Thursday, October 31, 2019
Annotated bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6
Annotated Bibliography Example The method that has been used by the author is order to conduct the research is the case study with an authentic usage of parallelism. There are many cases and facts that have been brought to life by the author. The reason behind using this source for the paper is because it reveals many important reasons behind the development and transitions between older and modern communities. The second source taken for the purpose of research work is one that has been cited by various researchers. It is mainly because the source makes use of a wide array of cases, chronology, illustrations that indicate the readers about the history of Europe during 1648 till 1815. The objective of the source is to discuss the main conflicts that were noted or observed during the selected period. The religious factors, societal aspects and economic decline are the highlights of the book. The authors of the book have rather become the reason for high credibility of the book because they are well informed and professional able in the field of
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee Essay Example for Free
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee Essay In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee tells the story of Scout and Jem, two young children who learn about racism and injustice in the small town of Maycomb, Alabama, in the 1930s. The childrens father, Atticus, is a lawyer who is appointed to defend Tom Robinson, a black man unjustly accused of rape. It is through this trial, as well as through other characters, that the children learn about the injustices of the world and the need for compassion, a trait that demands that we rise above our selves and see things from another point of view. This different perspective is the crux of compassion for it is only by understanding anothers point of view that we can truly empathize and have compassion for someone who is different from us. It is through compassion that one understands why it is a sin to kill a mockingbird, those creatures and people who do no harm and need our understanding. Finally, it is through compassion that we can overcome human weakness, such as prejudice and injustice, and act with integrity and courage. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Arthur Radley, Mayella Ewell, and Tom Robinson are three characters that demonstrate the need for compassion. One of the few characters that deserve compassion in this novel is Arthur Boo Radley. His father prohibits him from leaving the house and having any contact with the rest of Maycomb. Thus, it is just about impossible for him to even live a normal life. Moreover, Arthurs mysterious lifestyle inevitably leads to frequent false accusations that more than hurt his reputation. From Arthur Radley, Jem and Scout as well as the reader learns that what one may think of another may not be true until they completely understand things from that individuals standpoint. As Mrs. Maudie says it, they dont do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. Thats why it is a sin to kill a mockingbird. This quote is a perfect description of Arthur and how he treats others. It tells the reader that like a mockingbird, he does good deeds for others and asks of nothing in return. For instance, in the novel Arthur puts gifts in an oak tree for Jem and Scout to enjoy. In addition, towards the end of the book, he rescues them from Bob Ewells sudden attack. Yet, a person worthy of compassion does not necessarily have to perform good deeds. A good model of this is Mayella Ewell. In a society so concentrated on ones wealth, it is hard for anyone like Mayella Ewell to meet its expectations. Therefore, one may also be compassionate towards Mayella. Living in poverty, she has to struggle to support seven siblings along with a drunken father. Whats more is that her familys past not only affects others outlook on her; it takes away from her sense of worth as well. She has no friends and through the trial Scout realizes that she must have been the loneliest person in the world. Harper Lee also informs us that the Ewells have brilliant red geraniums, cared for as tenderly as if the belonged to Miss Maudie Atkinson. She further states that these flowers belong to Mayella. Since having no friends, Mayella turns to gardening. She treats the flowers as though they were her only friends and cares for them dearly. This shows that she is just a normal child who needs as much care and attention as anyone. But because of her family history others dont feel the need to have compassion for her. Also as a result of her horrible upbringing, Mayella soon makes a choice that would eventually ruin another mockingbird. Deserving more compassion than anyone is Tom Robinson. Tom, a poor black male, has to make a great effort to provide for a wife and four kids. He is a hard working and sincere man whose only mistake was having sympathy for Mayella Ewell. He tries to do her favor but because of the racism in Maycomb, Tom is soon accused of raping Mayella and founded guilty. Losing hope, he tries to flee but is soon shot down because of his crippled arm. Then shortly after Toms death Scout finds a roly-poly in the house. Why couldnt I mash him? I asked. Because they dont bother you, Jem answered in the darkness. The roly-poly is a perfect portrayal Tom Robinson in that both of them had not done anything to cause any harm. Nevertheless, they are both punished. Jem understands this because he feels compassion for the insect as well as compassion for Tom. As Arthur, Mayella and Toms situations show, having compassion is a necessity when dealing with others. Through compassion we understand from a different perspective what someone experiences. It is through this perspective that we rise above our differences and accept what is truly there. Without compassion, discrimination, injustice and rivalry will surely prevail.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
What Is Postmodern Culture Religion Essay
What Is Postmodern Culture Religion Essay Some people see postmodern culture as liberating because it has broken away from the limitations of modern culture. Others see postmodern culture as superficial and pastiche of the worst aspects of modernism. Before we can explore these cultural themes and what they stand for, we must first define them. For the purpose of this essay I will not be going into much detail about the origins, features and differences when considering the concept of culture. But I will be focusing on the differences of modern-and post modern culture. To start with a simple definition according to Kidd (2003), culture means the way of life of a group of people. The patterns of social organisation and the normal ways in which we are supposed to behave in society touch all aspects of our daily lives. For obvious reasons not all cultures are similar, for example, just because social life, for us, happens to be structured in a certain way, does not mean that it has to be like this, nor that it was like this in the past or even like this in other societies around the world (Kidd, 2003:5-6). The sociologist Raymond Williams (1983), in his book Key Words: a vocabulary of culture and society, says: Culture is one of the two or three most complicated words in the English language. This is partly so because of its intricate historical development, in several European languages, but mainly because it now come to be used for important concepts in several distinct and incompatible systems of thought(Kidd, 2003:9). Two of these incompatible systems of thought can be considered to be modern- and postmodern culture. Modernity According to Kidd (2003), what we call modernity is usually associated with the era of industrialisation and the time when sociology was developed by its founders. Modernity-the period of the modern-comes from the Latin word modo, which means just now, and this key feature in the modernist spirit is: the founders idea that life and society had changed. Their times their just now were totally different from those of the traditional preindustrial societies of the past (Kidd, 2003:85). Modernity can be characterised by the following elements: industrialisation; urbanisation; a rise in the importance of science; the growth of the manufacturing industry, secularisation (the decline of religion); the invention of more advanced technology; rationalisation (Kidd, 2003:85). Modernity was the age of science, sociologists and discovery, based on the belief that humans could understand and control everything. The world of nature (uncertainty) was the slave and humans were now in charge. The mission statements of these scientists and sociologists were to find absolute truth, develop universal and general laws, to control the present, to predict the future and to control the shape and direction of the future (Kidd, 2003:85-86). Modernity was based on what is called the spirit of the Enlightenment- the eighteenth-century philosophical movement that addressed the importance of reason and the replacement of religion and superstition with science and rationality. According to Kidd (2003), Max Weber provided an excellent illustration of the modernists preoccupation with rationalisation in his sociology of music (1968, originally written in 1910-110). Weber saw the historical development of society as the development of rationality in all spheres of social life and social organisation. In this context rationalisation means the breaking down of an object of study into constituent parts in order better to understand the whole. Rationality is thus seen as a fundamental part of the rise of both science and technology in the industrial era, and as providing the momentum for industrialisation itself a highly modernist image of social change. Weber illustrated the historical development of rationality with reference to musical notation. For example in preindustrial traditional society, music was passed down the generations as part of folk culture. Songs were passed down by word of mouth and instrument making was the task of skilled people. With the onset of rationalisation there developed a concern to analyse what music actually was to break it down in order better to control it. Hence the creation of a universal system of notation, scales, tabs and so on. Just like the documentation and notation of music, the making of music instruments became a matter of mass production. The rationalisation process was seen as helping people to control the world around them: to seek out absolute truth and to make order out of the chaos of nature (Kidd, 2003: 86-87). Postmodernism It is very difficult to define the term postmodernism in one short definition because it covers such a large academic field and so much has been written on the subject. Let`s begin with a few short definitions and take it from there. Postmodernism refers to the intellectual mood and cultural expressions that are becoming increasingly dominant in contemporary society. These expressions questions the ideals, principles and values that lay at the heart of the modern mind-set. Post modernity, in turn, refers to the era in which we are living, the time when the postmodern outlook increasingly shapes our society. The adjective postmodern, then, refers to the mind-set and its products. Post modernity is the era in which postmodern ideas, attitudes, and values reign-when the mood of postmodernism is moulding culture. This is the era of the postmodern society. (Grenz, 1996: 12-13) According to Klages (2003) Postmodernism, which became an area of academic study in the mid eighties, is a term used to define the era after modernity. The Premodern (medieval) age was labelled the age of faith and superstition, followed by the modern age, the age of reason, empiricism and science. The postmodern age of relativity and, recently, the newest form of postmodernism, the age of holism and interdependence, followed. Respectively, the guiding metaphors are the created organism, the machine, the text, and the self-organizing system (de Quincy, 2002). Modernism has been introduced as a benchmark for the discussion of postmodernism, and two related terms, postmodern and postmodernist. One of the first writers to use the term postmodern was the American literary critic Ihab Hassan. In the second edition of his groundbreaking book from 1971, The Dismemberment of Orpheus: