in a dazed voice.Relief, so exquisite it was nearly pain, washed through me at the sound of her voice. I sucked in a breath through my teeth, and did not mind the accompanying burn in my throat. I almost welcomed it.She struggled to sit up, but I was not ready to release her. It felt in some waysafer? Better, at least, having her tucked into my side.Be careful, I warned her. I think you hit your head pretty hard.There had been no smell of fresh blood a mercy, that but this did not rule out internal damage. I was abruptly anxious to get her to Carlisle and a full compliment of radiology equipment.Ow, she said, her tone comically shocked as she realized I was right about her head.Thats what I thought. Relief made it funny to me, made me almost giddy. How in the Her voic e trailed off, and her eyelids fluttered. How did you get over here so fast?The relief turned sour, the humor vanished. She had noticed too much.Now that it appeared that the girl was in decent shape, the anxiety for my family became severe.I was standing right conterminous to you, Bella. I knew from experience that if I was very confi motherfucker as I lied, it made any questioner less sure of the truth.She struggled to move again, and this time I allowed it. I needed to breathe so that I could play my role correctly. I needed space from her warm-blooded heat so that it would not combine with her scent to overwhelm me. I slid away from her, as far as was possible in the small space between the wrecked vehicles.She stared up at me, and I stared back. To look away first was a mistake only an inapt liar would make, and I was not an incompetent liar. My expression was smooth, benign It seemed to confuse her. That was good.The accident scene was surrounded now. Mostly students, childr en, peering and pushing through the cracks to see if any mangled bodies were visible. There was a gurgle of shouting and a gush of shocked thought. I scanned the thoughts once to make sure there were no suspicions yet, and then tuned it out and concentrated only on the girl. She was distracted by the bedlam. She glanced around, her expression still stunned, and tried to get to her feet.I put my hand lightly on her shoulder to hold her down.Just stay put for now. She seemed alright, but should she really be moving her neck? Again, I wished for Carlisle. My years of theoretical medical examination study were no match for his centuries of hands-on medical practice.But its cold, she objected.She had almost been crushed to death two distinct times and crippled one more, and it was the cold that worried her. A chuckle slid through my teeth before I could remember that the situation was not funny.Bella blinked, and then her eyes focused on my face. You were over there.That sobered me aga in.She glanced toward the south, though there was nothing to see now but the crumpled side of the van. You were by your car.No, I wasnt.I saw you, she insisted her voice was childlike when she was being stubborn. Her chin jutted out.Bella, I was standing with you, and I pulled you out of the way.I stared deeply into her wide eyes, onerous to will her into accepting my version the only rational version on the table.Her jaw set. No.I tried to stay calm, to not panic. If only I could keep her quiet for a few moments, to give me a chance to destroy the evidence.and undermine her story by disclosing her head injury.Shouldnt it be easy to keep this silent, secretive girl quiet? If only she would trust me, just for a few momentsPlease, Bella, I said, and my voice was too intense, because I suddenly wanted her to trust me. Wanted it badly, and not just in regards to this accident. A stupid desire. What sense would it make for her to trust me?Why? she asked, still defensive.Trust me, I ple aded.Will you promise to explain everything to me later?It made me angry to have to lie to her again, when I so much wished that I could somehow deserve her trust. So, when I answered her, it was a retort.Fine.Fine, she echoed in the same tone.While the rescue attempt began around us adults arriving, authorities called, sirens in the distance I tried to abridge the girl and get my priorities in the right order. I searched through every mind in the lot, the witnesses and the latecomers both, but I could find nothing dangerous. Many were surprised to see me here beside Bella, but all concluded as there was no other possible conclusion that they had just not noticed me standing by the girl before the accident.She was the only one who didnt accept the easy explanation, but she would be considered the least reliable witness. She had been frightened, traumatized, not to mention sustaining the blow to the head. Possibly in shock. It would be acceptable for her story to be confused, wo uldnt it? No one would give it much credence above so many other spectatorsI winced when I caught the thoughts of Rosalie, Jasper and Emmett, just arriving on the scene. There would be hell to pay for this tonight.I wanted to iron out the indention my shoulders had made against the tan car, but the girl was too close. Id have to wait till she was distracted.It was frustrating to wait so many eyes on me as the humans struggled with the van, trying to pull it away from us. I might have helped them, just to speed the process, but I was already in enough trouble and the girl had sharp eyes. Finally, they were able to shift it far enough away for the EMTs to get to us with their stretchers. A familiar, grizzled face appraised me.Hey, Edward, Brett Warner said. He was also a registered nurse, and I knew him substantially from the hospital. It was a stroke of hazard the only luck today that he was the first through to us. In his thoughts, he was noting that I looked alert and calm. You okay, kid?Perfect, Brett. Nothing touched me. But Im afraid Bella here might have a