Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and Non-operating...
Valuation of AirThread Connections Group 7 (Shaojin Ding/ Jin Wang/ Wenqi Gu/ Shijia Wu/ Tongtong Yin/ Canran Xie) Given the background of ACC and AirThread, do you think the acquisition is a good idea? Briefly explain your answer. Yes. First, American Cable Communication (ACC) and AirThread could help each other compete in the industry that was moving more and more bundled service offerings. Second, the acquisition could help both companies expand into the business market. Third, ACC was in a unique position to add value to AirThread’s operations because the acquisition could save AirThread more than 20% in backhaul costs. The reasons above make us believe that the synergy is positive and the acquisition is†¦show more content†¦The debt payment schedule is presented in Ex 6.) †¨Remember that different valuation models are not mutually exclusive, you can use different model for different forecasting periods. We still divide the value of AirThread as a merger target into operating part and non-operating part. First, we combine the DCF model with APV model to calculate the operating value. Because during 2008 to 2012, AirThread need to pay down acquisition debt, the D/E ratio is variable. So we have to choose the APV model (= NPV + NPVF). But after 2012, the acquisition debt has paid off, so the D/E ratio is constant, which suggests using DCF model. First, we calculate the operating value during 2008 and 2012 using APV. The cash flows of these five years combine the stand-alone cash flows and the synergy cash flows. We assume depreciation/capital expenditure equals 1. First of all, we calculate the NPV. The potential synergies come from system operating cost saving as well as the increase in revenue and gross profit. We use the unlevered (=0.96) and get the cost of equity (=10.2%). We get the synergies cash flow using Jenifer’s projection about synergies. We use the cost of equity (=10.2%) to discount the cash flows and get NPV from 2008 and 2012, which is $1,511.39m. (Exhibit 5) In this case, NPVF is Tax Subsidy. We discount the interests of the 5 years to 2007 using cost of debt (=5.50%), and thenShow MoreRelatedComparison Of IFRS to GAAP Essay1192 Words  | 5 PagesDaniela Trudel Comparing IFRS to GAAP This paper looks at relevant comparisons of IFRS, â€Å"International Financial Reporting Standards†and GAAP, â€Å"Generally Accepted Accounting Principles†. These two frameworks of accounting principles and practices share a lot of standards and procedures, but also differ on accepted policies. This paper will answer those standards and differences but also show the comparison of the two. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
The Three Domains Of Life - 1113 Words
Part A.) List the THREE domains of life. For each domain, include the following: 3 characteristics of the domain and 3 examples of organisms belonging to each domain. The three domains of life are classified as: Eukarya 1) Organisms with eukaryotic cells that include protists, kingdom Plantae, kingdom Fungi, and kingdom Animalia. 2) Protists are mostly single-celled organisms. 3) Kingdom Plantae is represented by plants, which are able to produce their own food. Example: an avocado tree. Kingdom Fungi, is represented by organisms that absorb water and nutrients by decomposing the remains of dead organisms and organic wastes. Example: mushrooms. Kingdom Animalia is represented by animals, which get their food by eating other animals.†¦show more content†¦The image is composed of light and dark areas, however, the image can be colorized to emphasize features. It requires that the column must be a vacuum, and that the specimen must be cut very thin. For these reasons, it is not used study living organism. As a disadvantage, some structures called artifact, can be seen but they are not present in natural specimens. 3. Scanning Electron Microscope-(SEM) it is a type of electron microscope that also uses a magnetic fields within a vacuum tube to manipulate a beam of electrons. The surface of the specimen need to be coated with a metal such as platinum or gold. It is used to observe the surface details of microbes and cellular structures, and this can be a disadvantage since it does not magnify the internal structures of the specimen. It can magnify up to 10,000x with a resolution about 20nm. The resulting image is in 3D and can be enhance with color. 4. Gram staining-it is a technique used to differentiate between Gram-positive cells, which stain purple, and Gram-negative cells, which stain pink. The physical and chemical structures of these cells are different, allowing them to be identified by the used of different dyes. The first step is to color all the cells of the smear by using the basic dye crystal violet for 1 minute. Then iodine is used to bind the dye and make it less soluble, after it is rinse all cell remainShow MoreRelatedCompare and contrast the Five kingdom a797 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿Compare and contrast the Five kingdom and three domain classification system Classification is the method used by scientists to order living organisms. All species have a unique classification that results in a binomial name. classification is used to make it easier for different species to be identified by scientists. The current system, the Three Domain System , groups organisms primarily based on differences in ribosomal RNA structure. Ribosomal RNA is a molecular building block for ribosomes Read MoreCognitive, Social, And Physical Development936 Words  | 4 PagesEducation emphasizes the development of the whole child: Cognitive, social and physical. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Music and Religion in African-American Slave Culture Free Essays
The buying, selling, and trading of human beings for personal labor, slavery, Is often thought to be singlehandedly the most atrocious thing that mankind as a whole has created. The horrors these innocent men, women, and children faced on a day to day basis was parallelled perhaps only by the soldiers fighting the war over their freedom. Though slavery was full of negatives, it also blossomed with positives as a means to cope. We will write a custom essay sample on Music and Religion in African-American Slave Culture or any similar topic only for you Order Now African-American slaves used several aspects of their native African ulture to cope, two primary components being music and religion. Slaves worked under constant watch by their owners, constantly fearing punishment for a slip-up. Enslaved African-Americans obviously resented the way they were being treated, end devised ways to rebel against their owners right under their noses. Reaching back to their African roots, slaves sang seemingly harmless songs to one another as they worked under the sweltering sum Little did their owners know that the slaves had eaved intricate secret messages into their lyrical pieces, such as metaphors