Toward a Postmodern Literature (1982), he draws up a list of differences between modernism and postmodernism. This list tries to present the focus between modernism and postmodernism and the terms used. Although many of the categories have remained highly controversial, it still is worth reproducing here as a guideline between the difference in mindsets between the two eras: Postmodernism Pataphysics/Dadaism Antiform (disjuctive, open) Play Chance Anarchy Exhaustion/Silence Process/Performance/Happening Participation Decreation/Deconstruction Antithesis Absence Dispersal Text/Intertext Rhetoric Syntagm Parataxis Metonymy Combination Rhizome/Surface Against Interpretation/Misreading Signifier Scriptible (writerly) Antinarrative/Petite histoire Idiolect Desire Modernism Romanticism/Symbolism Form (conjunctive, closed) Purpose Design Hierarchy Mastery/Logos Art object/Finished work Distance Creation/Totalization Synthesis Presence Centring Genre/Boundary Semantics Paradigm Hypotaxis Metaphor Selection Root/Depth Interpretation/Reading Signified Lisible (readerly) Narrative/Grande histoire Master code Symptom Mutant Polymorphous/Androgynous Schizophrenia Difference-differance/trace The Holy Ghost Irony Indeterminacy Immanence Type Genital/Phallic Paranoia Origin/Cause God the Father Metaphysics Determinacy Transcendence (Hassan, 1982: 267-8; Malpas, 2005: 7-8) According to Anderson (1996) we are living in a new world, a world that does not know how to define itself by what it is, but only by what it has just-now ceased to be. This view takes the position that the world has changed so drastically that confusion has taken over from certainty. The modernist world was fixed and it had a definite character. The post modern perspective explains that the absolute truth and definite standards, that modernity held, has collapsed. In post modernity truth, certainty and reality are provisional and relativistic. This is the case according to Kidd (2003), not just for morality, but also for the knowledge we have about the world around us. There are too many choices out there, all claiming to be the real version of the truth. Religion, politics, the sciences and so on all claim special access to the truth, but how can we tell which is correct? Knowledge has become a commodity and a form of power, rather than an absolute, a truth. Just as truth fragments into a plurality of truths, so the traditional means of identity formation based on class, gender, ethnicity and so on has been replaced by an individual search for meaning, and life-style has become a matter of choice. Ultimately, uncertainty, confusion, ambiguity and plurality will be all that is left. The French thinker Jean-Francois Lyotard, in his book The Post modern Condition (1984: xxiv), defines postmodern as incredulity toward metanarratives. What he means by this that in the postmodern age knowledge has become provisional and as humans we see the old claims to truth for they really are fictions, stories or narratives. Leyotard suggested that science and scientific knowledge have been exposed for what they are once powerful illusions that are powerful no longer. Hope can no longer be placed on the highly modernist notions of progress or reason since what claims to be knowledge depends on where one is, and how one chooses to see what is around one. There is no such thing as a single truth nothing more than a commodity. Knowledge can be bought and sold, and in the age of computer technology those who have the most knowledge have the most power (Kidd, 2003:90-91). According to Kidd (2003) a great deal of postmodern thinking is characterised by a belief called relativism. Relativism in postmodernism suggests that there are no absolute standards of truth, reality, morality and correctness, instead everything comes down to a matter of choice. This concept of relativism is in direct opposition to the modernist thinking discussed in the Modernity section of this paper. The founders believed in progress, development and objectivity but these are seen by postmodernists as nothing but stories, which in their time were powerful and shaped our thinking, but no longer. Critique of postmodernism While post modernism in itself serves as a critique on the principals of modernism, we havent explored any critique on post modernism yet. While many have embraced postmodern ideas, some have rejected them. According to Kidd (2003) the critics of postmodernism are concerned about the implications of these ideas for the future of sociology itself. If there is no such thing as truth, then what is the point of sociology trying to determine what the world is like? There are five main criticisms of postmodernism. First, according to Kidd (2003) is Norris (1992,1993), he considers that postmodernism is far too sceptical and relativistic to be of any use. Norris (1992) quotes an observation made by Tony Bennett: If narratives are all that we can have and if all narratives are, in principle, of equal value as it seems they must be if there is no touchstone of reality to which they can be referred for the adjudication of their truth-claims then rational debate would seem to be pointless. Secondly, according to Kidd (2003), Giddens (1990, 1991) notes with some concern that postmodernism does not give sociology a future. It denies the very Enlightenment spirit that led to the creation of sociology. For Giddens the postmodern denial of truth and reason leaves us with nothing upon which to gain knowledge and truth about the world. Third, according to Kidd (2003), many Marxists have showed that postmodernism may preach about the individual freedom and liberation from the modernists` past, but this freedom is an illusion since it is based on consumption. Given that consumption cost money, then surely some people are going to be more free than others? Postmodernism is said to provide a thinly veiled justification for the false needs created by the capitalist economy these simply ensures more profits for the capitalists themselves and thus ensures the perpetuation of an exploitative society. Fourth, according to Kidd (2003), if morality is indeed relative then this leaves us with no means of challenging, discrimination and prejudice in society. Finally According to Aylesworth (2005) the most prominent critic of postmodernism is Jà ¼rgen Habermas. In The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity (Habermas:1987), he criticises postmodernism at the level of society and communicative action. He defends modernists` argumentative reason in inter-subjective communication against postmodernism`s experimental, avant-garde strategies. For example, Habermans claims postmodernists commit a performative contradiction in their critiques of modernism by employing concepts and methods that only modern reason can provide. Which positions do I agree with? To conceptualize these two culture phenomenas in simple terms it would seem that modernism tends to be much more conservative than the liberal postmodernism. I will explain my position using the controversial animated TV show, South Park as example, from the view point of the episode I`m little bit country(Parker:2003). This episode originally aired during the build-up to the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq. The people of the town South Park are divided about the war. After splitting in two groups, both groups plan rallies: one pro-war (conservative: modernist), one anti-war (liberal: postmodernist), both on the same day in the same street. They end up having a great argument during both rallies, and in the end they get into a huge fight where they begin to kill each other. Benjamin Franklin (one of the founding fathers) appears in the charracter, Eric Cartmans coma-dream and explains to him that the new country must not seem to be a war-monger to the rest of the world; at the same time it cannot seem to be weak either. Therefore it must go to war, but allow protests. The United States will go to war on one hand, and use protest to oppose the war on the other. He refers to the this as saying one thing and doing another. He refers to this as having our cake and eating it too. Cartman wakes up from his coma and delivers this message to the two fighting groups in the town, who see`s the truth of that statement and then break out into song (South Park Studios:2003). Thus my point is that we should apply both cultural phenomenas when living our lives but when doing so we should consider a healthy balance between the two. It would seem unreasonable to consider that everything has an absolute truth about it, because people and things change all the time and not everything is constant and controllable as the modernists would like to believe. On the other hand everything can`t be relative because there has to be absolute truth in world otherwise our lives would be uncertain in so many ways. For example all metals expand when heated is an absolute truth, when you jump of a 50 ft bridge, you are probably going to die. We need truth and freedom to coexist with one another, so if I have to label myself as a modernist or a postmodernist, then I am neither, I will take what I need when I need it . 2501 words
Friday, October 25, 2019
Egypt :: essays research papers
Egypt      Egypt is a Middle Eastern country located in the northeast corner of Africa. A small part of Egypt, called the Sinai Peninsula, is located in Asia. Deserts cover most of Egypt, so it gets little rain, but the longest river in the world, the Nile River, flows through the desert and is key to living for many Egyptians. Almost all of Egypt’s population, about 99%, is located near the Nile or along the Suez Canal, another body of water important to Egyptian life, although together they cover only four percent of Egypt’s total land. The largest city, Cairo, has a population of about 6 million. About 10 million people live in the Cairo metropolitan area. Alexandria, a port city, is the second largest. Egyptian cities are extremely crowded and have inadequate public transportation, causing lots of traffic. They do have crowded streetcars and trains, though.      Many Egyptians consider themselves Arabs. The Bedouins, who are nomads, make up a distinct ethnic minority among the Arab population. Most have settled down on farms, but some tribes still wander. The major non-Arab minority are the Nubians. They originally lived in villages along the Nile in northern Sudan and the very bottom of Egypt, called the Nubian Valley. When the Aswan High Dam was constructed in the 1960’s, it forced the Nubians to move higher up on the Nile.      Arabic is the official language of Egypt. Regional Arabic dialects have their own variations of sounds and words. The most widely used dialect is that of Cairo’s. The Bedouin dialect is different from the settled residents of the Nile Valley. Some people in desert villages even speak Berber. Many educated Egyptians also speak English or French in addition to Arabic.      Egyptian city life is much different than its village life. City residents deal with normal city problems such as housing shortages and traffic. Most of city residents live in poverty, although others enjoy special conveniences and services. Villagers regularly live much like their ancestors did hundreds of years ago, getting by growing crops and tending animals.      Egyptian cities have a wide range of wealth. Good-looking residential areas exist near widespread slums. Lack of satisfactory housing is a major problem. Many people live together in small apartments. Others build makeshift huts on land that belongs to others, or on roofs of apartments. Some of Cairo’s poorest citizens take shelter in historic tombs on the outskirts of the city, in a place call the City of the Dead.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Multicultural Communication