concussion. She really hit her head when I yanked her out of the wayBrett turned his aid to the girl, who shot me a fierce look of betrayal. Oh, that was right. She was the quiet martyr shed prefer to suffer in silence. She did not contradict my story immediately, though, and this made me feel easier.The next EMT tried to insist that I allow myself to be treated, but it wasnt too difficult to dissuade him. I promised I would let my father examine me, and he let it go. With most humans, speaking with cool assurance was all that was needed. Most humans, just not the girl, of course. Did she fit into any of the normal patterns? As they put a neck brace on her and her face rose-cheeked scarlet with embarrassment I used the moment of distraction to quietly rearrange the shape of the dent in the tan car with the back of my foot. Only my siblings noticed what I was doing, and I heard Emmetts mental promise to catch anything I missed.Grateful for his help and more grateful that Emmett, at least, had already forgiven my dangerous choice I was more relaxed as I climbed into the front seat of the ambulance next to Brett.The chief of law of nature arrived before they had gotten Bella into the back of the ambulance.Though Bellas fathers thoughts were past words, the panic and concern emanating out of the mans mind drown out just about every other thought in the vicinity. Wordless anxiety and guilt, a great swell of them, washed out of him as he saw his only daughter on the gurney. washed out of him and through me, echoing and growing stronger. When Alice had warned me that killing Charlie Swans daughter would kill him, too, she had not been exaggerating.My head bowed with that guilt as I listened to his panicked voice.Bella he shouted.Im completely fine, Char Dad. She sighed. Theres nothing wrong with me.Her assurance barely soothed his dread. He turned at once to the closest EM T and demanded more information.I wasnt until I heard him speaking, forming perfectly coherent sentences despite his panic, that I realized that his anxiety and concern were not wordless. I justcould not hear the exact words.Hmm. Charlie Swan was not as silent as his daughter, but I could see where she got it from. Interesting.Id never spent much time around the towns police chief. Id always taken him for a man of slow thought now I realized that I was the one who was slow. His thoughts were partially concealed, not absent. I could only make out the tenor, the tone of themI wanted to listen harder, to see if I could find in this new, lesser puzzle the key to the girls secrets. But Bella was loaded into the back by then, and the ambulance was on its way.It was hard to tear myself away from this possible solution to the mystery that had come to obsess me. But I had to think now to look at what had been done today from every angle. I had to listen, to make sure that I had not put us all in so much danger that we would have to leave immediately. I had to concentrate.There was nothing in the thoughts of the EMTs to worry me. As far as they could tell, there was nothing seriously wrong with the girl. And Bella was sticking to the story Id provided, thus far.The first priority, when we reached the hospital, was to see Carlisle. I hurried through the automatic doors, but I was unable to totally forgo watching after Bella I kept an eye on her through the paramedics thoughts.It was easy to find my fathers familiar mind. He was in his small office, all alone the second stroke of luck in this luckless day.Carlisle.Hed heard my approach, and he was alarmed as soon as he saw my face. He jumped to his feet, his face paling to bone white. He leaned forward across the neatly organized walnut desk.Edward you didnt No, no, its not that.He took deep breath. Of course not. Im sorry I entertained the thought. Your eyes, of course, I should have cognise He noted my still-golden eyes with relief. Shes hurt, though, Carlisle, probably not seriously, but What happened?A stupid car accident. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But I couldnt just stand there let it crush her Start over, I dont understand. How were you involved?A van skidded across the ice, I whispered. I stared at the wall behind him while I spoke. Instead of a throng of framed diplomas, he had one simple oil painting a front-runner of his, an undiscovered Hassam. She was in the way. Alice saw it coming, but there wasnt time to do anything but really run across the lot and shove her out of the way. No one noticedexcept for her. I had to stop the van, too, but again, nobody saw thatbesides her. ImIm sorry Carlisle. I didnt mean to put us in danger. He circled the desk and put his hand on my shoulder.You did the right thing. And it couldnt have been easy for you. Im proud of you, Edward.I could look him in the eye then. She knows theres somethingwrong with me.That doesnt matter. I f we have to leave, we leave. What has she said? I shook my head, a little frustrated. Nothing yet.Yet?She agreed to my version of events but shes expecting an explanation. He frowned, pondering this.She hit her head well, I did that, I continued quickly. I knocked her to the ground fairly hard. She seems fine, but I dont think it will take much to discredit her account.I felt like a cad just saying the words.Carlisle heard the distaste in my voice. Perhaps that wont be necessary. Lets see what happens, shall we? It sounds like I have a patient to check on.Please, I said. Im so worried that I hurt her.Carlisles expression brightened. He smoothed his fair hair just a few shades igniter than his golden eyes and he laughed.Its been an interesting day for you, hasnt it? In his mind, I could see the irony, and it was humorous, at least to him. Quite the reversal of roles. Somewhere during that short absent second when Id sprinted across the icy