intended to ridicule their masters or to send signals to other slaves. Their music was a mix of tribal African rhythms and American religious music, as they relied heavily on their religion to cope from day to day. Even though their outlook was bleak, Slaves stayed positive in the face of sheer adversity through their faith. The most common faith emong slaves was that of christlanlty. he christlan doctrine being passed down from fathers to sons and so on, Initially, some slaves were not chrlstlan. and held fast to their old polytheistic beliefs from their home, Africa. Asslmllatlon was inevitable however, and nearly all negro slaves were converted Their native religion did not cease to exist, but rather lived on through a stylized take on christianity. They incorporated several aspects of the African religion with christianity, such as rituals and vocalization. Sometimes both religion and music came hand in hand to the slaves, who praised their Lord through song and dance. Slaves kept their heads high in hopes of being freed someday. Even today, the Influences of slave music and religion can be seen In modern religion, gospel music, hip-hop, rap. and the like. Even though slavery Is a memory many try to forget, It can still be remembered positively through the culture that emerged through the confinement How to cite Music and Religion in African-American Slave Culture, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Value - Violence - and Ethics of Gaming
Question: Discuss about the Value, Violence, and Ethics of Gaming. Answer: Introduction Here in this case study, there is absolutely a clear conflict of interest and issues between a company and its employees, with an outsider or a third party, Diane. She is the owner of a consulting business and is caught up in this situation. In this case study, the organizations director of personnel as well as directors of computing, all supports the database solution which severely compromises with the confidentiality and the security of the information of workers. In the given contextual analysis, Diane, the owner of the organization is in a dilemma, where she is confused whether to create aless protected database administration framework or not. She is anadvisor who is dealing with herown organization. She trusts the framework which she is going to create or develop, and will store the extremely delicate data on that. Thus, Dianes professionalism indicates her that the framework should be secured, however, due to some financial constraints, her customers believe that the less secured framework will also be good for the company. The organizations authorities have a commitment to ensure the protection of their workers, and in this way, it should not acknowledge limitations in security. Diane's first commitment is to endeavour and to instruct the organizations authorities, which is inferred from basic to promote the open comprehension of computing as well as its results. If that system fails, then Diane surely needs to conceive her contractual commitments (Yardley, 2017). Confidentiality as well as the privacy of Dianes customers is the major issue in this case study. The protection and security is the primary issue here. PC experts are committed to protect the integrity of information about people from unapproved access and unintentional divulgence by inappropriate people. The weak security system is the other major issue here, and with this weak security, workers who are working on the clients machines might not be capable of solving several methods to get proper access to information, not to remark the expectation of on-line admittance from hackers. Who is influenced or affected? Diane knows that her work or system will most probably affect the stakeholders of the organization negatively in coming future. The clients of the organization will also get affected by the possible issues and by the less secured database system. The CEO, managers of personnel and managers of computing will also be affected by this system. Diane emphatically trusts that the data which customer stores in the database management system is very delicate, and it is necessary that the system should be secured. Although, here in this case study, the Directors and the CEO, who symbolize the organization, are directly mishandling the workers information through their determination (Wiwanitkit, 2017). Diana should follow the contract, and make sure to keep the organizations clients happy, however, the results of this system might not be helpful to the stakeholders of the organization who will utilize the database management system which provides the delicate information (Leese, 2017). Therefore, the designer and developer of the database system should design the system as per the needs of the clients and stakeholders. Diane should pursue her decision to make a more secure system and must complete her task. It is her responsibility to develop a better system for the future. Firstly, if the option to develop a less secured system is must, then the system should be implemented in phases. In the initial phase, a less secure variant of the system that the managers and CEOs want should be developed. The second option is to inform the stakeholders about the negative aspects of the system. Everyone should be aware exactly about what they are getting. The third option is that Diane should examine the demands of the clients properly because for Diane, this is a question of her reputation, therefore, a secured database system should be developed so that the system should not be hacked in the future. The third option is the best option which Diane should choose, that means she should develop a database system as per the needs of her clients as well as her employers. With this option, a legal agreement is to be created between the company and the client, which bonds Diane completely to follow the requests of clients to prepare a protected system. In addition, Diane needs to develop a system which will store the delicate data, and much secured system is developed (Goerger, 2017). Conclusion This study concludes that Diane must take efforts to develop a system which preserve the confidentiality, integrity as well as the safety of the data of others. Diane needs to defend the data of her clients and managers and likewise protect the information she has. Diane is fully responsible and aware of what is going to happen at her workplace, and how the system is going to be utilized by her clients. References Goerger, M. (2017). Value, violence, and the ethics of gaming.Ethics And Information Technology. Leese, M. (2017). Holding the Project Accountable: Research Governance, Ethics, and Democracy.Science And Engineering Ethics. Wiwanitkit, V. (2017). Reviewing and reviewer: Standards and ethical issues.Medical Journal Of Dr. D.Y. Patil University,10(1), 3. Yardeley, D. (2017).Practical consultancy Ethics(1st ed.). [Place of publication not identified]: Kogan page.
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