In this clip, the ISRC (International Committee of the Red Cross discuss how the Red Cross performs humanitarian aid within the political climate and upheaval of the modern world. Members of the board include someone from Great Britain, Switzerland, France, and Belgium. The discussion between persons from different countries and cultures is a fascinating watch to see how influence, negotiation, and immunization takes place at the highest levels.Liking They all communicate very formally, sometimes clumsily, in English. Several elements of influence are demonstrated. At the conclusion of her opening remarks, Bea Ivanhoe, Director of the ISRC Visitor Service Center, refers to Peter Manure as ‘his Excellency'. This is not common language, but in a formal, eastern European setting, this provides Mr.. Manure a form of Authority. When one leader refers to another in this manner, it makes clear to the audience that Mr.. Manure likes the presenter, and his credibility can easily transfe r in the audiences mind..Liking is defined as a principle â€Å"that holds that people are more likely to be influenced by those whom they like or with whom they have similarities†(Localhost & Burton, 2010). When introducing Mr.. Manure, Ms. Ivanhoe actually nods her head in subjection as well. Social Proof Alexander Basel begins his speech in his native French when speaking to his immediate superiors. However, when opening remarks begin to be addressed to the general audience, he transfers to English. This is a way of demonstrating social proof hat he is well respected by his compatriots, and therefore should be respected by other on the panel and in the audience.Social proof is defined as a â€Å"principle of influence that states people are more likely to want to do something if they believe that many others are doing the same thing or buying the same product†(Localhost & Burton, 2010). Reciprocation When the panel begins its discussion, Mr.. Manure discusses how Professor Musses Capita mentioned that the ISRC is successful because it runs away from politics. Mr.. Manure compliments Professor Capita on his expertise, then disagrees to say that the ISRC works within the confines of the political landscape, but does not run from it.This compliment then disagree is all done without emotion, and done in the same way that DRP. Capita speaks, this is a form of reciprocation. As defined, reciprocation is a â€Å"principle of influence that states people are more likely to say yes too request when the requester has done something for that person in the past†(Localhost & Burton, 2010). Non-verbal Communication & Conformity Antonio Gestures (Portugal) begins his discussion with much more facial expressions ND hand gestures than the remainder of the board.When asked questions, he uses his body language to appear humble in his responses and positions. This non-verbal communication gives an appearance of conformity, and shows he is not one to reb el against the group.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Development or environmental injustice Essay
What does it really take to experience development? What are the defining criteria for development? Is development quantitatively measured or qualitatively evaluated? What are the key indicators of a developing or developed country? The answers depend on the person’s priority and preference. The expansion of metropolitan areas has been referred to as urban development by those who are after the material indicators of development- high rise buildings, wider highways, more cars and more parks. For those who are concerned with the long-term environmental and health effects of urbanization, they call it urban sprawl. For the purpose of having a common point of reference, let me use 1Dr. Howard Frumkin’s definition of urban sprawl: â€Å"the complex pattern of land use, transportation and social and economic development. †This complex pattern requires the extension of urban areas to rural areas, and thus converting the latter to urbanized locality. Urbanization implies vast forest and agricultural lands to be converted to different land uses. Sad to say, the list includes recreational facilities and parks which, for investment and environmental considerations are to be of least priority. Extensive roads construction which provides spaces for suburban dwellers to drive a car just to buy a pack of cigarette in the next block, is not suppose to be of immediate consideration. Besides this qualitative indicators of poor urban sprawl considerations, there are environmental threats of urban sprawl that are needed to be evaluated and be given high priority by the development advocates, as it concerns life of the present and future generations. 2â€Å"Automobile has been a prerequisite to urban sprawl. †(J. E. Anderson) The most adverse effect of heavy reliance to automobiles is obviously air pollution. In the United States, 3about 25% of all trips are shorter than one mile of these, 75% are by car. Another related 4study revealed that only 1% of trips in the US are on bicycle and 9% by foot. Do these figures present impressive urban development rates for the US? I am afraid not because the Netherlands has 30% accounting for transportation on bicycle. These facts rather provide proofs that vehicles are the leading source of air pollution. Despite modern environmental standards, urban air quality remains to be greatly affected by the emission of air pollutants from transport. In the 5US alone, 30% of nitrogen oxide and 30% of hydrocarbon emissions are brought about by mobile sources. In addition, 5carbon dioxide emission, which is the end product of burning fuel such as gas, accounts for 80% emissions. Carbon dioxide is the major greenhouse gas, with global warming potential. Needless to explain, development should no be measured quantitatively, that is by the number of cars that are going to and fro the streets of the cities. Rather, development should be measured qualitatively, that how much does it contribute to the quality of life the residents are to experience when programs relative to urban sprawl are push through. Housing development is a part of urban sprawl, which requires forest fragmentation. 6Chet Arnold of the Center for Land-use and Research at the University of Connecticut said forest fragmentation occurs when â€Å"large, continuous forests are divided into smaller blocks, either by roads, clearing for agriculture, urbanization, or other human development. †This means that housing development requires animal populations in the cleared forests to be thrown out of their natural habitats. Destruction of natural habitats accounts for great loss of biodiversity, which results to ecological imbalance. I agree that man deserve to have decent life and part of it is having a more comfortable living. But humans are not the only residents of the earth. We also have to take into consideration the floras and faunas as part of biodiversity. Let us remember that earth creatures are dependent on each other. Humans, being given the capacity to think and understand over the lower forms of life should see things beyond material and short-term comforts that development brings. Urban sprawl in this context alone is clearly an environmental injustice. Water resources are not exempted from the list of natural resources that are directly affected by urban sprawl. As requisite of urban sprawl deforestation brings forth water pollution. This is besides the effects of pollutants that directly come from factories, sewage treatment plants and local wastes, which are typical to urbanized cities. Rainwater that runs through the deforested lands are not effectively absorbed and thus flows downstream. This process results to lesser groundwater recharge, then water supply shortage follows. Added to the list of negative effects of urban sprawl to natural resources are noise pollution, the heat island effect, soil erosion and the declining fertility rates of soils. The main point of all these is that urban sprawl is the root of many environmental injustices. Air pollution, deforestation, water pollution, soil degradation and the destruction of biodiversity are results of a chain reaction from a single step to what others refer to as urban development. What humans failed to do and still refuse to consider is the future. Development projects, of which urban sprawl is a major player, are focused on comforts and pleasures of today and shortly after tomorrow. The next generation should be taken into serious consideration. There are things that still can be undone, but there are things that cannot. Natural resources that were destroyed can still be replaced, but it takes a century to bring them back to where they used to be. By itself, there’s nothing wrong with development. What makes it undesirable is its planner to consider the future. REFERENCES 1. Frumkin, Howard. Urban Sprawl and Public Health. Public Health Reports. May-June 2002 issue. Volume 117. page 201 2. Anderson, J. Edward. Personal Rapid Transit and Urban Development. Retrieved from http://faculty. washington. edu/jbs/itrans/sprawl. htm on December 19, 2006 3. Koplan, JP, Dietz. Caloric Imbalance and Public Health Policy. JAMA 1999. 282. pages 1579-81 4. Pucher, J. Bicycling Boom in Germany: A Revival Engineered by Public Policy. Transportation Q 1997:51. pages 31-46 5. US Environmental Agency. National Emission Inventory. Air Pollutant Emission Trends. Current Emission Trend Summaries. Retrieved from http://www. epa. gov/ttn/chief/trends/index. html on December 19, 2006 6. NASA. Urban Sprawl: The Big Picture. Retrieved from http://science. nasa. gov/headlines/y2002/11oct_sprawl. htm on December 19, 2006
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How Your Actions May Be Unintentionally Racist
How Your Actions May Be Unintentionally Racist In the aftermath of the presidential election of 2016, many people have experienced relationship blowouts with friends, family, romantic partners, and colleagues over accusations of racism. Many of those who voted for Donald Trump have found themselves accused of being racist, as well as sexist, misogynist, homophobic, and xenophobic. Those making the accusations feel this way because they associate these forms of discrimination with the candidate himself, on account of statements he made and behaviors he displayed throughout the campaign, and the likely outcomes of policies and practices that he supports. But many of those accused find themselves confused and angry at the accusation, and feel that exercising their right to vote for the political candidate of their choice does not make them a racist, nor any other form of oppressor. So, who is in the right? Does voting for a certain political candidate make someone a racist? Can our actions be racist even though we dont mean them to be? Lets consider these questions from a sociological standpoint and draw on social science theory and research to answer them. Dealing With the R Word When people are accused of being a racist in todays United States they often experience this accusation as an attack on their character. Growing up, we are taught that being racist is bad. It is considered among the worst crimes ever committed on U.S. soil, in the forms of genocide of Native Americans, enslavement of Africans and their descendants, violence and segregation during the Jim Crow era, Japanese internment, and the fierce and violent resistance shown by many to integration and the 1960s movement for Civil Rights, to name just a handful of notable cases. The way that we learn this history suggests that formal, institutional racism- that enforced by law- is a thing of the past. It follows, then, that the attitudes and behaviors among the wider population that worked to enforce racism through informal means is also (mostly) a thing of the past too. We are taught that racists were bad people who lived in our history, and because of that, the problem is largely behind us. So, its understandable that when a person is accused of racism today, it seems a ghastly thing to say, and a nearly unspeakable thing to say directly to a person. This is why, since the election, as this accusation has been hurled between family members, friends, and loved ones, relationships have blown up over social media, text, and in person. In a society that prides itself in being diverse, inclusive, tolerant, and color blind, calling someone a racist is one of the worst insults that can be made. But lost in these accusations and blowups is what racism actually means in todays world, and the diversity of forms that racist actions take. What Racism Is Today Sociologists believe that racism exists when ideas and assumptions about racial categories are used to justify and reproduce a racial hierarchy that unjustly limits access to power, resources, rights, and privileges to some on the basis of race, while at the same time giving unjust amounts of those things to others. Racism also occurs when this kind of unjust social structure is produced by the failure to account for race and the force it exerts in all aspects of society, both historically and today. By this definition of racism, a