lot, I had transformed from killer to protector.I laughed with him, remembering how sure Id been that Bella would never need protecting from anything more than myself. There was an edge to my laugh because, van notwithstanding, that was still entirely true.I waited alone in Carlisles office one of the longer hours I had ever lived listening to the hospital full of thoughts.Tyler Crowley, the vans driver, looked to be hurt worse than Bella, and the attention shifted to him while she waited her turn to be X-rayed. Carlisle kept in the background, trusting the PAs diagnosis that the girl was only slightly injured. This made me anxious, but I knew he was right. One glance at his face and she would be immediately reminded of me, of the fact that there was something not right about my family, and that might set her talking.She certainly had a willing enough partner to converse with. Tyler was consumed with guilt over the fact that he had almost killed her, and he couldnt seem to turf out up about it. I could see her expres sion through his eyes, and it was clear that she wished he would stop. How did he not see that?There was a tense moment for me when Tyler asked her how shed gotten out of the way.I waited, not animate, as she hesitated.Um he heard her say. Then she paused for so long that Tyler wondered if his question had confused her. Finally, she went on. Edward pulled me out of the way. I exhaled. And then my breathing accelerated. Id never heard her speak my name before. I like the way it sounded even just hearing it through Tylers thoughts. I wanted to hear it for myselfEdward Cullen, she said, when Tyler didnt realize who she meant. I found myself at the door, my hand on the knob. The desire to see her was growing stronger. I had to remind myself of the need for caution.He was standing next to me.Cullen? Huh. Thats weird. I didnt see him. I could have sworn Wow, it was all so fast, I guess. Is he okay?I think so. Hes here somewhere, but they didnt make him use a stretcher. I saw the thought ful look on her face, the suspicious tightening of her eyes, but these little changes in her expression were lost on Tyler.Shes pretty, he was thinking, almost in surprise. Even all messed up. Not my usual type, still I should take her out. Make up for todayI was out in the hall, then, halfway to the emergency room, without thinking for one second about what I was doing. Luckily, the nurse entered the room before I could it was Bellas turn for X-rays. I leaned against the wall in a dark nook just around the corner, and tried to get a grip on myself while she was wheeled away.It didnt matter that Tyler thought she was pretty. Anyone would notice that.There was no reason for me to feelhow did I feel? Annoyed? Or was angry closer to the truth? That made no sense at all.I stayed where I was for as long as I could, but pettishness got the best of me and I took a back way around to the radiology room. Shed already been moved back to the ER, but I was able to take a peek at her x-rays wh ile the nurses back was turned. I felt calmer when I had. Her head was fine. I hadnt hurt her, not really.Carlisle caught me there.You look better, he commented.I just looked straight ahead. We werent alone, the halls full of orderlies and visitors.Ah, yes. He stuck her x-rays to the lightboard, but I didnt need a second look. I see. Shes absolutely fine. Well done, Edward.The sound of my fathers approval created a mixed reaction in me. I would have been pleased, except that I knew that he would not approve of what I was going to do now. At least, he would not approve if he knew my real motivationsI think Im going to go talk to her before she sees you, I murmured under my breath. Act natural, like nothing happened. Smooth it over. All acceptable reasons. Carlisle nodded absently, still looking over the x-rays. Good idea. Hmm. I looked to see what had his interest.Look at all the healed contusions How many times did her mother drop her? Carlisle laughed to himself at his joke.Im beg inning to think the girl just has really bad luck. Always in the wrong place at the wrong time.Forks is certainly the wrong place for her, with you here.I flinched.Go ahead. Smooth things over. Ill join you momentarily.I walked away quickly, feeling guilty. Perhaps I was too good a liar, if I could fool Carlisle.When I got to the ER, Tyler was mumbling under his breath, still apologizing. The girl was trying to escape his remorse by pretending to sleep. Her eyes were closed, but her breathing was not even, and now and then her fingers would twitch impatiently. I stared at her face for a long moment. This was the defy time I would see her. That fact triggered an acute aching in my chest. Was it because I hated to leave any puzzle dissonant? That did not seem like enough of an explanation.Finally, I took a deep breath and moved into view.When Tyler saw me, he started to speak, but I put one finger to my lips.Is she sleeping? I murmured.Bellas eyes snapped open and focused on my face . They widened momentarily, and then narrowed in anger or suspicion. I remembered that I had a role to play, so I smiled at her as if nothing unusual had happened this morning besides a blow to her head and a bit of whim run wild.Hey, Edward, Tyler said. Im really sorry I raised one hand to halt his apology. No blood, no foul, I said wryly. Without thinking, I smiled too wide at my private joke.It was amazingly easy to ignore Tyler, lying no more than four feet from me, covered in fresh blood. Id never understood how Carlisle was able to do that ignore the blood of his patients in order to treat them. Wouldnt the constant temptation be so distracting, so dangerous? But, now I could see how, if you were focusing on something else hard enough, the temptation was be nothing at all.Even fresh and exposed, Tylers blood had nothing on Bellas.I kept my distance from her, seating myself on the foot of Tylers mattress.So, whats the verdict? I asked her.Her lower lip pushed out a little. Theres nothing wrong with me at all, but they wont let me go. How come you arent strapped to a gurney like the rest of us? Her impatience made me smile again.I could hear Carlisle in the hall now.Its all about who you know, I said lightly. But dont worry, I came to spring you.I watched her reaction carefully as my father entered the room. Her eyes widened and her mouth actually fell open in surprise. I groaned internally. Yes, shed certainly noticed the resemblance.So, Miss Swan, how are you feeling? Carlisle asked. He had a wonderfully soothing beside manner that put most patients at ease indoors moments. I couldnt tell how it affected Bella.Im fine, she said quietly.Carlisle clipped her X-rays to the lightboard by the bed. Your X-rays look good. Does your head hurt? Edward said you hit it pretty hard.She sighed, and said, Im fine, again, but this time impatience leaked into her voice. Then she glowered once in my direction.Carlisle stepped closer to her and ran his fingers gently over her scalp until he found the bump under her hair.I was caught off guard by the wave of emotion that crashed over me.I had seen Carlisle work with humans a thousand times. Years ago, I had even assisted him informally though only in situations where blood was not involved. So it wasnt a new thing to me, to watch him interact with the girl as if he were as human as she was. Id envied his control many times, but that was not the same as this emotion. I envied him more than his control. I ached for the difference between Carlisle and me that he could touch her so gently, without fear, knowing he would never harm her She winced, and I twitched in my seat. I had to concentrate for a moment to keep my relaxed posture.Tender? Carlisle asked.Her chin jerked up a fraction. Not really, she said.Another small piece of her character fell into place she was brave. She didnt like to visualize weakness.Possibly the most vulnerable creature Id ever seen, and she didnt want to seem weak. A c huckle slid through my lips.She shot another glare at me.Well, Carlisle said. Your father is in the waiting room you can go home with him now. But come back if you feel dizzy or have trouble with your eyesight at all. Her father was here? I swept through the thoughts in the crowded waiting room, but I couldnt pick his subtle mental voice out of the group before she was speaking again, her face anxious.Cant I go back to school?Maybe you should take it easy today, Carlisle suggested.Her eyes flickered back to me. Does he get to go to school?Act normal, smooth things overignore the way it feels when she looks me in the eyeSomeone has to spread the good news that we survived, I said.Actually, Carlisle corrected, most of the school seems to be in the waiting room.I pass judgment her reaction this time her aversion to attention. She didnt disappoint.Oh no, she moaned, and she put her hands over her face.I liked that Id finally guessed right. I was beginning to understand her Do you wan t to stay? Carlisle asked.No, no she said quickly, swinging her legs over the side of the mattress and sliding down till her feet were on the floor. She stumbled forward, off-balance, into Carlisles arms. He caught and steadied her.Again, the envy flooded through me.Im fine, she said before he could comment, faint pink in her cheeks.Of course, that wouldnt bother Carlisle. He made sure she was balanced, and then dropped his hands.Take some Tylenol for the pain, he instructed.It doesnt hurt that bad.Carlisle smiled as he signed her chart. It sounds like you were extremely lucky. She turned her face slightly, to stare at me with hard eyes. Lucky Edward happened to be standing next to me.Oh, well, yes, Carlisle agreed quickly, hearing the same thing in her voice that I heard. She hadnt written her suspicions off as imagination. Not yet.All yours, Carlisle thought. Handle it as you think best.Thanks so much, I whispered, quick and quiet. Neither human heard me.Carlisles lips turned up a tiny bit at my sarcasm as he turned to Tyler. Im afraid that youll have to stay with us just a little bit longer, he said as he began examining the slashes left by the shattered windshield.Well, Id made the mess, so it was only fair that I had to deal with it. Bella walked deliberately toward me, not stopping until she was uncomfortably close. I remembered how I had hoped, before all the mayhem, that she would approach me This was like a mockery of that wish.Can I talk to you for a minute? she hissed at me.Her warm breath brushed my face and I had to stagger back a step. Her appeal had not abated one bit. Every time she was near me, it triggered all my worst, most urgent instincts. Venom flowed in my mouth and my body yearned to strike to wrench her into my arms and crush her throat to my teeth.My mind was stronger than my body, but only just.Your father is waiting for you, I reminded her, my jaw clenched tight.She glanced toward Carlisle and Tyler. Tyler was compensable us no at tention at all, but Carlisle was monitoring my every breath.Carefully, Edward.Id like to speak to you alone, if you dont mind, she insisted in a low voice. I wanted to tell her that I did mind very much, but I knew I would have to do this eventually. I may as well get on with it.I was full of so many conflicting emotions as I stalked out of the room, listening to her stumbling footsteps behind me, trying to keep up.I had a show to put on now. I knew the role I would play I had the character down I would be the villain. I would lie and ridicule and be cruel.It went against all my better impulses the human impulses that Id clung to through all these years. Id never wanted to deserve trust