belief, worldview, or an action is racist when it supports the continuance of this kind of racially imbalanced system of power and privilege. So if you want to know whether an action is racist, then the question to ask about it is: Does it help to reproduce a racial hierarchy that gives some more power, privileges, rights, and resources than others, on the basis of race? Framing the question this way means that a variety of different kinds of thoughts and actions can be defined as racist. These are hardly limited to overt forms of racism that are highlighted in our historical narrative on the problem, like physical violence, using racial slurs, and plainly discriminating against people on the basis of race. By this definition, racism today often takes much more subtle, nuanced, and even hidden forms. To test this theoretical understanding of racism, lets examine some cases in which behavior or actions might have racist consequences, even though a person doesnt identify as a racist or intend for their actions to be racist. Dressing As an Indian for Halloween People who grew up in the 1970s or 80s are very likely to have seen kids dressed as Indians (Native Americans) for Halloween, or have gone as one at some point during their childhood. The costume, which draws on stereotypical portrayals of Native American culture and dress, including feathered headdresses, leather, and fringe clothing, remains fairly popular today and is widely available for men, women, children, and babies from a wide range of costume suppliers. No longer limited to Halloween, elements of the costume have become popular and common elements of outfits worn by attendees of music festivals across the U.S. While its unlikely that anyone who wears such a costume, or dresses their child in one, intends to be racist, dressing as an Indian for Halloween is not as innocent as it may seem. Thats because the costume itself acts as a racial stereotype- it reduces an entire race of people, one composed of a diverse array of culturally distinct groups, to a small collection of physical elements. Racial stereotypes are dangerous because they play a crucial role in the social process of marginalizing groups of people on the basis of race, and in most cases, stripping those people of their humanity and reducing them to objects. The stereotypical image of the Indian in particular tends to fix Native Americans in the past, suggesting that they are not an important part of the present. This works to divert attention away from systems of economic and racial inequality that continue to exploit and oppress Native Americans today. For these reasons, dressing as an Indian for Halloween, or wearing any k ind of costume that is composed of racial stereotypes, is in fact an act of racism. All Lives Matter The contemporary social movement Black Lives Matter was born in 2013 following the acquittal of the man who killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. The movement grew and came to national prominence in 2014 following the police killings of Michael Brown and Freddie Gray. The name of the movement and the widely used hashtag that catalyzed it assert the importance of Black lives because the widespread violence against Black people in the U.S. and the oppression they suffer in a society that is systemically racist suggests that their lives do not matter. The history of enslavement of Black people and racism against them is premised on the belief, whether conscious or not, that their lives are expendable and inconsequential. So, members of the movement and its supporters believe that it is necessary to assert that Black lives do in fact matter, as they draw attention to racism and ways to effectively fight it. Following media attention to the movement, some began to respond to it be stating or writing on social media that all lives matter. Of course, no one can argue with this claim. It is inherently true and rings to many with an air of egalitarianism. To many it is both an obvious and harmless statement. However, when we consider it as a response to the assertion that Black lives matter, we can see that it serves to divert attention from an anti-racist social movement. And, in the context of the racial history and contemporary racism of U.S. society, it works as a rhetorical device that ignores and silences Black voices, and draws attention away from the very real problems of racism that Black Lives Matter seeks to highlight and address. Whether one means to or not, doing so works to preserve the racial hierarchy of white privilege and supremacy. So, in the context of a dire need to listen to Black people when they talk about racism and what we need to do to help end it, stating that all lives matter is a racist act. Voting for Donald Trump Voting in elections is the lifeblood of American democracy. It is both a right and a duty of every citizen, and it has long been considered taboo to denigrate or chastise those whose political views and choices differ from ones own. This is because a democracy composed of multiple parties can only function when respect and cooperation are present. But during 2016, the public comments and political positions of Donald Trump have prompted many to buck the norm of civility. Many have characterized Trump and his supporters as racist, and many relationships have been destroyed in the process. So is it racist to support Trump? To answer that question one has to understand what he represents within the racial context of the U.S. Unfortunately, Donald Trump has a long history of behaving in racist ways. Throughout the campaign and prior to it, Trump made statements that denigrated racial groups and are rooted in dangerous racial stereotypes. His history in business is blighted by examples of discrimination against people of color. Throughout the campaign Trump routinely condoned violence against people of color, and condoned through his silence the white supremacist attitudes and racist actions of people among his supporters. Politically speaking, the policies he supports, like, for example, closing and defunding family planning clinics, those related to immigration and citizenship, overturning the Affordable Healthcare Act, and his proposed income tax brackets which penalize the poor and working classes will specifically harm people of color, at greater rates than they will harm white people, if they are passed into law. In doing so, these policies will help preserve the racial hierarchy of the U.S., white p rivilege, and white supremacy. Those who voted for Trump endorsed these policies, his attitudes, and behaviorall of which fit the sociological definition of racism. So, even if a person doesnt agree that thinking and acting this way is right, even if they themselves dont think and act this way, voting for Donald Trump was an act of racism. This reality is likely a hard pill to swallow for those of you who supported the Republican candidate. The good news is, its never too late to change. If you oppose racism and want to help fight it, there are practical things you can do in your everyday life as individuals, as members of communities, and as citizens of the U.S. to help end racism.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Quotes about D-Day
Quotes about D-Day The D-Day invasion of World War II, codenamed Operation Overlord, began on June 6, 1944. The assault was originally planned for June 5th. However, due to poor weather General Dwight Eisenhower decided to move the date of the invasion to the 6th. It was among the largest amphibious assaults ever attempted. Following are some quotes from that historic day. We want to get the hell over there. The quicker we clean up this Goddamned mess, the quicker we can take a little jaunt against the purple pissing Japs and clean out their nest, too. Before the Goddamned Marines get all of the credit. ~ General George S. Patton, Jr (This politically incorrect speech was given to Pattons troops on June 5, 1944.)There is one great thing that you men will all be able to say after this war is over and you are home once again. You may be thankful that twenty years from now when you are sitting by the fireplace with your grandson on your knee and he asks you what you did in the great World War II, you WONT have to cough, shift him to the other knee and say, Well, your Granddaddy shoveled shit in Louisiana. No, Sir, you can look him straight in the eye and say, Son, your Granddaddy rode with the Great Third Army and a Son-of-a-Goddamned-Bitch named Georgie Patton! ~ General George S. Patton, Jr (This speech was delivered to Pattons troops on June 5, 1944)Ra ngers, Lead The Way! ~ Colonel Francis W. Dawson on the occasion of the Normandy Invasion, 1944You will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world. Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped, and battle-hardened. He will fight savagely....The free men of the world are marching together to victory. I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory. Good luck, and let us all beseech the blessings of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking. ~General Dwight D. Eisenhower giving the D-Day order on June 6, 1944.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
A report on dry bulk shipping
A report on dry bulk shipping Shipping is indubitably one of the fascinating industries in the world. It requires vast knowledge and skill to cop up with the day to day operations because of the complexity of the industry and its dependence on world economics. Dry Bulk ships carry dry cargoes in bulk from one port to another and can be categorised into handysize, handymax, panamax, capesize, and very large bulk and ore carriers according to their sizes. The performance of the bulk shipping market depends on the demand for and supply of bulk shipping services, as well as the characteristics of the market structure. The importance of shipping cycle in case of dry bulk carrier is that they plays a vital part in the economics of shipping industry by managing the investment risk in an industry ,where there is large uncertainty about the future (Stopford,2009) Section 1 Literature Review One of the major aspects affecting the future of dry bulk shipping is the quality and the safety perspective. Nominal freig ht differentiation between ‘quality’ and ‘other’ tonnage has been observed occasionally and much services has been paid to promoting the need for younger and safer ships (Tamvakis and Thanopoulou,2000) Another factor that can influence maritime flows of dry bulk commodity is seasonality patterns .Spot rates for bigger vessels shows higher seasonal variations compared to smaller vessels, although differences in seasonal fluctuations between sectors are removed as the contract duration increases.  (Kavussanos and Alizadeh,2001) Investing in shipping industry has an entirely new aspect by the introduction of private equity and the development of a hedging strategy, now this can be treated as a portfolio optimization problem. The freight futures provide a comparatively novel medium for hedging risk in dry bulk shipping markets. New uprising financial strategies in dry bulk shipping in future can revolutionize the entire market.( Cullinane,1995) Dura tion analysis done by Bijwaard G.E and Knapp.S provides an insight to the effectiveness of prolonging ship lives and the empirical data solidifies the idea about the life span of dry bulk carrier. Life span is an important aspect in predicting the ship cycle(Bijwaard and Knapp,2009)Scrapping of ship is done at a particular time and this is done when the ship is retired from the current use or when shipping cycle demands it. Gain and losses after the scrapping of a ship . entirely depends on the market condition. Demand of Dry bulk shipping is always related to the scrapping industry.(Knapp,2008) The Government is proposing that the UK’s CO2 emissions should fall by at least 80% by 2050 . Release of exhaust gases and particles from oceangoing ships is an important and growing provider to the total emissions from the transportation sector. New strategies like slow steam, alternate fuel and new logistic approach like jumbo ore carriers etc will be used in future to make the s hipping sector more eco friendly(Eyring et al,2010) Research Hypothesis Marine flow of dry bulk goods in 2050 will be largely influenced on numerous factors and the background study done above concretes this statement. From the background study done above following hypothesis are made.