more than in this moment, when I had to destroy all possibleness of it.It made it worse to know that this would be the last memory she would have of me. This was my farewell scene.I turned on her.What do you want? I asked coldly.She cringed back slightly from my hostility. Her eyes turned bewilder ed, the expression that had haunted meYou owe me an explanation, she said in a small voice her ivory face blanched. It was very hard to keep my voice harsh. I saved your life I dont owe you anything.She flinched it burned like acid to watch my words hurt her.You promised, she whispered.Bella, you hit your head, you dont know what youre talking about.Her chin came up then. Theres nothing wrong with my head.She was angry now, and that made it easier for me. I met her glare, making my face more unfriendly.What do you want from me, Bella?I want to know the truth. I want to know why Im lying for you.What she wanted was only fair it frustrated me to have to deny her.What do you think happened? I nearly growled at her.Her words poured out in a torrent. All I know is that you werent anywhere near me Tyler didnt see you, either, so dont tell me I hit my head too hard. That van was going to crush us both and it didnt, and your hands left dents in the side of it and you left a dent in th e other car, and youre not hurt at all and the van should have smashed my legs, but you were holding it up Suddenly, she clenched her teeth together and her eyes were glistening with unshed tears.I stared at her, my expression derisive, though what I really felt was awe she had seen everything.You think I lifted a van off you? I asked sarcastically.She answered with one stiff nod.My voice grew more mocking. Nobody will believe that, you know.She made an effort to control her anger. When she answered me, she spoke each word with slow deliberation. Im not going to tell anybody.She meant it I could see that in her eyes. Even furious and betrayed, she would keep my secret.Why?The shock of it ruined my carefully designed expression for half a second, and then I pulled myself together.Then why does it matter? I asked, working to keep my voice severe.It matters to me, she said intensely. I dont like to lie so thered better be a good reason why Im doing it.She was asking me to trust her . Just as I wanted her to trust me. But this was a line I could not cross.My voice stayed callous. Cant you just thank me and get it over with? Thank you, she said, and then she fumed silently, waiting.Youre not going to let it go, are you?No.In that case I couldnt tell her the truth if I wanted toand I didnt want to. Id rather she made up her own story than know what I was, because nothing could be worse than the truth I was a living nightmare, straight from the pages of a horror novel. I hope you enjoy disappointment.We scowled at each other. It was odd how endearing her anger was. Like a furious kitten, soft and harmless, and so unaware of her own vulnerability.She flushed pink and ground her teeth together again. Why did you even bother?Her question wasnt one that I was expecting or prepared to answer. I lost my hold on the role I was playing. I felt the mask slip from my face, and I told her this one time the truth.I dont know.I memorized her face one last time it was still set in lines of anger, the blood not yet faded from her cheeks and then I turned and walked away from her.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The Thematic Character of Everyday Use by Alice Walker
Often times after a person reads a piece of literature, he or she lead form opinions or so the motivations of the characters, the effects of the setting, the overall theme or underlying message being conveyed, and the other elements that helped to shape the whole story. After contemplating most their particular beliefs about a work, individuals will find their ideas to be different from others because each of them perceives details of the tale in a varying manner. For this reason, it was not surprising that galore(postnominal) of my classmates and I had irrelevant opinions about the main themes present in Alice Walkers Everyday Use (For Your Grandmama).Numerous members of the class strongly felt that the storys important theme lied in the differing values of each the characters. They used textual evidence to prove that Dees views on certain issues were so unlike those of her puzzle and Maggies that they actually created a barrier between Dee and her family. Others felt that th e setting and the type/amount of education influenced the motives of each of the characters. These people referred to the fact that Dee had the opportunity to scram a proper education and that mommy and Maggie did not.The rural setting served as a means to enhance their views because it showed that most people had to work instead of receiving an education. In comparison with these viewpoints mentioned, I took a much different approach to interpreting the principal theme of this story. I rightfully believed that Everyday Use was about the slipway in which Dees personality affected herself and her family. Using this generalized notion, I developed a more precise theme for this work. Each of us is embossed within a culture, a set of traditions handed down by those before us.As individuals, we view and experience common heritage in subtly differing ways. Within m any smaller communities and families, deeply felt traditions serve to enrich this common heritage. Alice Walkers Everyda y Use explores how, in her eagerness to claim an ancient heritage, Dee denies herself the real personal experience of familial traditions in much(prenominal) incidents as the justification of her name change, her comments during the meal with the family, and her requesting Mama for the quilts.Upon arriving at her poses new firm for the first time, Dee surprises