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Lived Experience of Older Hispanic Women with Chronic Arthritic Research Proposal
The Lived Experience of Older Hispanic Women with Chronic Arthritic Pain - Research Proposal Example The various factors that influence the effectiveness of the treatment or prevention need to be identified and evaluated for providing better care and mechanisms of pain management and preventive measures. The study would look at the lived experience of older Hispanic women with chronic arthritis and help identify the various aspects of health disparity, disability and pain due to chronic arthritis in older Hispanic women who are 65 years and above. 2a. Statement of the problem In the target demographic segment of 65 years and above age group, chronic diseases are quite common. Christ and Diwan (2009) assert that from 2010, when the baby boomers start turning 65 years and above, there would be significant rise in the aged population. CDC (2007) reports that ethnic minority and Hispanic older population would be nearly 39% of 65 and over population by 2050! Hispanic American would increase by 18%. The racial diversity of older population becomes important ingredient of healthcare deliv erables because of the increasing health disparity. It further informs that 54% of women are afflicted with arthritis. With relatively large percentage of population constituting of Hispanic Americans, women, in particular, are more prone to arthritis and other chronic diseases. 2b. Purpose of the study The basic purpose of the study would be to study the lived experience of older Hispanic women with chronic arthritis and find out various aspects of the illness that impact quality of life in the target segment. It would help to address the issue from the wider perspective of socio-economic and cultural paradigm that would help evolve new mechanisms for improving their life. 2c. Significance of the study The study would help the authorities and healthcare industries to address the various external factors that impact the effectiveness of the arthritis treatment in older Hispanic women. It would go a long way in easing the pain of the chronic illness in aged Hispanic women who have be en living with the constant pain and disability caused due to chronic arthritis. 3a. Research question Q1 To what extent ethnicity or culture influence the treatment experience? Q2 Why women are more vulnerable to chronic arthritis than men? Q3 What are the external environmental factors that impact the lived experience of older Hispanic women? Q4 How pain is perceived in chronic diseases across cultures? Q5 Should geriatric care be redefined vis-a-vis pain perception across culture? 3b. Hypothesis Arthritis, especially rheumatoid arthritis is associated with chronically painful syndrome of aching and burning pain of the joints (Merskey and Bogduck, 1994). Constant pain and difficulty in carrying out daily work are the major consequences of arthritis (Melanson and Downe-Wambolt, 2003). The disability becomes a crucial factor that not only impacts the physical condition of the women but also influences her mental and cognitive abilities to live normal life. The socio-economic conditi ons of the people can aggravate or delay the chances of age related diseases, especially arthritis. Indeed, environmental factors like poverty, cultural paradigms, racial health disparity etc. are significant factors that have adverse effect on the health. It is therefore assumed that by identifying the factors that influence its treatment, women
What is the optimal rate of inflation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
What is the optimal rate of inflation - Essay Example The causes of inflation are many and complex but economists do point towards the interaction between the output given by an economy and the supply of money in a system as well as the interest rates established by the government as guides for what inflation would be present in a country. Monetarist economists believe that the supply of money is most important in setting the rate of inflation while the Keynesian economists suggest that interest rates and economic output set the rate of inflation (Wikipedia, 2007). The problem with defining what the optimal rate of inflation should be comes from the difference in theory and practice. Certain theories point towards negative inflation being the best but it has been shown that countries with negative inflation suffered the consequences because other factors influenced their economic situation. Others suggest that a positive rate could be the optimal answer but some countries have suffered from uncontrolled inflation and overheating economies when inflation became difficult to control. Politicians on the other hand prefer to see zero inflation since it is easy to project an idea of economic stability if they can point towards zero inflation as well as a zero unemployment rate (Palley, 1998). Another difference between economists and the economic policies of several state operated banks around Europe is their optimal rate of inflation. It seems that there is no real consensus on the idea and while some economists suggest that the optimal rate of inflation in an economy is slightly negative (Friedman, M. 1969), others show with examples from recent history that a slight rate of inflation could actually be good for the economy (Sinclair, 2003). The dominant economic paradigm, subscribed to by both the government and the stock markets, is the theory of the Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment (NAIRU). This is also called the alias the natural rate of unemployment (Palley, 1998). The theory maintains that if the
I used to live here once by Jean Rhys Discuss how this visit reflects Essay
I used to live here once by Jean Rhys Discuss how this visit reflects her feelings of displacement, taking into - Essay Example The story is thus more of an autobiography where the author talks about her life. The title of the story is symbolic as she wrote many literary works about the Dominican Republic during her school in Britain. The short story I Used to Live Here Once is a small story in a collection of stories Sleep It off Lady. Therefore, the story is symbolic as it amplifies the despair, loneliness, and psychological trauma that come along with isolation in the persona life as she lacks a real identity and people to identify with. Frickey (100) explains that the story being very short has been symbolically placed in the novel to signify a case of finale, which may signify the return of Rhys after many years of exile to Dominican Republic. The strong emotional presentation of the persona’s return in the story is crucial because of an important incidence in her life. The story is presented in a third person presentation, implying the narrator is not part of the story, which may signify lack of identity as the narrator was removed from her ancestral home, she lost her identity and she presents herself as another person in case of duality. The title signifies the narrator is the main actor, but the use of third person may reflect loss of identity as explained. The story is an emotional reflection, where the persona recalls her past life, and the developments that had occurred with her absence, recounting the mysterious journeys in life and the effects they had in her life. The fragmentation is the main style employed in the narrative: the author balances the present and past throughout the story, in connecting memories and the present until the end. Symbolism is another major stylistic device employed by the author. At the beginning, the author describes her surroundings as a â€Å"blue day,†and that the sky looked â€Å"glassy†(Rhys 358). The blue day is symbolic of the clarity that the narrator remembers all events and her past life in the place she used t o call home. However, glassy represents the new ‘unremembered’ life that signifies the new life as she closes the river to search for her lost heavens. The sky looks glassy therefore signifies the unclear that she steps into after closing the river. This glassy and blue sky looks portray the reflections of the persona between the past that she clearly remembers, and knew, and a new life that is not clear to her. Frickey further argues that â€Å"she†is extraordinarily happy walking alone, recognizing the previous settings and noting the changes (100). Everything was thus much clear the persona, making her happy. The novel starts as she is standing at the bank of a river, watching the flowing water, remembering each stepping stone (Rhys 358), and everything was as she remembered. Flowing water is symbolic of the rolling wheels of life. The persona is reflecting on how life has passed, and she clearly remembers each detail of her life as symbolized by stones. The unsafe stone was perhaps what had caused her disconnect and removal from her ancestral home; as agitation by the natives increased symbolized by overflowing water, they were forced to exile. Wilson (68) explains that Rhys was just like other people who were forced to exile and disconnected from their ancestry, and their past. The session at the river therefore signifies reflection of how life has passed and the events that have happened since they were removed from their land. The theme of isolation and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Perfect Competition and Monopoly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Perfect Competition and Monopoly - Essay Example These structures leave one benefitted and other worsen off. Economist offer infer that perfect competition is the right way to progress in the long run as it bring efficiency in the market however; detailed discussion and comparison is essential to reach a conclusion. (Baumol & Blinder, 2011) They can be compared on the following four characteristics. No. of firms Monopoly is an industry which is comprised of a single firm who is undeniably the price maker with extensive control over the market. He is known to maximize profit through controlling output in the market. He will increase the output only if his marginal revenue is greater than its marginal cost, which will ultimately result in maximization of profits. Utility service providers are a perfect example of monopoly. In contrast, perfect competition is an industry comprised of large number of small firms, each with absolutely no control over price. They are the price takers and follow price set by the demand and supply principl es. For instance, soybeans market in California is an example of perfect competition as there are many buyers and sellers and price is set where demand and supply meets. Available Substitutes: A monopoly firm produces a unique product which has no close substitutes. Monopoly being the sole producer of the product can control the market and influence price through this characteristic. There is hardly any other company providing railway services then one in county. This gives the company a monopoly power as no close substitute is available. In contrast, a perfectly competitive industry produces identical products with limited or no differentiation in products. This industry has infinite number of substitutes which are readily available in the market. This characteristic does not allow perfectly competitive firms to charge higher than the market price. Resource Mobility: Monopoly structure contains strong barriers to entry which is the prime reason for monopolies to exist. . Adding up, there are four primary advantages that allow the monopoly firm to enjoy power and restrict the other firms to enter the market. These are economies of scale, economies of slope, cost complementary and patents. This restricts any other player to enter the market even if abnormal profits are on offer. Pharmaceutical firms pay large sum of money to buy patents which restricts other manufacturers to enter the market. In contrast, perfectly competitive firms have absolute freedom to enter or exit the industry. There are no barriers for them which does not all this structure to enjoy abnormal profits as companies enter to reap profits when they notice a probability of such a scenario. If this scenario occurs, then firms will enter the market to reap those profits which will shift the supply curve to right as shown in the graph below. The supply curve shifts from S0 to S1 which will reduce the market price from P0 to P1 that would eventually result in dipping profits. On the other hand, i f the firm in short run incurs losses, it will leave the industry and force the supply curve to left or upward from S0 to S2 , which will increase market price from P0 to P2 and hence; the firm that remain in industry will enjoy increased profits (Lambert M. Surhone, 2010). This fluctuation will remain until average cost of product is equal to market price. S1 S0 P MC S2 AC Pe Pe = MR = MC Information: In a monopoly, the information obtained by the company is