her mother and Maggie with her appearance and her apparent name change. Dee quickly informs her mother that she has made her new name Wangero to reflect her Afri give the axe heritage. She no longer will be named after the people who oppress her. This reference can be attributed to Dees possible experiences as a civil rights activist. Among the black community many people adopt African names to reflect their pre-slavery heritage. While this can be a source of strength and affirmation for nigh, it may represent a rejection of ones past, as it apparently does for Dee.Even her mothers response that she was named Dee after h er aunt, who was named for the aunts mother, though I probably could have carried it back beyond the Civil struggle through the branches, does not have any true effect on her perception of her given name (32). Dee still feels that being called Wangero will give her heathenish fulfillment, whereas her real name holds her back from attaining this. She fails to recognize that her mothers words actually show how the family is proud to pass the name Dee along generations to help stay on their own traditions.Dee does not feel the pride that is associated with her real name because she possesses a certain prejudice against her family that will not allow her to embrace her own individual(a) heritage. This prejudice is rooted in her beliefs that her mother and Maggie are incapable of relating her views due to their lack of education and their unwillingness to accept new ideas. Judging from Dees opinions about her name, readers can clearly see that she has misunderstandings about her liv ing heritage that prevent her from feeling the joy of carrying on a family name.Against Dees claim to her African roots is the locomote of tradition in her own family. Not only has Dee achieved an education denied her mother, she has rejected her given name, and she sees self-created symbolism in the food and objects present at the meal. Dee goes on through the chitlins and corn bread, talks a blue streak over the sweet potatoes, and thoroughly delights herself with everything (45). Dee finds this meal to be a sort of novelty that she can only jimmy properly because she is now in the proper surroundings to do so.Her usually more sophisticated diet leaves her room to relish such a truthful meal and its reflection of her African roots, not her rural family culture. She admits to Mama to not appreciating as a child the benches on which they are sitting, made by her father. Dee can feel the rump prints (46). Yet, when next Dee exclaims to her mother that she wants the butter churn wh ich was whittled out of a tree by her uncle, and that she will use it as a centerpiece for one of her tables, readers suspect her appreciation for the benches and the churn is really as mere artifacts.Dee then turns her attention to the dasher used with the churn. She assures everyone that she will think of something artistic to do with the dasher (53). When the faint-hearted Maggie informs them her uncle Henry made the dash, and that they used to call him Stash, Dee exclaims, Maggies brain is like an elephants, implying that Maggies knowledge is feral, that she cant help but hold on to facts which are irrelevant (53). Real, human details, such as the name of the man who made the dasher, are not relevant to Dee.She feels the workmanship in the dasher represents good quality art that should be displayed accordingly to reflect her appreciation of her roots. Dee sees the object as a thing of beauty, but not as a part of her very personal culture, a utility reflecting the struggle an d determination of those who once used it. In turn, she is alienating herself from her personal identification of familys past through her superficial recognition of the dashers value. Dees family knows that doubt is no part of Dees nature, and that she is determined to achieve what she desires (6).In the bedroom, rifling through her mothers keepsakes, Dee finds her grandmas quilts, and tries to lay claim to them. The quilts are made of old dresses and cloths, some handed down from several prior generations. When Dee asks her mother if she can have them, we sense a turning point is reached. Since Dee already rejected them once before, Mama responds to Dees request by stating that the quilts have been promised to Maggie.Dee argues that her mother and Maggie cannot properly appreciate the quilts, that the quilts should be displayed. Maggie would probably be backward enough to put them to everyday use (66). Dees claim to the quilts and her plans to use them as decorations show her out ward perception of family heirlooms to be mere objects of display, not treasured items that help people remember their loved ones and cultivate them appreciate the hard work put into them. Dees adopted values cloud her mind and thoughts, making her naive to the integrity and genuine nature of her culture.Her mothers refusal to grant this one favor does not even create any sense of misgivings on her part. Her arrogance and her adherence to her misguided beliefs make her otiose to see the true worth of the quilts and their importance to her familys traditions. Dees notions about the quilts thwart her from experiencing the happiness associated with displaying ones own familial culture to the stick around of the world. Our heritage threads through history past the people who contributed to it, to affect us on a personal level.To be fully appreciated and claimed, it mustiness reside in the heart. Dee understands the heritage of people she doesnt know. In this way, her adopted heritag e can be understood intellectually, but it is not felt, not personal, and not truly her own. Her rejection of her familys culture in the rural society will not allow to ever have feelings of personal pride about her true roots. In turn, Dee can never really find happiness in most aspects concerning her immediate family, making it hard for her to have a loving relationship with any of them.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Afternoon Tea Report