Exective Leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Exective Leadership - Assignment Example The trait theory stipulates that leaders are born with specific characteristics of leadership such as internal force, intelligence and ability to interact with other people (Wart, 2012). They believe that either one becomes a good leader because they were born with leadership qualities or they are poor leaders if they were not born with leadership traits. Stratified systems theory suggests that leaders perform specific tasks in the organization depending on the ranks they hold in the organizations (Wart, 2012). Junior leaders are engaged in short-term planning while senior leaders focus on long-term goals of the organization. In addition, the theory suggests the duration in which a leader can work in an organization without supervision is dependent on the rank they hold (Morse,, 2007). Those who hold highest ranks stay longer than junior leaders without supervision. Path-goal theory is similar to trait and stratified theories in that both theories admit leaders possess certain characteristics that enable them to lead their followers and improve organizations performance (Wart, 2012). However, they differ in the sense that path-goal theory presumes a leader should define organizational goals and empower the capability of followers to pursue them while trait theory presumes people can only utilize their inborn potential to achieve organizational goals (Morse,, 2007). On the other hand, stratified theories differ from trait and path-goal it perceives performance of leaders as dependent on the ranks they hold in an organization, thus, those holding junior positions require more supervision than senior leaders (Wart, 2012). The grid was designed to elaborate how leaders can assist organizations to attain their goals by taking concern for production and for the people (Wart, 2012). The concern for organization entails leaders’ effort to perform organizational tasks such
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
I used to live here once by Jean Rhys Discuss how this visit reflects Essay
I used to live here once by Jean Rhys Discuss how this visit reflects her feelings of displacement, taking into - Essay Example The story is thus more of an autobiography where the author talks about her life. The title of the story is symbolic as she wrote many literary works about the Dominican Republic during her school in Britain. The short story I Used to Live Here Once is a small story in a collection of stories Sleep It off Lady. Therefore, the story is symbolic as it amplifies the despair, loneliness, and psychological trauma that come along with isolation in the persona life as she lacks a real identity and people to identify with. Frickey (100) explains that the story being very short has been symbolically placed in the novel to signify a case of finale, which may signify the return of Rhys after many years of exile to Dominican Republic. The strong emotional presentation of the persona’s return in the story is crucial because of an important incidence in her life. The story is presented in a third person presentation, implying the narrator is not part of the story, which may signify lack of identity as the narrator was removed from her ancestral home, she lost her identity and she presents herself as another person in case of duality. The title signifies the narrator is the main actor, but the use of third person may reflect loss of identity as explained. The story is an emotional reflection, where the persona recalls her past life, and the developments that had occurred with her absence, recounting the mysterious journeys in life and the effects they had in her life. The fragmentation is the main style employed in the narrative: the author balances the present and past throughout the story, in connecting memories and the present until the end. Symbolism is another major stylistic device employed by the author. At the beginning, the author describes her surroundings as a â€Å"blue day,†and that the sky looked â€Å"glassy†(Rhys 358). The blue day is symbolic of the clarity that the narrator remembers all events and her past life in the place she used t o call home. However, glassy represents the new ‘unremembered’ life that signifies the new life as she closes the river to search for her lost heavens. The sky looks glassy therefore signifies the unclear that she steps into after closing the river. This glassy and blue sky looks portray the reflections of the persona between the past that she clearly remembers, and knew, and a new life that is not clear to her. Frickey further argues that â€Å"she†is extraordinarily happy walking alone, recognizing the previous settings and noting the changes (100). Everything was thus much clear the persona, making her happy. The novel starts as she is standing at the bank of a river, watching the flowing water, remembering each stepping stone (Rhys 358), and everything was as she remembered. Flowing water is symbolic of the rolling wheels of life. The persona is reflecting on how life has passed, and she clearly remembers each detail of her life as symbolized by stones. The unsafe stone was perhaps what had caused her disconnect and removal from her ancestral home; as agitation by the natives increased symbolized by overflowing water, they were forced to exile. Wilson (68) explains that Rhys was just like other people who were forced to exile and disconnected from their ancestry, and their past. The session at the river therefore signifies reflection of how life has passed and the events that have happened since they were removed from their land. The theme of isolation and
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Exective Leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Exective Leadership - Assignment Example The trait theory stipulates that leaders are born with specific characteristics of leadership such as internal force, intelligence and ability to interact with other people (Wart, 2012). They believe that either one becomes a good leader because they were born with leadership qualities or they are poor leaders if they were not born with leadership traits. Stratified systems theory suggests that leaders perform specific tasks in the organization depending on the ranks they hold in the organizations (Wart, 2012). Junior leaders are engaged in short-term planning while senior leaders focus on long-term goals of the organization. In addition, the theory suggests the duration in which a leader can work in an organization without supervision is dependent on the rank they hold (Morse,, 2007). Those who hold highest ranks stay longer than junior leaders without supervision. Path-goal theory is similar to trait and stratified theories in that both theories admit leaders possess certain characteristics that enable them to lead their followers and improve organizations performance (Wart, 2012). However, they differ in the sense that path-goal theory presumes a leader should define organizational goals and empower the capability of followers to pursue them while trait theory presumes people can only utilize their inborn potential to achieve organizational goals (Morse,, 2007). On the other hand, stratified theories differ from trait and path-goal it perceives performance of leaders as dependent on the ranks they hold in an organization, thus, those holding junior positions require more supervision than senior leaders (Wart, 2012). The grid was designed to elaborate how leaders can assist organizations to attain their goals by taking concern for production and for the people (Wart, 2012). The concern for organization entails leaders’ effort to perform organizational tasks such
Terms of reference Essay Example for Free
Terms of reference Essay This report is based on comparing six different documents. I have to compare 2 documents from 3 different companies. I chose to compare 3 prospectuses and 3 application forms. All information was collected last year when I was looking for a collage to go to. I will be looking at different parts of the documents from how many pages they have and how they appeal to people looking for a collage to go to. I will also be writing about how well the documents do there job. I found by looking at each prospectus there were similar elements between them and also that they were similar to one another. I saw all that all prospectuses have had information on courses. I noticed that all the application forms were laid out the same they all used boxes all application forms use boxes because it makes the forms look better. The first document I collected was a prospectus from Spelthorne collage I got the prospectus by ordering it on-line from www. spelthorne. ac. uk but it can also be picked up from Spelthorne collage in Ashford. The Spelthorne prospectus is around 2/3rds the size of an A4 piece of paper and has boarder on the front page it also has writing going on top of many pictures the writing is going diagonal. On the cover it also give the viewer the effect of looking at a website it has a list of courses and mouse over hand clicking on a subject, because the prospectus is only 2/3rds of an A4 sheet of paper when opened it feels extra long. A special type of paper is used on the cover. This prospectus has to be one of the smallest I have seen. The layout of nearly every page in this prospectus is the same it has a few pictures at the top of the page of at the bottom some pictures and text wrapped around them every page has a heading at the top (e. g. courses then it writes what course it is) Also on every page there is a boarder on the left the boarder is greater then any were else on the page this is because information is written here like a contents. Every other page has the Spelthorne website at the bottom in the boarder and also it has a mouse over saying Adult education courses see page 28 for full listing. Every page also has a purple line going through the top of it and a full circle going through the large boarder on the left hand side. The layout of the courses is very good they have a big heading in the boarder with a content page. By looking at this prospectus you can see that the main colour of it is purple but the front cover also has many different font colours these vary from white, orange, blue, red and yellow. The main colour that caught my eye when looking at this prospectus was the orange this was because it was brighter than any other colour on the page and stood out the most another colour I thought looked very well on the front cover was the whitish purple that was in the page boarder. When opening the prospectus you can still see that the dominate colour is purple but on the first few pages there are many other colours to such as light blue used as a back ground with black writing on top of it. A lot of white is also used as background colour. After the first few pages the purple boarder appears around the whole page other colours are also used but are not as noticed as purple. They make heading of courses stand out by making them a blue. On some pages a blue back ground is used to make information stick out more. Overall I think the colour scheme is very straight forward but I think they over did it with the purple.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Reflection In Occupational Therapy Practice
Reflection In Occupational Therapy Practice I have always struggled with reflection, initially I didnt see the point of going over and over events that had happened, I was confident that the action I had taken at the time was right for the moment, but if I felt that it wasnt I would acknowledge that and improve next time, obviously this process is going on in my head, (according to Schon this is Reflection in action), and improves with experience over time, I can understand how reflecting can help with thought and behavioural processes, and also provides evidence so others can see the outcomes of my actions. It seems to me that reflection is used to teach people skills that they may not have, some people are good with people and some are not, I do not think that is something that can be taught. You either have it or you dont. Initially I was quite apprehensive with my choice of placement community mental health having worked, with adults with mental health problems, in the past, I was basing my past experience on what I would experience at the placement; and my past experiences had not always been positive, so I was maybe a little anxious to start with. What I found was totally different to my preconceptions, I had never experienced group work before, and was interested with the impact this would have on the service users and also what the Occupational Therapy (OT) role was. The therapists were there to facilitate, and support the group processes, initially I queried that the OTs were more counsellors than OTs, and many had chosen to gain a counselling qualification to aid their role. Then again If everything is about occupation and has meaning to someone, then to enable an individual with low self esteem, or mild depression to engage with their fellow peers could be part of the OT role, especially if i t enables them to participate in work, leisure and self care. My critical incident is taken from one experience in a creative group, half way through my placement. Reflective practice is not a new concept Boud, Keogh and Walker (1985) stated 20 years ago that it features the individual and their experiences, leading to a new conceptual perspective or understanding. They included the element of learning, as well as involvement of the self, to define reflective practice: â€Å"Reflection is a forum of response of the learner to experience†(Boud et al. 1985) Johns and Freshwater (1998) also described the value of reflective practice as a means of learning. There is no doubt that â€Å"reflection†is a complex concept that has defied consensus on definition although some commonalities exist. It involves the self and is triggered by questioning of actions, values and beliefs. An understanding of the purpose of reflective practice and its components can be gained by considering some of the definitions provided in literature. A few useful definitions include the following: †¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Reflection is a process of reviewing an experience of practice in order to describe, analyse, evaluate and so inform learning about practice†(Reid, 1993) †¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Reflective practice is something more than thoughtful practice. It is that form of practice that seeks to problematise many situations of professional performance so that they can become potential learning situations and so the practitioners can continue to learn, grow and develop in and through practice†(Jarvis, 1992). To maximise learning through critical reflection we need to locate ourselves within the experience and explore available theory, knowledge and experience to understand the experience in different ways. Thus Boyd Fales (1983) claim that critical reflection: †¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"is the core difference between whether a person repeats the same experience several times becoming highly proficient at ones behaviour, or learns from experience in such a way that he or she is cognitively or affectively changed†. Critical reflection is viewed as transformational learning which according to Baumgartner (2001) can happen either gradually or from a sudden or critical incident and alter the way people see themselves and their world. According to Kolb (1984) reflecting is an essential element of learning. He developed the cycle of experiential learning which has formed the basis of many models for reflective practice in the past two decades. Kolb draws attention to the fact that, when we want to learn from something that has already happened to us, we need to recall our observations of the event and then reflect on those observations in some way. Once we have these ideas in our heads, Kolb suggests that we frame some action as a result and that this possible course of action is seen as our ‘learning. This will then inform any action that we take as a result of the experience. Kolb (1984) advocated that experiential learning was a cyclical process, emphasising that there was no end to learning but just another cycle. The crux of experiential learning is that the learner in not a passive recipient of education, but actively explores and tests their environment. Schon (1983) suggests that we can engage in reflection in one of two ways; either by ‘reflecting on action, after the experience, or by ‘reflecting in action, during the experience. When reflecting-on-action, the first step in the process is the description of the incident. Much attention has been given to the value of recording events and experiences in written form, particularly through the use of reflective diaries and journals (Zubbrizarreta 1999 and Tryssenaar 1995). The exercise of diary writing promotes both the qualities required for reflection, i.e. Open-mindedness and motivation and also the skills i.e. self-awareness; description and observation; critical analysis and problem-solving; and synthesis and evaluation (Richardson Maltby, 1995). Pre-requisites for effective reflective practice include honesty and openness. Gillings (2000) states that a commitment to self-enquiry and a readiness to change practice are important if the individual is to get the most out of the process. Many authors identify self-awareness as essential to the reflective process. This implies that the individual needs to be well informed of their own character, including beliefs and values. Many models of reflective practice also include self awareness and questioning of beliefs, values and attitudes. The last stage of many models of reflection relates to a willingness to change practice, where new conceptual perspectives are reached in order to inform practice. If the learner is not willing to change practice they will not gain the potential benefits from the process in terms of practice development, advances will not be made and professional practice will not evolve. As an OT professional I am required to use clinical reasoning skills which enable me to make responsible therapeutic decisions; these decisions are based on professional judgements which are guided by individual morals and ethical values. (Sabonis-Chafee Hussey 1998) My understanding of morals will be dependent upon my background, social environment, values and possibly religious beliefs, whilst ethics is: ‘†¦the study and philosophy of human contact†¦ (Purtilo, cited in Sabonis-Chafee Hussey 1998) Every professional organisation has a code of ethical conduct and core values, these provide a guideline for making decisions and choices that can be regarded as proper (Creek 2003), and to assist professionals in practising the values and principles that promote and maintain high standards in OT. The main principles outlined in the code of ethics include; the ability to demonstrate concern for the well being of the client, cause no harm, respect the rights of all involved, maintain a high level of competency, to comply with laws and set policies, to be truthful and accurate and refrain from false claims. An understanding of ethics gives me positive general guidance rather than defining limits to certain behaviours. Ethics influence every aspect of occupational therapy. Beginning in OT education when issues of plagiarism, library resources, and confidentiality begin, and then in the clinical environment from supervision, practice issues and client issues. (Duncan 2006) In the last 20 years, reflection has gradually become more popular in care and healing professions. In many quarters, the reflective practitioner is seen as a crucial sign of the ideal practitioner. Not everyone agrees though, that truly professional or expert practitioners are or should be reflective practitioners. According to Dreyfus, real professionalism is characterised by the absence of reflection. Only novices and beginners need to think about what they are doing. Expert practitioners, in contrast, just do what needs to be done; they do it without thinking about it Practitioners, novices or experts, reflect when they consider what to do in somehow unusual situations, when they try to figure out how to handle a new and unexpected problem, when they have to choose between two nearly identical options. Kinsella (2001), in advocating reflective practice for occupational therapists, emphasised the need for both reflection and action on that reflection (praxis). From this perspective, in order to learn from the reflective experience it is necessary to alter the normal way of responding. Argyris and Schà ¶n (1974) termed this ‘double-loop learning. The act of paying attention to what would normally be routine may become part of a long process, with the stimulus being noticed again and again until further deliberate reflection is required. Schà ¶n (1983) noted that reflection-in-action was precipitated by a surprise, something not expected, interrupting the normal flow of experience. However, there are almost certainly ways in which a reflection is triggered other than this. An educational event may do this or a series of conversations with a colleague or an observation of a colleagues practice (reflection-on-action). Critical Incident: Creative Group K was attending a weekly creative group at the unit, it was 2 weeks before Christmas and we were making paper chains. K had a very limited attention span and could be quite disruptive, during quiet periods in the group she would whistle, sigh, hum, tap fingers or pencils on the table which we would ignore focusing instead on her creative project. The previous week K had referred to the OT as ‘Blondie which I thought was inappropriate and mentioned this to the OT, she said she had been aware but had chosen to ignore the incident and see what would happen this week. I had chosen to use scissors with a crinkly edge and because of this, from then on K referred to me as Smart-Arse or as The Student, I didnt feel she was trying to be nasty, I felt she thought she was making a joke. I informed her that my name was Julia in case she had forgotten and carried on with what I was doing. H the OT commented on her using the word smart a lot and wondered why that was. K replied that she was surrounded by smart people and hoped that some of it may rub off on her. We asked if she felt uncomfortable in the group and why she felt she wasnt smart and she replied that was what she had been told all her life. K was definitely street smart, but possibly had mild learning difficulties. She then changed the subject and we spoke about her Xmas decorations, after that she called me Julia and the OT by her name. Why did I choose to respond to K? Because I felt she was disrespecting group boundaries To get her to stop To be aware of respecting others in the group There may have been another reason for her hostility What happened then? She stopped She chose to share personal experiences with the group about her life and her feelings. How was the situation handled? I feel the situation was handled well, I did not get angry, I brought her attention to my name, and with the OT we made inquiry into her reasons for her behaviour, she did not get angry. Any legal or professional issues? I had to maintain a professional manner throughout the situation, I may have been ‘The Student but there was an expectation, I may not have been in uniform but in that capacity I was a professional, so needed to be aware of attitudes, boundaries, and behaviour. Johns model for structured reflection (1994) is more of a list of key questions to guide an analysis of a incident or general experience. Johns recognizes the benefits of sharing reflections which is an essential part of building a community of practice and the importance of the situatedness of an incident as highlighted by the attention given to influencing factors and learning as involving considering actions to support others: Description: Drawing out of the key issues within an experience through a description of thoughts and feelings and contextual background of the experience Reflection: Examination of ones motivations and the resulting actions, the consequences of actions for all stakeholders (including their possible emotional reactions). Influencing factors: Determining internal and external factors that influenced decisions and actions.Determine knowledge that did or should have influenced decisions and actions. Alternative strategies: Evaluation of ones actions and consideration of other possible choices and their respective consequences. Learning: Situating the experience and feelings within past experience and future practice and in providing support to others and considering the impact the experience will have on reflection-in-action. By using Johns reflective model as a guide, I have been able to reflect on the incident and this has enabled me to evaluate the actions that I took during the incident, questioning whether my response was appropriate. It has also allowed me to think of other ways I could have dealt with the situation and the possible outcomes. The reflective strategy has helped me to learn from this experience and has given me an insight into how I might improve my own future practice. It has also shown me that, by continuing the reflective process by following reflective frameworks such as Johns in future incidents, I may improve the ways of dealing with situations, and acknowledging that I am actually learning something from every experience that I have. Conclusion