Sam Blandford Student number 21184301 Tutor Peter Cross headmaster Pastry Techniques 1 Title Afternoon Tea Report Contents Page Page come in Introduction3 Methodology4 Current trends5 The Science of Gluten6 Gluten ingenuous by and bynoon good afternoon tea leaf clipping7 Conclusion10 Bibliography11 Introduction In this report investigations will be carried emerge to determine what the current trends in items served in afternoon teas atomic number 18 as well as the elan in which afternoon tea is served. opposite factors that will be looked at include the changing occupation of establishments that serve afternoon tea.The range in price and quality of afternoon teas nigh the country and the fictional charactersetters case of places that choose to offer afternoon tea will besides be investigated. Now, afternoon tea has been around since the early nineteenth century when tea first started to become popular in the UK. It s plan is often credited to the 7th Duchess of Bedf ord (http//www. teamuse. com/article_001203. html) who it is thought used it to stave off a mid afternoon sinking feeling.This was most likely as a result of it being commonplace in these times to only eat 2 meals a day, Breakfast and dinner with dinner being commonly served as late as 9 in the evening. The solution to this was to beget a small good deal of tea, with a light snack, usually a sandwich or cake of some sort at around 4pm. This is still the traditional time for afternoon tea to be had and many afternoon teas ar truly cargonful to keep to traditional items when divine service afternoon tea as it is seen as an eventful part of British history and culture.Some more modern places are keener to adapt and branch out as will be explained later on in the report. Methodology To carry out this investigation look into would need to be carried out into what afternoon teas are available and how they vary depending on factors like location, type and price. To this it was co ncluded a number of establishments would be chosen in cities across the UK and investigate what they had to offer. To do this their websites would be looked at in the hope that they would give me some efficacious information regarding their afternoon tea bill without me having to visit them in person.This quickly became a problem as it became apparent that the main players in the afternoon tea market, such as the Ritz-Carlton and the Savoy, both of which at the most expensive range of the market had very vague menus for their sweet items on their afternoon tea menus. This could be to so that competitors do non hit the sack what they are selling but could also be that because from a business point of view, afternoon teas are a great way to use up anything that is left everyplace.This could have been quite limiting however, after looking at cheaper places it was spy that they offered far more detailed menu descriptions such as The milepost and The Goring. Another thing that was looked at over the course of this investigation was the clientele that visit establishments that are serving afternoon tea. It was discovered that an increasingly large amount of Nipponese tourists are visiting afternoon tea establishments. This is because Japanese people are very keen on a sense of history jibe to the Japan times something that many British establishments excel at providing.This is according to the Japan Times which says What Japanese people tend to appreciate most about Britain is its sense of tradition. The idea of setting aside time in the afternoon for tea is attractive, since it appeals to the Japanese love of continuity this clearly demonstrates why more and more Japanese people choose to eat afternoon tea, though this could also be down to their premium economy enabling them to have more disposable income to spend on things like afternoon tea. Other clientele areas that are increasingly choosing to eat afternoon tea are the so-called ladies who lunch.Thes e are the contour of women who are wealthy enough to be able to afford afternoon tea on a regular basis and often do so in a large grop of similar women. moreover this can have a bad effect on their health as a upstart study by Dr Anne McTiernan found that those who regularly eat lunch away from home are more likely to gain weight than those who eat at home as reported in a national newspaper (http//www. dailymail. co. uk/health/article-2172900/A-weighty-warning-ladies-lunch-Those-eat-regularly-lose-fewer-pounds. tml) this shows how the rise in afternoon teas popularity can have detrimental effects on peoples health. Current trends In recent times afternoon tea has had a resurgence in popularity in the UK after a period where it was seen as somewhat old fashioned and out of take on with modern times where fast food establishments are plentiful. It may be difficult to attain the land for this but retailer Debenhams, who has reported a 119% profit increase over the last 2 hist oric period in the sales of china cups and saucers.This shows a massive increase in afternoon tea popularity burn downled by and large by the money of many wealthy Asian businessmen and women enjoying afternoon tea either in the UK or in Asia where many things from British culture are becoming very popular, such as private schooling. For example recently Wellington College in Berkshire was paid to build an exact replica of itself in the Chinese city of Tianjin. This shows how Asian economic growth has helped to popularise afternoon tea again in Britain as many Asian people see Britain as the ideal template for their own country.Other factors that have helped to encourage the boom in afternoon tea popularity are the increasing number of establishments that offer it straight off and at varying prices making it affordable for people with less disposable income. For example an afternoon tea at the Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh is only ? 37 compared to ? 85. This shows how the more reaso nable set of some afternoon teas can be a contributing factor in its booming popularity among both British and abroad clientele. Something else that was noticed when looking at afternoon teas is the vast array of teas that are now available.One teashop that was looked researched in Cardiff had 300 teas on offer for service with an afternoon tea. This is different from when the first mention of afternoon tea came about where you were lucky if a handful of teas were on offer. The Science of Gluten. Gluten is a mixture of proteins that is found in many wheat- ground products and other grains such as rye or oats. Gluten consists of two proteins gliadin and glutenin, which is mixed with starch in the endosperm of a wheat kernel.Together they make up 80% of the protein in wheat or other cereals gluten is useful in baking both breads and cakes as it gives the products elasticity and also allows them to keep their anatomy better. Gluten forms when glutenin molecules cross over creating a web like structure, which contributes to thickness and stretchiness of the dough. If yeast is added to the mixture it produces carbon dioxide bubbles, which become trap in the structure causing the dough to rise. Baking the dough solidifies the gluten, which along with starch helps to stabilise the shape of the product.Usually different flours are used in the production of breads to those of cakes and pastries as bread flour has a high gluten content. This provides the stretchiness needed for good bread and pastry products, it is important to develop the gluten to just the right train or else the bread or pastry will either be too rubbery or too tough or to short, for example when making tartlets or other pastry products it is important not to work the dough too much as this risks developing the gluten too much resulting in a tough and chewy product rather than the more crispy product that is desired.Gluten is also used in the production of many imitation meat products such as Qu orn and tofu as when gluten is cooked in a broth it produces a rubbery meat like texture. Gluten quit afternoon tea. In doing this research gluten uninvolved afternoon tea options available for those who suffer from coeliac disease were looked at. Many reviewers on online consumer sites found the food to be bland at tasteless particularly at the Ritz where many suggested that the ratio of topping to gluten emancipate bread was far too excessive, many also found the pastry options to be far to a lower place the usual high standard that they expect.Others also commented on the poor quality of the Gluten free options and the snooty shaking of the waiting staff who they felt looked down on them because of their intolerance. However at other places such as Browns the gluten free options has been found to be almost identical to those that apprehended gluten, particularly the gluten free pastries. This lacking of taste from gluten free products is not uncommon as many products contain alternative flours and other ingredients that do not contain gluten such as potato flour and rice flour.These have a different taste to established flours and also have different properties causing to both look and taste differently and usually substandard to products made with conventional flour. Currently few gluten free products exist that consistently come close to twin(a) the flavour and texture of normal products such as Genius bread and Warburtons who produce a variety of gluten free cakes. During the course of this investigation a number of products were thought up that were suitable for gluten free afternoon teas. One of these was a champagne jelly with a brandy syllabub cream and a frost grape topping.This product was suitable for consumption by coeliac as it contained no wheat based products at all as its ingriedients consisted of 1 pint (570 ml) champagne or medium-dry sparkling white vino 1 pint (570 ml) champagne or medium-dry sparkling white wine 2 large lemons 6 oz (175 g) castor profits 4 x 0. 4 oz (11 g) packs powdered gelatine For the syllabub 2 tablespoons of the comparable wine as above 1 tablespoon brandy juice ? lemon 1 oz (25 g) caster sugar 5 fl oz (150 ml) double cream For the frosted grape decoration 4-5 oz (110-150 g) seedless grapes egg white caster sugar All these ingridients came to ? 13 for each quantity of ingridient. A rough diagram of this gluten free cede is shown below Champagne Jelly Syllabub Cream Bubbles Conclusion To conclude my report into afternoon teas it has been discovered that afternoon teas are coming back in a big way with celebrities helping to fuel the growth in demand for them. Also they have caught on abroad with Asia showing particular disport in them as they look to grow into a more developed country, perhaps basing that growth on culture much like the British did.Also it has been looked at the different options available for afternoon teas and how different the pricing strategies are for different levels of establishments. Another thing that has been noticed was the sheer variety of teas offered in some places and also a multitude of different cake and bread mixes as well as sandwich fillings that are available for someone to have with afternoon tea today. Bibliography Teaand tourism tourists, traditions and transformations (L, Jolliffe, 2007 Teasof the world (N,H Woodward, 1980) Therough involveto London (R, Humphreys, B, Chaplin, 2008 7th edition)
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