Reflective practice has been identified as one of the key ways practitioners can learn from personal experience. In education it is recognised as an essential tool for students to enable them to make the links between theory and practice. It enables practitioners to develop knowledge and skills necessary for professional practitioners. Reflective practice can be summarised as experience-reflection-action (ERA) and seen as a cycle and having the following components: Things (experiences) that happen to a person The reflective process that enables the person to learn from those experiences The action that results from the new perspectives that are taken. Reflective practice uses personal experience as a starting point for learning, by thinking about these experiences in a purposeful way the individual can understand them differently and take action as a result. The learning acquired using reflective practice differs from the theory which underpins practice, it is also different from the skills acquired from interacting with others because it involves thinking about things and actively making decisions, therefore reflective practice bridges the gap between pure theory and directed practice by providing a strategy that helps to develop understanding and learning. The importance of reflection has been reinforced to me in writing up this critical incident, because I hadnt realised how important maintaining boundaries were, and the showing of mutual respect. Continuing professional education is also accepted as having an important role in facilitating change in practice. It is argued here that reflection on practice is the means to ensure continuing development of both individuals and the profession in order to meet the challenge of change. Reflection may also be prompted by a challenge from another occupational therapist, a multidisciplinary team member or a student. Reflective diaries and written assignments are also useful ways of prompting application of theory to practice. In addition to applying theory to practice, literature searching, critiquing and reviewing, essential to postgraduate education, also stimulate reflection. References: Alsop, A. (2000/2004) Continuing Professional Development for therapists. U.K. Blackwell Science Available on-line at Baumgartner LM (2001) An update on transformational learning. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education. No89:15-22. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco. Boud D, Keogh R Walker D (1985) Reflection: turning experience into learning. Kogan Page, London. Boyd E Fales A (1983) reflective learning: the key to learning from experience. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 23 (2): 99-117 Clutterbuck, D. (1998) Learning Alliances: Tapping into Talent. Institute of Personnel and Development, London. Creek, J. (2003) Occupational Therapy defined as a Complex Intervention London: College of Occupational Therapists. Available from: (Accessed 13 Jan 2010) Dimond, B.C. (2004) Legal Aspects of Occupational Therapy (2nd ed.) Oxford. Blackwell Science Duncan, E. (2006) Foundations for Practice in Occupational Therapy (4th ed) Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. Jasper, M. (2003) Beginning Reflective Practice Foundations in Nursing and Health Care. Cheltenham. Nelson Thornes Ltd Johns C (2000) Becoming a reflective practitioner. Blackwell Science, Oxford. Kolb DA (1984) experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Mattingly, C and Fleming M (1994) Clinical Reasoning Forms of Therapeutic Practice Philadelphia. F.A. Davis Moon J (1999) Reflection in Learning Professional Development. Kogan Page, London. Reid B (1993) ‘But were Doing it Already! Exploring a Response to the Concept of Reflective practice in Order to improve its Facilitation Nurse Education Today, 13: 305- 309. Richardson G Maltby H (1995) reflection on practice: enhancing student learning. Journal of advanced Nursing. 22:235-242. Roberts, A E K (2002) Advancing Practice through Continuing Professional Education: the Case for Reflection British Journal of Occupational Therapy May 65(5) Schon, D.A. (1995) The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action. New York. Basic Books Sabonis-Chaffe B, Hussey S, M (1998) Introduction to Occupational Therapy 2nd edition, Mosby, USA Tryssenaar J (1999) Interactive journals: an educational strategy to promote reflection. American Journal of Occupational Therapy 49 (7), 695-702. Wackerhausen, s (2009) Collaboration, Professional Identity and Reflection across Boundaries. Journal of Physical Health 463 472 Zubrizarreta J (1999) Teaching portfolios: an effective strategy for faculty development in occupational therapy. American Journal of Occupational Therapy 53(1), 51-55.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
the civil war Essay -- essays research papers
Being a typical and traditional father has always been the role of every father. Every traditional father has a different attitude towards his son, they want their son to see life the rough way, be responsible, and have a very typical attitude towards life. In the story â€Å"Powder†written by Tobias Wolff the fathers thoughts are not traditional and typical, like most fathers. The father in the story wants his son to experience life in a different way. He wants the son to live the life that he chooses, instead of living a forced or a conditioned life. The story reveals the conflict between the father and son relation where the father is trying to expose his son to reality and freedom. The mother has a conflict with the father because of his leniency and the carefree attitude towards her son. The father always pushes his limits for him and his son to have a good time whenever they are together. Before they left home to go skiing a day before Christmas dinner, the father promised to bring the son home for the Christmas dinner. Once they started skiing the father loved his sons company and he was having a great time looking at his son enjoying himself skiing. The father was not thinking or even worried about getting home for Christmas dinner because he was happy at that moment for himself and his son. It was snowing before getting into the last run the father knew he could run out of time, but he didn’t care and did what he was enjoying. Saying that he wanted to go for the last ru...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Life of Christ :: essays research papers
the oneitself â€Å"America’s Career University.†It has campuses on two continents: a campus in Gothenburg, Sweden, and six campuses in the United States. The University also participates in international joint venture programs with the IHM Business School in Sweden and with the Central Hotel School in Israel. Johnson & Wales University has three colleges: Culinary Arts, Business, and Hospitality. It offers both traditional and nontraditional programs of study: associate’s, bachelor’s, and master’s degree programs in business, food service, hospitality, travel and tourism, technology, and a doctor of education degree in educational leadership. The University also offers classes in English as a Second Language (ESL). The University operates on a trimester system. As of Spring 2000, it had an enrollment of more than 12,000 students at all campuses, including 1,119 international students from 95 countries (Gagnon, 2000, p. 32). However, for the purpose of this applied dissertation, the study will be focused on the Providence campus only. Gagnon reports the 1999 racial/ethnic breakdown at the Providence campus: White 6,072; Black 1,013; Non-resident/Alien 836; Hispanic 438; Asian/Pacific Islander 230; and American Indian/Alaskan 25. She further reports the breakdown of the international students by their region of origin at all campuses (most international students are concentrated in the Providence campus): Asia 42.3 %; Europe 18.9 %; Middle East 15.3 %; Latin America and Caribbean 13.0 %; Africa 9.2 %; and all others 1.3 % (p. 44). Because of the large number of international students, the Providence campus of the University has an International Student Center that works closely with the Counselin g Services. Whenever an international student exhibits psychological or academic problems, he or she is referred to a Multicultural Counselor or to a Student Development Counselor. In addition, the Providence campus has a Multicultural Center that serves its diverse student body. Historically, in early colleges and universities in the U.S.A., both international faculty and students had to bond together for protection from the community to cope with their cultural differences (Kenneth Varcoe, personal communication, August 5, 1994). Some international and American students have traveled or resided in other countries and have experienced various intercultural encounters. However, others have never left their homeland and have little knowledge and understanding of other cultures. Many American and international students reported that they are experiencing intercultural miscommunication and misunderstandings because of a lack of information about the culture of others. The miscommunication and misunderstandings often occur among faculty/staff and students from different cultural backgrounds at Johnson & Wales University.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Unique memory
Each individual has unique memory for oneself shared with no one else in the world. Such memory makes one different from others. Therefore I am curious to know what memory is. Right now I am Just a bundle of â€Å"memories†in my mind and body. Psychology defines it as a process in which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. But is memory limited to the define domain? If so, how do millions of atoms that could be flying through the cells randomly stay to gather in a double helix structure in order to create a DNA molecule in a way so that it is unique to every vying creature on earth?It is difficult to explain this without knowing how memory truly works. Memory must be evolving at a much deeper level,perhaps even from the physical level and could manifest into chemical, biological and psychological levels. Perhaps physics has an explanation. Memory could be more fundamental than physics, and as a result memory can help us understand physics better. This notion may dra stically transform the way we have been looking at physical aspects of the universe. This shift In thought among physicist is because of their Inability to explain the random nature of elementary articles.KM (Quantum mechanics) the most successful theory In physics, can Just give us the probability to find a particle In a given location and time. The Idea that nature Is inherently probabilistic–that particles have only Likelihood, until they are observed– Is directly Implied by the standard equation of KM. This Is the central problem In KM. Element rejected this Idea by saying, †I am convinced God does not play dice†. He believed there must be some hidden variable or property of the particle that gives rise to such weird behavior.After nearly 100 years, a few physicist are at the verge of proving that there could be hidden variables associated with elementary particles. They call It â€Å"path memory†, because particles seems to carry the ‘mem ory†of the path they have traveled and the Interaction they have undergone along the path. Therefore two electrons that are Identical In terms of all known physical properties need no react to an experiment the same way because their path memories can be different. I can now say that atoms carrying unique combination of path memories stick together to form my DNA, defining who I am.Memory could be the basis and rolling of everything-Who knows, one day we might even prove that â€Å"empty space†Itself can hold memory. MEMORY By Capricorn been looking at physical aspects of the universe. This shift in thought among physicist is because of their inability to explain the random nature of elementary KM (Quantum mechanics) the most successful theory in physics, can Just give us the probability to find a particle in a given location and time. The idea that nature is inherently probabilistic–that particles have only likelihood, until they are observed– s directl y implied by the standard equation of KM.This is the central problem in KM. Einstein rejected this idea by saying, †I am convinced God does not play dice†. Hidden variables associated with elementary particles. They call it â€Å"path memory†, the interaction they have undergone along the path. Therefore two electrons that are identical in terms of all known physical properties need no react to an experiment together to form my DNA, defining who I am. Memory could be the basis and origin of everything. Who knows, one day we might even prove that â€Å"empty space†itself can
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